For those of you who played Pokémon SuMo, are you buying the sequell this winter?

for those of you who played Pokémon SuMo, are you buying the sequell this winter?

I want to say no but I know that I will end up buying it

I'll pirating it.

I'm almost 100% going to get it as a gift. In fact there's a chance I'll get it twice, so I hope if that happens I at least get both versions.

Depends on how much new content there is
If it's like Black/White 2 I'll get it if it's basically just a third version like Emerald or Platinum but split in two I won't



No this gen was the last straw for me, I'm done with this franchise.

I'd like to say this but I know I'll end up doing this because I'm a faggot.

Yep, I've always liked Pokemon so not getting it would be weird. I'm not as into it as I used to be when I was younger but I'll probably play it every now and then when I get bored and want something to do.


Nope. Pirating it


didn't they say it was just an "alternative storyline"?

i can only imagine it's something obvious like gyms instead of trials and some other story elements are mixed around slightly. maybe with a different set of characters and maybe lillie and gladion switching roles. probably with slightly more endgame story.

Ultra SuMo

Oh you.

No because S&M lagged like hell on my o3DS and I can't imagine the sequel will be better

you mean Sup Forums?
schrödinger has nothing to do with video games

Only smart people here.

Just buy a N3DS then, you fucking retard.

>buy a whole new console just because Gamefreak can't optimize for shit.

Sup Forums is just as gay but yeah, Sup Forums is a better choice.
Also I burned out on Pokemon after Gen V. If I'm interested enough I'll pirate the new Sun/Moon but honestly from what I've read here, Gamefreak seems to be a bunch of washed up has beens.

I was actually saying that if you really want to play USUM, then stop whining and either buy a new console or put up with poor framerates. At any rate, you should be pirating 3DS games anyway.

I wasn't whining, I was responding to the OP. And I never said I didn't pirate

I can't wait till the mainline games are Switch only, so we don't have to deal with piratefags and cheaters anymore

They've been washed up has-beens since Gen V, user.

Then deal with the framerates and shut up :^)

Then I burned out at the right time.

Sun and Moon were pretty fun, this Winters gonna be comfy as hell.

Pretty sure there are people who crack these games/consoles in the first 6 months, they just never bother to actually develop and release the cracks

Yeah, but if Lillie isn't in it I'll feel like I wasted a lot of money

>complaining about other people pirating which doesn't affect you in any way
>thinking the switch won't get hacked

yeah. Only buying one version this time though

stop defending pirate shitters

>buying both versions of a Pokémon generation

Keep on sucking corporate cock, shill

>being entitled to get your things for free