Senran thread

What would you like to see for the next game?
And why Yumi is objectively best girl.

That's not Homu

Stop implying Hibari isn't best girl!


She just is.

Yumi should get captured by evil ninja and turned into a fuck station. Only thing she's good for.


Yumi did nothing wrong.

I'm so glad someone else understands.

Good taste

Of course user. We must praise perfection.


You know, it's really fucking weird.

More than one of my friends has chosen to play with Yumi first when I've told them "just pick the one that looks the best". I specifically remember one friend saying "this, the white one, she's the best, I know it". Why is she so popular?

Yumi is for ____.

Best girl coming through

reminder to take out the trash!

She is my pure perfect wife.


Delet this.

My normie friend got drunk and watched me play when I got it and commented that Miyabi was basically a man with boobs slapped on. She is decently high on my list, so firsthand realization that this goes beyond just a dumb meme hurt a little inside.

Because they know perfection when they see it.

This is a beautiful YOUNG Japanese woman and I love her very much

Raping with friends.

Good taste user. Rin is a semen demon.


I'm going to marry Yumi!

go ninja go ninja go

More like the sk2 games
Its going to be more like versus and its going to be garbage , almost guantered

Whoever has the biggest tits n ass objectively win imo

Even if you hate her you can't deny she has one of the best designs in the series. Compared to other characters who are simple to the point it's boring or exaggerated to the point of stupidity. It's just a solid, consistent, and cool design.

Dumb fake nigger. I want to slap her ass and titties until they turn black for real.

>she has one of the best designs in the series

They all look the same you retarded weeb

Where my Yoza bros at?

She is a young woman
Not a child like all those other pedophiles

You're literally blind.

goo goo ga ga

>implying implications
Yumis isnt the worst, but she is far from the best.

Right here.

I really hope you aren't implying Shiki is good.

I want to commit a crime. Actually make that several crimes.

>What would you like to see for the next game?
Senran Kagura Tennis/Table Tennis

>special attack shots that rip off their clothes
Its like pottery. Or make it a school sports club game, with different disciplines.

Low test white boy detected.

Not him, but you're right. Shiki isn't good.
Shiki is god.

You have amazing taste m8

Souji is the better blonde girl anyway

You and me both buddy


I like Shiki more, but Souji is pure sex, thats for sure. There's hardly another senran that oozes sex as much as Souji

>why do normal functioning male like the prim and proper girl
Only on Sup Forums people actively hating girl like Yumi. Also she's great design-wise, don't let your hate cloud your judgement.

Can't argue with that

Agreed. She has so much confidence in her looks and I don't blame her





Q3 2017. I know this because my dad works for Japan.
Don't worry user, we're gonna splash up that beach real soon


I want to make Shiki squirt.


I have to admit that Yumi really is pretty sexy

No she's my wife.

Men of fine taste right here.


Tying to your computer to help keep it cool.

user pls.
Yumi is my waifu.

Every one of these domestic Yumi images seems forced as fuck, like she's just some model getting paid to pose for them. I'm not even a Yozakura fan and I have to say hers are miles better.

Yumi is yummy


I'm hungry

Senrans will do that to you.

She's fucking garbage and ruined Senran Kagura.

Mikagura sisters are the best new addition to this series. All three girls are 10/10 perfection.

>a retard
>a flat child
>a man in drag

They were awful additions,.

Takaki ruined Senran Kagura. He's the one who pushed for endless beach shit. He's the one who puts fanservice over gameplay (and constantly says this in every interview). Yet for some reason you and all of Sup Forums have his cock shoved so far down your throat you can't see it and decide to just blame Yumi because she's more popular than your favorite senran.

Yumi needs to stop being the sexiest.

How does Renka look like a man to You? Have you never seen a tomboy?

She isn't

Say it to my face and not online you dumb bitch motherfuckers

>Homura destroyed the pizza
>Miyabi is spilling the fries all over the fucking floor
>Asuka throws the corndog across the room for no reason
>meanwhile Yumi delivers the burger in one piece

Why are the other girls so shit?

Ninjas aren't very good at doing regular jobs.

So when will people stop pretending to like Yumi?

What makes you think they're pretending?

Because there's nothing about her but her appearance that's appealing

So because you don't find her persona appealing, no one else does?

>stop pretending

No. It's just a forced meme

theres a 2nd senran thread with no yumi on op, i dont really want to believe anyone is that brain dmaged to make a second one just because the op had yumi
im 99% sure its snekfags, notice theres no green in this thread but theres lot of it on the other one

I see

As ninjas they should be masters of stealth and blending into any environment. By failing be proper waitresses they have basically failed at being ninjas.

That is why they are still in school, except for the crimson squad. Those girls are fucked.

Yumi is garbage. We already had a yamato nadeshiko character and she's much better than this spotlight-stealing slut.

Guys I literally want to marry Shiki.

>actually liking Shiki
>let alone wanting to marry her

What's wrong with Shiki?


You need to be gassed. None of you are pure.

Why do weebs talk like this?


"___ IS A CUTE! A CUTE!"


It's so strange to me.

Sage for off topic, but is anyone having coupon issues when trying to buy VD on steam? At checkout, it only gives the 10% off not the 25% from my coupon.

>obnoxious voice
>obnoxious accent
>retarded engrish thrown in for no reason


She's literally the smartest Gessen though and gets the best grades while helping the others study. A big part of her character was people who don't know her being surprised that she's actually really studious despite her appearance and speech. Yozakura is the dumb country bumpkin of the group.

The other stuff stands, but she's definitely not stupid.

I found Minori's voice and Kumo's hamfisted twoface nature more obnoxious.

Yoza has no interesting traits other than her piledriver fists.

>What would you like to see for the next game?
A sort of Ninja Gaiden-lite.

but she has a poosi, so it doesnt make you gay, Tomboys are patrician tier.
if you like traps however...

Personally I don't find Minori's annoying at all, I found Shiki's voice much more annoying at the beginning but it has grown on me immensely since then.