XXpusySsLaYeRXx[BR] has joined the game

>xXpusySsLaYeRXx[BR] has joined the game




>AguanteArgentina has joined the game
>LeggolassBr has joined the game
>Cokedealer NL has joined the game
>Jeffreyboy NL has joined the game
>you are die NL has joined the game
>SJWkiller has joined the game
>Redditking has joined the game

>dragonslayer69 has joined the game

The stupid name that made me laugh was someone named AC_Slaughter

How did that "xX" username thing start and what killed it?


>MisterListerTheSisterFister has joined the game

>be xbawks live 13yo
>want SikkPussSlayer
>name taken
>change to SikkPussSlayer87
>name taken
>change to XxSikkPussSlayerXx
>name accepted

>TuppacIsAlive1998 has joined the game


>penis retard 69 joined the game
>he's top 10 in the server ladder


>SecyPusyMaster99 [IN] has joined with a ping of 894.
>SecyPusyMaster99 [IN] has been disconnected.

>xxshyboyxx has sent you a friend request

>isn't shy at all and is a faggot

>xXSsEeRrIiAaLlKkIiLlLlEeRrxX has joined the game
>voice belongs to a 10 year old

>Gregor has joined.

>befriend some chill guy
>play with him again
>his kid plays with the same account

>VvANGUISHvV has joined the game
>plays reaper

I really wish you could just change your gamertag/PSN ID.

>someone with a pony avatar joins the game

Do you happen to know the source of that image?

you can on xbox because their service is from the 21st century


reverse search this

>Eric has joined the game
Well fucking kill me

>justfukkmyshitup has joined the game
>avatar is an anime girl with a MAGA hat

[Battle Rifle] a Halo gun. Ah the Halo days

Happened to me on Overwatch
>Some girl adds me after a game
>Become friends
>Play together every now and again
>One day she randomly invites me to a group so I join
>Hear a little boy's voice
>Play one game then leave
>The next day she explains that it was her son
>Remove her from friends list and never speak to her again

Still nothing concrete, but thanks.

it's over

>be 11 first time playing xbox live when it was new
>put on headset for the first time
>very first match I hear some guy beat his very young daughter to death because he blamed her for him getting killed in game since dhe bothered him
I'm surprised that it didn't put me off playing games online.

ok guys i was gonna try to make a funny post but i just farted and it smelled so fucking putrid oh my god. it's like one of those farts you do when you have diarrhea so like they're extra stinky but it smelled even worse than that. like if a big stinking pig diarrhea'd all over a bowl of rotten eggs nesting in vomit and molded cheese.

it stinks.

We did it reddit!


>Chads can actually get nervous and sweaty

woah... is this shopped?


>top kek has joined the game
>pepe/wojak/anime profile
>whats up cucks :^)

Beat her with his dick?

It was around long before XBL

>Sup Forums meme in name has joined the game

>"my wifes son told me about this hahah"
>blasts meme music over mic

>moonmanmoonmancantyousee has joined the game

What kind of usernames do you associate with dangerous players? Outside of gregor, of course

>not cucking her husband

>クソ外人死んだ^ has joined the game.

play mario kart online with friend, bunch of japanese names,
>hey user you can read japanese right? What's their name?

just lie
>um. Sento, Sukumaki, A---Ando?,

Regular names like Tom or Jim

>cuteboypussy6969 has joined the game
>anime profile pic

Real names.
Adults don't use them in videogames, only kids.

Kids in any multi player game is a bad time.

>[normal username followed by japanese moon runes] has joined the server
>anime/ahegao/filthy frank profile pic
I hope you get hacked and lose your Steam profile, Alex.


>le gregor has joined le game xD
>le havoc has joined le game xD
>and then le everybody died xD

>pauly d

Lord get some standards, woman

>xXxDarkAngelBRxXx has joined the game
>879 ping

>xXDarkSasukeXx has joined the game
>he's a shitty spy main tryhard

>nobody can hit him due to his ping

>Kekistani has joined the game

>Гyгл пepeвoдчик has joined the game
>Гyгл пepeвoдчик: Ecли вы мoжeтe этo пpoчитaть, вы гeй


What's the coolest username you guys have ever encountered?


anything that's just one syllable with no numbers after it is pretty cool in my opinion




>get Xbox Live for the first time when Halo 2 came out
>wanted Revan as my username because I loved KOTOR
>it was taken
>the best alternative by my 14 year old logic was xXx0R3VAN0xXx
>everyone just called me Orevano.

>Play insurgency as security team on a desert map
>server mention when someone joins and what team
>a russian username joins the Insurgents mid game
>he pick sniper
>uses the mosin nagat without scope
>he end up being the top player by the end of the match

My fucking face when i see that, it was something impossible to believe.

>xXx i loVE Rick & mOrtY xXx (420/69) has joined the game

>ishiggydiggydoo is now playing [FotM game]
Constanza has been dead for years

>play insurgency
>some retard is AFKing in the spawn with a mosin every single fucking match

>annoying server regular has joined the game

Did he dick her to death ?

mine's neat

the username, that is

>everyone just called me Orevano.

Orevano is a pretty good name


>shootergirl has joined the game

>first time playing Overwatch, tagging along with a friend
>username is simply "Mike"
>be lowest level whatever, everyone immediately groans "OH GREAT ONE OF THESE FUCKING GUYS"
>proceed to fuck up everyone and get play of the game

I played for about another hour and never touched it again, OW feels like a console shooter to me

You know what actually triggers me?
People with "normal" names and anime avatars. No "narutolover89" just "Edward" or "Mark" with anime pictures.
For some reason they always seem to be number 1 in the leaderboards.
Whats their secret?

I've wondered how majority of furfags and bronies back int the day when I still played TF2 were good players.

>Whats their secret?
weaponized autism

Autism makes you good at video games?
It doesnt make sense.

>Jim has joined the server

Autism makes you practice and study the game mechanics.

In Day of Defeat Sauce

>smosh has joined the server
coolguy133: r u the real snosh???
snosh: ya

>made a fake Linkara skype account for a joke screenshot once
>logged in on it recently after parking it for years
>hundreds of messages from people asking me if I'm Linkara

battle rifle, i think