Stories are the most important part of games

>Stories are the most important part of games

Sometimes I wish I could see what people see in these games.

Anytime someone says games should focus on being games they get bombarded with, "I guess you've never played a JRPG before ;)" or "Story makes a game worth playing. Pure gameplay is for MP"

I just wish my standards were lower because JRPGs are the last thing I'd use to signify any type of narrative quality. Or that the medium based around playing games should not do the thing it's best at.

It pains me how wanting games to focus on being games is a bad thing. People will cite shit like LiS or P5 as proof of how there's stories only games can tell. Meanwhile, CYOA books/movies exist and P5's story would fit right in with your typical YA fantasy.

I just want games to be games. I'm sick of having to hunt for games that focus on being games.

It'll be okay user. Cinematic games are gonna be dead pretty soon

Cinematic experiences are garbage.
But the future is with the games that manage to use the interactivity provided by medium to tell a story in unconventional way without actually hurting the gameplay. Like Bastion/Transistor or Automata.

you cant have engaging games without good story retard. what would a masterpiece like skyrim or last of us be without story?????

I want to get Automata one day, but looking at Yokotaro's track record all he seems capable of is writing a story with shocking stuff in it with 4th wall breaks. His characters are stilted caricatures that develop predictably and his plots rely on twists.

Who bombards you with that shit? I complain about cinematic shit on here all the time and at most I get people saying "it's not a big deal".

>I just want games to be games. I'm sick of having to hunt for games that focus on being games.

so you would like zero variety in games so that you don't have to go through the arduous task of figuring out what you like. zzzz...

gaming as a medium allows for a more engaging cinematic experience, and for normies who go to the movies on weekends or watch fucking TV or some shit this experience is the glue that holds it together. it's a necessary evil, especially in bigger titles. these are the type of people who would ask a stupid question like "what's the point of this game?" when it seems obvious that the point is to fucking play. so it's here to stay, and potentially only get bigger, unfortunately.

that being said, some games that are very focused on gameplay (superhot and hotline miami are my favorite examples) are made better by their presentation, cinematic and 'story-driven' as it may be. they don't get too caught up in it but i'd say it's a crucial part of the whole experience.

Skyrim without story = Skyrim

>Talks about JRPG's having predictable sotries
>Posts an anime avatar

Pot calling the kettle black

>so you would like zero variety in games so that you don't have to go through the arduous task of figuring out what you like

What? How would that lead to zero variety?

>gaming as a medium allows for a more engaging cinematic experience

That's the thing. What can a video game do that a book or movie can't? People always tout "interacitvity" but usually that means you go through gameplay segments that are disproportionate to the story it's trying to tell or the game lets you make choices. And the only way the latter is done well is essentially when the game has four or five distintive different variations of the story that you're locked into after making certain choices.

>that being said, some games that are very focused on gameplay (superhot and hotline miami are my favorite examples) are made better by their presentation

Presentation isn't what I'm talking about, but I'd rather have it and gameplay alone than just pure narrative.

It's a pretty unpredictable anime though

I don't think anyone predicted shit happening like it did in Route C

You know, every medium can be focused on story. However not all of them need to nor are they made better if they do. Imagine if there were people pushing that all albums should tell an ongoing story through each of its songs, and even saying music quality should be sacrificed to better tell its overarching story.

Video games are kinda begging for it though. They can potentially be as abstract as music but it's much more convenient and intuitive to represent game systems with imagery like characters, realistic environments, etc. Once you have those, story related questions arise naturally.

How does Sup Forums feel about concept albums?

you have only your own inaction to blame for industry trends if you're not developing the kinds of games you want to see more of.

I wouldn't go as far as saying the story is the most important part of a game (though it can definitely be in some of them), but I don't want plots to regress to bare bones premises with zero depth either.
i.e. "KILL ALL THE ALIENS" or just "KILL"

I don't want cinematic. I just want good writing.

You can ignore a game's bad story if it has good gameplay, I can ignore a game's bad gameplay if it has a good story. Mostly anyway.

It's not like anybody is forcing you to pick between the two.

>Spends years of my life learning math, CS, and programming
>Finally make game
>No one buys it because because walking sim#2453424 is more appealing to them

but UFO Defense is better than Enemy Unknown and 2.

You're allowed to like both story driven games and games eith great gameplay. I do. I go into a game knowing what kind of experience to expect and I dont have this childish need to "take sides". I fully recognise that there are different kinds of games and people have diffetent tastes. I bet you take part in console wars too.

Gameplay and interactivity is the sole defining feature of videogames as a medium, and a good game should first have a good gameplay. Because that's what you do, you play a game.

Momoka made Saba. Wish more shows had protags like her.

Just stare at a wall while pressing buttons on a controller then.
