FFXIV: StormBlood

SAM nerfs when?

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We've already seen 50k crits m8

>that one guy who sends you a tell asking to join your duty completed primal farming group

So, how do you kill fake sam in the sam 54 quest?

>being so bad you have trouble with fucking job quest of all thing

Second part is out

Post Elidibus theories

Yes, and I aren't afraid to admit it

are there any ACT overlays for xiv aside from the rainbow mage one?

>still no optimal nin opener
where all theory craft fags gone?

It's actually Lahabrea wearing Elidibuses skin

>Server won't let me in my apartment to get my shit before transferring.

You guys are making sure to only fight one group of enemies at a time, right? I hope my walls are helping you to remember to slow down and enjoy the content.

That korean/reddit one. Can't remember the name but it's pretty solid.

>susanoo ex
>duty complete
>mount farm

Question; where has Unulkhulai been this whole time anyway? Did he kill himself after the warring triad? He just kinda showed up and it occurred to me now that he's totally MIA.

Gaius seems like the only narrative convenient answer - it's clearly someone the Emperor knows, and the Ascian using his appearance would certainly offend him. Or Zenos, or Regula - doesn't make a ton of sense for those two though since all Elidibus being able to change appearance would mean is that he's *less* trustworthy, opposite to what he's trying to do there.

Those or the Warrior of Light

Why don't you just crunch it yourself nerd.

>no bonus

are there an faster way to level a crafter/gatherer 60-70 besides the leves?

That wouldn't make sense since only a very small fraction of WoL are human white skined males and in this context they couldn't do something like the Dark Knight quests

don't forget to do your Grand Company supply missions

and then get back to grinding leves

Why does no one want MNK in the primal fights ;_;?

Doma zones > Ala Nigger zones

Guess they'll tie him in again when our new primal arc begins. That is if they decide to make them as a story arc.

Well, either the scene is totally pointless to show us and it's someone we have no way of knowing, making it completely pointless foreshadowing (like Nero/Cid or something), or it seems more likely to me that he can just control his appearance/just happens to look like you or the 'canon' WoL.

Our knowledge of the current Emperor's personal acquaintances is pretty damn limited, and him being shocked/outraged at his face doesn't really narrow it down at all.

Objective truth. Stormblood was saved once the camera panned away from Ala Mhigo.

Are there any RDM opening? Not rotations, openings.

Collectibles are still insanely good for gatherers - plus you'll want those folklore books anyway

Still would've loved to see it with my own char
Also what happens with a male WoL during that scene anyway, does the sausage festival tribe try to recruit you?

>4.0 ends with Eorzea getting frisky after btfo of the Garleans on two continents and deciding to take the fight directly to Garlemald
>5.0 ends with it being revealed that the Ascians were pulling the strings behind Garlemald all along and the Scions take a magitech rocket to the moon to fight them
>6.0 ends with the death of the ascians and their god of darkness. Hydaelyn, now without a counter, proceeds to drown the universe in her light. The first to go is the World of Darkness. The Scions and the WoL go there via a portal on the moon.
>7.0 ends with the Warrior of Light turning against Hydaelyn to save the Realm of Darkness and, in extension, the universe from being drowned in light. Minfillia is the final level 100 boss.

Screencap this and post 6 years from now when it's all over and done with.

>we could have had the hub be in a ruined doma and slowly built it back up
>nah fuck that shit let's just use rhalgr's reach

the only classes I've seen turned down for the extremes so far are Samurai and Red Mage because there are too many of them. Every other case has just been a player being shit, not a class. We're in a glorious golden age right now where the meta is shaken up so badly that all the wannabe-speedclear nerds don't know who to ban from groups that wipe twice and disband anyway. Enjoy it.

Gonna be a real fuckin short 'opener' considering how fast procs come into play.

Stick your dick in it, if it's not dead, stick your other dick in it.

I think the zones in Gyr Abania are much better than in the far east with the exception of the lochs which is a disgusting hideous shithole zone.

All the story in Doma, Azim is way better than out in west though

Opener is whether you choose to start with Veraero or Verthunder

Vocal minority and attention whores who want their thread on Sup Forums
Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar has more active players, but you don't see constant Sup Forums threads


>people actually still make these parties
>people actually still join them
>people actually still bitch when the lone mount drop goes to a faggot that loot'n'scoots

Wait, you don't open with jolt?

>Wildstar has a bigger player base

>Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar has more active players

Only for trash, but starting with aero/thunder means you're gonna get your mana up faster. and there is a countdown to start the fight anyway.

you verheal yourself in between fights to proc dualcast and then start with veraero or verthunder.

>3 more weeks doing ex primals
>omega normal probably drops gear 320
>just that and nothing else until 4.1

>muh streamers
More people have fucked your mom that doesn't mean we're not talking videogames here retard

And why the fuck would you ever want to watch someone play an MMO?

90% chance he's a shitter.
10% chance he's a poor lost-soul; competent, but stuck in eternal limbo because no one will take a chance on him as long as that 90% exists.

>judging an entire class based on a single huge damage spike
Have you considered looking at the overall DPS they employ during a fight?

Protip: SMN still does more damage

what role skills do my fellow mnks take?

It's like 3.0 all over again.

I gave FF XIV a try and i'm already trying to get all of the classes and professions up to lvl15 without even buying the game yet

How do i know i actually like this game enough to sub instead of just being a moron taking a hit of the MMO drug after ~2 years of being clean

I went with the "Switch to SAM"

>reminder that you will get bored of omega normal after the first week (IT ALWAYS HAPPEN DON'T LIE ABOUT IT)
>3 weeks until savage and you wont probably clear it as always

Heavensward again

>yfw omega savage and normal drop the same ilvl gear, only difference is difficulty and more mechanics

WoW is better than FFXIV, Sup Forums can't prove this wrong.

Goad, True North, Prep, kneel and swallow

>samurai has positionals

>barely matters since you generate gadge so fast

Are yellow scrips weekly or unlimited? are we getting a weekly scrips?

You think they'll open up housing around 4.01, too?

I got my eyes on that Shirogane prize.

i started playing it because i got shilled by Sup Forums and i honestly have to say its a good game, better than the two you stated and even better than not-burning crusade

>Tfw have to leave for a week and a half the day Omega drops

You realize most PC players didn't buy the game over Steam, right?


Both are completely different style of mmos lel

But have a (You)

what are the last 3?

yellow scrips are still unaviable

>steam activity of a game nobody plays on steam

holy shit. this has got to be the highest quality bait I have ever laid my eyes on.

This whole empire and ascian plot will probably be done in two more expansions before they just start doing new stories with new main characters to follow us around and be useless like the old ones were.

It's been scientifically proven though that playing the Steam version makes you a full on nigger though.

Same ones I take for all my melee DPS: Invig, Second Wind, Bloodbath, Goad, Leg Sweep. Might switch out the last one though, stuns aren't terribly useful unless they do damage but fuck me I miss having two stuns on MNK. Poor Steel Peak.

Only 5% of the player base bought the game through steam

Really? You can't figure this out? There's only one option now.

Be honest guys

I this heavensward again?

I am talking about the stuff to do. I don't care about the design if they give us the same shit everytime

How bad is it to use a materia if it goes over the stat limit?

stop putting dice on me and knocking me back you wild and pure and forever free piece of shit

It's the same shit again.

>being able to into DPS rotations

They all (the moves) fit together like a puzzle, and this is clearly intentional

It's not like WoW back in the day where they just gave you moves and it was up to you to find out how to optimize their use

Woe is you

No, it's worse.

>forgetting about one ilm punch
i mean you can only actually use it every other rotation but it's still a stun

>tfw 314 and literally nothing to do but grind more classes up

It's actually even worse than Heavensward.
Only buy the game for the story; pump and dump it like you would any other narrative-based JRPG. If you waste your time on raids or grinding tomestones you're a retard.


Could be the emperor's uncle. Elidibus straight up mocks Varis before taking off his mask, and it could be a way of showing that his uncle was also involved with the Ascians.

Enjoy the raid next week that you are gonna burn through at the same day.

you know what I hate about this game expansions? They aren't expansion at all, they feel like starting the game and grind again from zero every 2 years

Final XI had real expansions with side stories and unique stuff to do and rewards

>used the level boost because I wanted to get back into the game with friends on the new content
>it has set my grand company to Immortal Shits

Fuck sake. Is it lieutenant that I have to reach before it will let me change?

Swift cast + acceleration into verthunder/aero + fleche+ contre sixte (OGCDs) and go from there, manafication at 40/40, embolden and let loose with the melee combo -> flare/holy

Red Mage is pretty braindead to be honest

>3 weeks until savage and you wont probably clear it as always
Speak for yourself, shitter.

Omega normal unlocks on 8 July in 2 weeks

It's honestly too early to say that it's worse than HW as a whole, but it's certainly a lot more bland than HW was at launch.

People see this as a problem? It's the main drive of the game for me.

At least you aren't an Adder.

>2 Weeks
Are you retarded?
Look at your calendary.

Blame WoW for making this the popular, go to model.

I quit not long after getting to 60 in HW. Thats a god damn shame, I had tons of fun during 2.0. It really must be true then that ll 2.0's content was front loaded from 1.0, which is why it was so robust.

As a catgirl player, I have been growing more and more disgusted with catgirls every day for a long time now. Is it time for me to leave it all behind and fanta to something else?
What should I even fanta to?

Ill be real, the story is a slog, if only by virtue of being longer than probably most JRPGs you've played so far

BUT, endgame is, in my opinion fun as fuck

omega is on july 4th, savage is 2 weeks after that.

>grind to max level
>farm primals for gear
>level crafters and gatheres

>grind to max level
>farm primals for gear
>level crafters and gatheres

>grind to max level
>farm primals for gear
>level crafters and gatheres

Its like starting from 0 every time