Elder scrolls IIIIII not in development

>elder scrolls IIIIII not in development
>may never be in development
how does it feel knowing that future elder scrolls installments will be developed by zenimax online studios?

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I don't know how micro transactions are on TESO but it's probably not a lot compared to the billions they could make off realsing TES 6 around launch of the next gen. Besides they need a new engine.


I think you mean IIIIX.




this seems more likely 2bh. skyrim was TOO successful for bethesda's own good and it set the bar too high. fallout 4 simply paled in comparison and i think bethesda just stopped trying. they're just afraid TES6 won't live up to the hype - kind of like how valve never bothered making further half life installments because they know they'll never live up to the hype either, so why bother?

>skyrim was TOO successful for bethesda's own good and it set the bar too high

You mean, too low.

>elder scrolls IIIIII

I honestly think they are just waiting for the new generation of consoles ps5/obox2? Todd himself said they are waiting on better technology

Just set it in Alinor. Nazis are a hot topic, right? People think the Thalmor are nazi elves, just go with that, just late 1930s Germany except there's a magic elven symbol instead of a swastika, fucking easy, done and dusted.

reminder that americans are simply too stupid to understand the concept of roman numerals

>too high

The company is completely financially secure for the next fifteen years, the games have guaranteed sales in millions regardless of their quality, they won't even BEGIN working on a new game until they are completely, 100% sure the last game (not the previous game in the series, the last game they released) is completely drained sales-wise, and they are just insanely, INSANELY lazy.
You would have to be a complete, utter fucking retard to think Beth is not making a new TES game. It's just that they have nowehere to rush and have zero actual artistic or creative ambitions and pools full of money, so they aren't rushing it, and even once they'll start the development, they'll be half-arsing it anyway.

>skyrim was TOO successful for bethesda's own good and it set the bar too high.
Is this a joke? What fucking reality are you morons living in?

>Todd himself said they are waiting on better technology
Todd also promised new engine for every single one of the last three games. Also promised Radiant A.I. So Todd's word does not exactly hold particularly much weight.
It's much more likely that they are trying to figure out what is the next shitty but massively popular pop-culture wave to latch onto. Oblivion had LOTR, Fallout 3 just fucked the Fallout nostalgia in the ass, Skyrim had Vikings and Fo4 had Minecraft. They are just figuring out what is the next big thing to sell easily.

i'm talking about sales you numbskulls, skyrim was THE best selling RPG of ALL TIME. if 6 doesn't manage to beat it in sales then by all means it's a failure, at least to zenimax.

i have never played skyrim

should i

just kill this fucking franchise already
and fallout as well


>i'm talking about sales you numbskulls, skyrim was THE best selling RPG of ALL TIME.
So first of all:
Second of all: they don't need every next game to be THE best selling RPG of all time. Zenimax is not going to fucking cut a franchise that with investment around 60 million dollars can reliably sell around ten million copies within the pre-order opening week period for fuck sake. Again, what fucking reality do you people live in?

Yeah it would be neat if they could top skyrim, but even with "relatively" dissapointing sales of Fo4 it's still one of the most fucking profitable franchises in the fucking history of gaming industry, side of the few purely viral phenomenons like Flappy Birds or fucking LoL. You are absolutely, completely fucking delusional and utterly disconnected from any kind of reality to think that Bethesda is in some kind of creative tough spot. It's like thinking that Nintendo is not going to make another Maria game because it won't live up to Super Mario Galaxy.

>should i
Do you want to experience the most generic, shallow, basic, by-the-numbers, committee designed "go-to fantasy wish fullfilment" game that can be turned into a porn game?
If the answer is yes, go for it.
If you expect anything else than a pure collection of most basic generic fantasy tropes where you can wonder around smashing things as a viking or firing bow as an elf, I'd say give it a pass. There is basically nothing memorable or really interesting about it. It's just "fantasy: the game for the widest audience".

>TES VI not in development
Yeah, right...

PC non-special edition. Mods, mods and more mods. Then you will probably enjoy it.

What's wrong with the Special Edition?

huh, i didnt know fallout 4 sold so well. but it doesnt count because its not an RPG anyway.
now stop being rude. this is a place for friendly discussion.

>huh, i didnt know fallout 4 sold so well. but it doesnt count because its not an RPG anyway.
It's no less of an RPG than Skyrim was. And the fact that you weren't even aware that Beth games sell like fucking crack shows that you might be pretty poorly equipped to these kinds of discussions and judgements. Beth RPG's might be shit, but that does not make them not-RPG's: RPG is not a merrit of quality or even a merrit of complexity. It's a basic set of very basic gameplay mechanics that were all present in all of Beths games.

Mod compatibility.



>Skyrim had Vikings
More like it was still copying LotR, only better than Oblivion did, plus a little politics thrown in for that GoT feel.

>Skyrim had Vikings
Where were the vikings in skyrim? You have to have ships to be vikings