Who is the Poochie of video games? You know, a character no one likes but is forced on us by the creator

Who is the Poochie of video games? You know, a character no one likes but is forced on us by the creator.


Marie from Persona 4

Lightning from Final Fantasy
Lucario from Pokemon

Crash Bandicoot

Mario. Toad.


Lightning, aka rip-off cloud for her creator to masturbate to.

I like her for her pits alone.

I came here to say Donte from DmC but these work too

Honestly someone should make a game featuring only these characters






>One, Raiden needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a cyborg body.
>Two, when Raiden is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Raiden"?

Knox from BGE 2.


raving rabbids

Hello there. Let me hijack your personal story



In Dissidia 2 the characters always ask where Lightning is & wonder what shes doing, this is exactly what Homer described about Poochie

the fucking cat from persona 5




And this. Much as I liked Revengeance there is no denying that for the longest time Raiden was in that position.

It's also interesting how characters can or can't be Poochies depending on the fanbase, this is most notable in crossover games.

note donte died on his way back to his home planet

Black girl from dishonored 2

Princess Peach, fuck her and her inability to not get fucking constantly kidnapped.

>Lucario from Pokemon
Nah, kids love him.

>You know, a character no one likes but is forced on us by the creator.
but poochie wasn't forced
he was thrown out the moment the execs saw his bad reception

Everything in this game is forced t.bh
Peterson fo4

This image exists for a reason.

Overwatch. The entire game.

Still better than Twinklet Princess Link.

Ciri in witcher 3

Go back to bed, Aonuma.

Yew from bravely second

Probably Rayman. The games can be good but the character itself is offensively bad.



A non-romanced Liara in Mass Effect. I swear she rapes you in the ending if Mass Effect 3, but you're just supposed to be cool with it.

>When you satisfy a girl so thoroughly, she turns into a bird

Definitely Lightning from FF, but Lucario is a nice change of pace from Pikachu at least. And either way, I feel like Lucario is the opposite of Poochie, where Nintendo realized that he was popular and then started pushing him.


Lucario was one of those Pokemon that got its own movie before its debut game even came out. They knew what they were doing.

Funny how they tried replicating Lucario's success with Zoroark, but it fell into utter obscurity and Lucario's time in the spotlight continues on.

Makoto Nijima

absolutely horrid taste

Poochie is more of a misguided effort to appeal to the original demographic.

In that case Harold's appearance in FO3

Felicia Day

>not liking lightning
It's literally every character that she associates with that I don't like. She's too good for her own series.

Bite your tongue, heathen.

wanting to have sex with a character does not make a bad character good

Go away Toriyama.

Isabelle from Animal Crossing.


Liara T'Soni.

Kyo from King of Fighters. Terry was and always will be the most iconic character but SNK pushes him aside for Kyo. Kyo is always on the box art now despite not being a favorite.

I don't even know who Kyo is, so it must be true.

Fuck you that's my waifu


Luckily this is my favorite pokemon, so all this Lucario attention is fine in my book. I do agree they're forcing it too hard, but at least I don't get triggered from seeing a Lucario anywhere

Literally Poochie incarnate

This boring cunt has been in more games than any other recurring character

God I did not like her, what a dogshit character.


No, Lance has.

Nah. He was popular in the first, then got more time in the second as a result. Then in 3 he was killed offscreen in the first 10 minutes. When people were pissed they pushed him down our throats.

Kinzie is the Poochie of the series.

I hate his edgy face so goddamn much

I don't understand the appeal. What, out of 800+ pokemon, makes it your favorite?

Nadine from Uncharted

>Hasn't been in a actual Mario game in years
>Gave him two series to do shit with while also having more personality than Mario

i can't think of a better example actually


>hating Liara
Aria is more of a Poochie than Liara, and also got one of the most pointless DLC's in the franchise minus the qt Turian

That black dude in Halo 5.


Fuck you marie is best girl

Definitely Lightning.

He went on stage and held a speech comparing her to a rose. That's a whole new level of sad.

I meant to say the director of XIII.

if you feel this way why did you play the game?



>That fat, ugly monkey face
>Americans call this "cute"

>you can meet her like thrice if you don't follow her SL(outside skill card stuff)
>can completely skip out her events and fight if you want
>DLC in arena and i believe in DAN so you can not buy her if you like

The Golden anime was literally inserting her into a bunch of scenes in P4 she wasn't involved in

>she actually gets access to a time machine
Fucking damnit

>the shitty anime
Who the fuck cares?



Don't forget Yoshi and Wario.

I know the illusion of choice has long since been seen through but holy fucking shit if you're asking for a character that is forced upon the player no matter how hard you try and express you're disliking than boy howdy look no fucking further

Rochelle from Left 4 Dead 2

There's a forced date with her on Valentine's day regardless of who you were going out with

marie from Persona 4 Golden

Literally only if you max her SL

Way to miss the fucking point, you dense gaggots. People like you disgust me.
>uuuh i want snake back he was so manly i don't care about interesting ideas or character arcs i just want my toy box


He wasn't a Poochie until he came back in 4.

And now he's going to be in that new game of theirs, whatever it's called. He's got his own special ad, too.

>Is the MC
Choose one. Because otherwise that's not how the term 'Poochie' works.