The developers start calling people normies

>the developers start calling people normies
What a time to be alive


oh man


>clearly says normos

They did that because some people from Sup Forums kept calling people in their forums "normies" and there were people making threads asking what it meant

> Normos
> Still not normalfag

Normie is not an insult, fuccboi.

>when normalfags call other people normies
only normalfags use "normie"
I'm black and I get more offended about normalfags pretending they aren't normalfags than being called a nigger



>only normalfags use "normie"
Umm you sure about that

The game's Bogus Detour

nigger that's retarded

>kinda easy

Then call it Easy you stupid fucking dev


Wow! Ha ha! He used the word "normos", just like my memes! Hehe, this game is so cool!
It's a marketing strategy.

You think that's good?
How long until they start throwing the N word around just cuz it's cool with le alt right bros?

Normal is usually actually Easy

This guy's right, normalfag predates normie by a lot and normie is just a family friendly version of normalfag that can be used on reddit and other sites without offending people or using swear words
Only newfags say normie

in this day and age of overreactions you can't just call "easy" "easy" anymore without offending your fanbase

The word normie is older than Sup Forums.

