What is the 2001 A Space Odysswt of video games?

What is the 2001 A Space Odysswt of video games?

Space Engine


Let's take a review by Ebert on 2001 and see if we can think of a video game
>“2001: A Space Odyssey'' is in many respects a silent film. There are few conversations that could not be handled with title cards
>“2001: A Space Odyssey'' is not about a goal but about a quest, a need
>nor does it ask us to identify with Dave Bowman or any other character
I would say the Original Legend of Zelda

Neither of these are or will become one of the most influential games of all time.


2001 has a story though

Sounds like Bloodborne desu

I suppose if 2001 was a fourth movie in a series and not technically impressive.


Tries to be profound and deep but is just boring nonsense

We're talking about 2001, user. Not Blade Runner.

>Bloodborne even being mentioned

The lessons of film making 2001 told us are still in use.
Fez taught us nothing and you're just a Canadian loser .

System Shock 2


Told us how to watch gorillas for 20 minutes, and another 20 minutes of a wine glass


>im so intellectual for watching a pretentious movie

Ocarina of Time.

>OK game
>praised by hipsters and fags who never even played it but jump on the bandwagon anyways.


>praised by hipsters and fags who never even played it
>one of the best selling Zelda games

Big Rigs

>literal no similarity

Why does Sup Forums hate Sup Forums so much? I've been browsing their board some recently and they despise Sup Forums with a passion. Is it a case of radio hating television for replacing it?



Video Games have overtaken Movies in money and amount people use for entertainment.

Especially Sony who makes shitty movies and hugely successful cinematic experiences for gamers

Blade Runner was a good movie, user.

>I know far more than anybody who knows what they're talking about on the issue because I'm not "pretentious"

Strange Journey
Both involve special crews on a ship piloted by an advanced AI investigating abnormal activity at a location humans have never been to before.
Hell, even the room with the 3 wise men looks like it's straight from the movie.

Mario Bros 3

Well, there's how I know you're baiting.

System shock or system shock 2

Not that I dislike the movie, but what makes it influential? Especially most influential.


Not really good, but very close thematically and aesthetically, it even has psychodelic sequence in the end

Deus Ex.
In terms of influence, accessibility and direct themes.

2001 wasnt the most influential movie.

>one of the

Maybe Xenogears is the closest both in genre and some thematic similarities.

Sci-fi stories that don't fucking suck or aren't just futuristic fantasy are very rare in videogames unfortunately.

I feel people ITT don't understand the difference between "this is one of the BEST x" and "this is one of the most Influential"

Theoretically, bad movies can be influential.

top 5 easily


Also not.

No one borrowed anything from the movie.

I did not say it was one of the most copied movies of all time.

Also incorrect.

I reconsidered, nolan was influenced.

Look man, you're just being ignorant at this point


Unironically Overwatch. It's such a refined and intricate experience and it is affecting culture in multiple ways through a colorful combination of deep and memorable characters, rich lore and a riveting experience. Nothing comes close.

>Almost the worst game in its series.
Why do you faggots shoehorn this shit in?

>OK game
>praised by hipsters and fags who never even played it but jump on the bandwagon anyways.
You're being a huge hipsters user, you realize how retarded this is right

Too much bait

Super Mario Odyssey

other than Sup Forums and Sup Forums, Sup Forums is the worst board on this stupid site
Sup Forums may be shit, but thank god we still talk about our board's topic here

Easy as fuck. Either Dead Space or Xenosaga.

You faggots named zero monilith centric games.

Dark Souls

I win.

Dragon's Dogma. Anybody who says otherwise failed to grasp the movie or the game.

>missing the entire point of the monolith in 2001

>Not DS2 or 3
How can you have this shit taste?

What was the meaning of the black monolith?

buy cadbury

represents the hollowness of kubrick films.

>Dragon's Dogma

Can you elaborate? I love both but I don't really see any big similarities in neither story nor themes.

Mario 64

Ocarina of time


Bloodborne is the plebbest game in the series, style over substance

The Arthur C Clarke book was better than the movie. The sequel was better than the book.

In this regard 2001 is like The Witcher 1, and 2010 is like The Witcher 3


neural uplifter left around the galaxy by ancient precursors. the one on earth made apes into tool users. the one near jupiter makes the astronaut into a god

Spore literally has Monoliths

Possibly Chrono Trigger.

Certainty of death.

There was an alien race which liked to nurture intelligent sparks throughout the universe. They had a singularity in which they went from organic lifeforms to cybernetic ones, basically living space ships, and eventually evolved beyond the boundaries of a physical form and a limited lifespan.

None of this is explored in any of the movies. Kubrik even took a narrative line about aliens out of the movie in between an early screening and the final cut.

>taking the meaning of the book and applying it to the movie
Kubrick's movie is not to be interpreted the same way the book is. While Kubrick and Clarke worked really closely to produce this, their visions were different. Clarke's vision is more about technology, Kubrick's is about growing out of our dependence on technology.

The original screenplay Kubrik was working off of literally said that the monolith was left by aliens, and it made it all the way through production into film screenings.

>Kubrick's is about growing out of our dependence on technology
By sending an amalgamation of the most advanced technology the human race has available to it into outer space to investigate an anomoly? And the mission was a success despite all the bumps along the way?

Have you forgotten about the scene in which Bowman literally destroys the most advanced tool humans ever developed?
Or when he returns to Earth as a newborn being deprived of technology?


Why is sci-fi so shit in videogames? Most of the time it has been done right was with more sci-fantasy stuff like Xenogears or Nier, but pure good sci-fi is so rare. Deus Ex is a good example, but Soma is just about the only recent one I can think of.

He still took the pod out to the monolith. He wouldn't have got there without it. He would have made it to Jupiter without the Discovery.
>Or when he returns to Earth as a newborn
made that way by technology greater than what the humans had

zelda botw

>I didn't get the movie so it is nonsense

Well at least you are not parroting what you read on movieblogs

user you are a total idiot.
It is the most selling zelda game.

also hipsters don't exist anymore.

>What is Alien
>What is Star Wars
>What is every Sci-fi film
>What is every space film
>What is every film that uses classical music over shots of space

No mans sky

Interstellar was just a shitty 2001 with a message about love forced into it


Mate all you said was wrong. The film is better than the book. And the book is better than the sequel. All though I do like both the book and film of 2010

Oh that, that movie that copied 2001 then tried to make it look that it wasn't similar then turned to be shit.

Maybe Prey? I mean, it isn't hard sci-fi but it isn't fantasy either.

What is the Shining of videogames?

Because they just copy 2001, Aliens, and/or Star Trek every time.


>OP asks question
>Gets recommendations all across the gaming spectrum with little to no justification as to why
Bloody hell how can one board miss the question so badly?

Well, it's sci-fi, but not "good" sci-fi. I really love that game, but when it comes to story and themes there's really not much going on. The ending was pretty cool though.

In terms of constant unsettling atmosphere, maybe Pathologic.

The first two replies to the thread are immediately obvious as to why, and the third post explained their choice. Many of the posts in the thread explain why, actually.

Does Pathologic have impossible spaces?

>I rate A 2001 A Space Odyssey

Halo is objectively the correct answer.

As a matter of fact it does, and it's an important plot point.

How do they know the length of the hallways around the entire building when all we get are long shots straight down them from somewhere in the center?

Someone on Youtube went over the movie frame by frame, scene by scene and realized that the layout made zero sense. A trip to the Kubrick Archives and look at the blueprints confirmed it.

Funny enough, it was brought to his attention by a modder who did the Overlook in Duke Nukem 3D and realized an exact recreation was nearly impossible due to the layout.