Is the first Deus Ex game worth bying Sup Forums...

Is the first Deus Ex game worth bying Sup Forums? Currently I'm interested in bying it since It's on sale on Steam but I want to hear out your opinion

As far as I'm concerned you shouldn't play any other game until you play deus ex

Because you will realise all.other games will never be as good as deus ex and you'll dedicate your life to better pursuits

It's probably worth a lot more than what ever they are charging. Just buy it you degenerate

Also get the fuck off Sup Forums you fucking faggot having not even played deus ex


I mean it can't be more than 5 fucking dollars on sale how fucking poor are you

One of the best games ever made.

Holds up and beats other games 17 years later.

It is, don't drop it at Liberty island, though. That's the mistake most people make, me included.

It's not worth buying because the money won't go to the devs, but it's absolutely worth it to play it.

I'm playing through Deus Ex for the first time right now, I don't see why everyone hates Liberty Island so much. It's not like the rest of the game is that much of a step up, especially in terms of mission structure.

Yeah i don't get it either, it may be a bit large and expansive for a newbie but even on repeat playthroughs its not terrible like KOTOR 1 & 2's tutorials.

What do you mean by first Deus Ex? It's the one and only game in the series.

It's the best game ever made.

Imagine working in the video game industry knowing you'll never make a better game than Deus Ex.

HR & MD exist now, we don't make that joke anymore.

I played it in 2015 for the first time and it's one of my favorites now, so yeah it's worth buying for whatever dirt cheap price it is now.

The combat is fucking awful early game, but it gets better as you go on. Definitely follow some kind of guide to max out and upgrade your weapons ASAP.

Without the proper upgrades all ranged weapons are retardedly inaccurate to the point of only being effective at point-blank range.


You must love your microtransactions and day-one DLC

You must love stupid memes.

Nah... even discounting the casualised gameplay, those games feel sterile and boring compared to Deus Ex. The world isn't as interesting and the lore just doesn't feel as deep.


nope. Anybody telling you otherwise played it in the early 00's or late 90's and is completely biased.

It's crap for today.

Mankind Divided has far deeper stealth and gameplay mechanics than the first one, stop being a retarded nostalgiafaggot.

You better double check your systems

i hate pc games, and even i loved deus ex so give it a try

kind of janky, but youll get the hang of it easily

I played it to completion for the first time ever a few days ago and it's immediately one of the best games I've ever played. The first level puts people off because everything is so spread out, the game becomes much more focused and tighter later on.

If it was KH2 levels of excruciating I could understand, but literally feels no different than the rest of the game.

The shooting and stealth are mediocre, but the level design is quite good. It only becomes great when you become invested in the story and the world, so you need to give it some time if you don't get hooked right away.

t. adhd modern AAA cinematic console shooter babby