Vanilla retail servers when? WoW is dying

Vanilla retail servers when? WoW is dying

People will pay for them to re-release in chronological order their nostalgia. It will revitalise their shitty company, as long as they stick strictly to the historical accuracy of their old expacs + vanilla

WoW 2 when

>revitalise their shitty company
they literally made a billion with overwatch
and vanilla is simply not worth it there are dozens of good private server available just choose one of those

I'm at a point where I hope the answer is never. I don't want nu-Blizzard to get their filthy hands on vanilla.

After seeing nost boom as quickly as it did I find it reather silly that they won't even launch a hackjob version of vanilla and toss it in their 'classics' section along side WC3 and Diablo 2.

>inb4 "it would affect live servers"

Not really.

>there are dozens of good private server available
lol there's maybe 2 and both are 75% chinks that only communicate to sell gold.

It's going to be gr8 when they finally release vanilla servers and will be using the latest vanilla patch (1.12.2) with cross-realm battlegrounds. Bam. A large part of vanilla's magic instantly gone.

oh yeah i forgot that that is happening maybe its planned after wc3 remake

none of the programmers that worked on vanilla are still on the wow team or even with blizzard.

>WoW is dying
Good, maybe they will add bot partymembers and I won't have to bother with multiboxing

They should have walked the Everquest path and released vanilla servers with fixed time for the expansions to kick in.

why would i pay for blizzards legacy server when i can just go and play on a private one for free

They'll never do it because they're too stubborn and perceive people wanting the old product as a criticism of their updates and content. To them you're calling their baby ugly.

The only reason why WoW still exists is because they just keep adding more and more stuff. Some things are a hit, most are a complete miss but it's long past time where quantity rules over the quality.

The game went from being relatively hard in vanilla to stupid baby shit. They're afraid that implementing vanilla again might hurt their future sales. Vanilla is going to be stagnant by it's definition, there won't be any more content for you to buy or for them to add. If a good chunk of the playerbase starts playing vanilla any content that they'll potentially release will have less buyers.

They'll definitely give us vanilla servers when WoW is two feet in the grave.

>played WoW for all of TBC and WotLK
>quit right before Cata patch
>just recently got back into the game
>server is dead, despite being listed as 'Full'
>everything is so streamlined now
>loot doesn't matter, but everyone cries about how a 'secondary stat' isn't 'best in slot' for you
>spec changes on a whim
>gear changes with the spec..
>no weapons, they give you one at level 100, and you're supposed to level it up and use it the entire game
>dungeons are a cake walk
>raids are just a DPS race
>No PvP gear
>you can literally stand in the city, and queue up for dungeons and be level 110 in no time, while not doing anything.

>walk into legacy server
>no way im gonna redo all that grind
>managed to make all the grind
>no new content

I know I will regret resubbing so what are some games I can play to get rid of that itch?
Like stupid rpgs with basic classes and grinding?

WotLK was most casual addon of all time, cata was hardest and most of the people disliked it (and yet, you talk about cakewalk dungeons)


Yeah.. Really it's all about the community, and who you play with. That's what makes every multiplayer game, though.

I play Rainbow Six Siege with the bros, and it's the greatest night ever. I play Rainbow Six Siege with other people, new people, random people, and I can't get out of that match quick enough.

I found a guild on WoW with some old friends, and that's what keeps me going back now, just hit 110, and gearing up for raids like old times.

WotLK was pretty casual compared to vanilla/BC, but I never played Cata like I said, so I can't say much about it.

Everyone has their breaking point, mine was Thunder Clap hitting more than 4 targets.

They aren't going to do it, they don't have "resources".
>b-but they met with Nostalrius team...
They did it for publicity, Nostcucks offered to shut it down if they sit in same table to talk about it. They were never going to do it, they just wanted it closed.

>WoW websites don't even have records pre-Cata of spells and abilities.

Eat and drink after 2-3 mobs, walk by foot until level 40 with less flight points and with alot ultra long trips across zones you are too low lvl, unfair quest like clear one type of mobs and ignore other in same place, give in quest to get new one about returning back and killing second type of mobs on that same place. WoW had low amount of content and just slowed you down whenever it could. It will be too harsh for new players and too time consuming for old ones.

Questing has always been for shitters, if you ask me.

I classic leveled almost exclusively on dungeons back in my day.

>Get a group for Scarlet Monastery as Alliance
>I got nuts, so I don't mind making that run
>half the group leaves before you can even get a group to summon
>end up doing a /who 30-40
>hitting up every mark you can for potential dungeon running

I was tank, and I was pretty good at it, so I didn't mind. It was usually pretty easy to get a group together. It was nice when someone had a dungeon quest to share though!

This issue has had almost no development in like 6 months, why are people making so many threads about it right now? Did Elysium do something stupid again?

I liked instances in classic too, but waiting for an hour in IF/org spamming lfg/lfm was wasting time when I could just go quest solo and make actual progress.

That's why you do the /who search and send PM's instead, it was really effective.

Fuck solo questing that shit was homo as fuck, and gave bunk loot.

>People will pay for them


delusional retail cuck detected
hows that garrison going goyim?

I think J. Allen Brack was right about the whole "You think you do, but you don't" thing.
Sure, he said it in a bad way but think about it: Pretty much everyone remembers Vanilla for the tightly knit communities and the amount of trust between people and not the rest of the game.
Besides, if you were playing it now you're not going to experience the magic of WoW as you played it back then and the vast majority will rely on guides regarding gearing and rotations and backported addons, forcing you to comply with them rather than keeping with the the mixed quality of gear you had when playing.
Also, botting. back then, the most advanced you had was Glider, now bots are common place on vanilla servers and are much more advanced than then.

What I liked about vanilla was the focus on interaction

Its not like that is impossible for modern wow. But they have made it clear that modern wow is for people who like to play it like a singleplayer facebook game.

Old WoW is shit but it is better than modern wow.

>no more hybrid specs

that what kills me the most

My 31/30 days were some of the best.

I would love vanilla more if paladins could tank.

But user, they can. Just not very good.

>playing vanilla
got bored after nostalrius/elysium. it's time to move on to superior expansions.

northcraft will save wow brehs.

He literally said it in the wake of C&D's shutting down tons of vanilla servers that had large communities. People do want it, it's been proven.

>no weapons, they give you one at level 100, and you're supposed to level it up and use it the entire game

This can't be true, right?

Wait for Crestfall that will be releasing later this year.
Open beta is on the horizon

It's not about the size, user.

It was a culture shock for me too.


You literally get a quest, get an 'Artifact' weapon, I.E ret paladins get Ashbringer, and you have to farm 'Artifact Power' to level it up as you go, and it's got it's own little skill tree path, and different traits you can get.


It's not any weapons. As a Paladin, you can wield Ashbringer. Fuck my lore up senpai

>you reach max lv trough a 30minute tutorial
>each class has the same items, the only thing you can change is skin packs you can get with real money
>5 skills per class
>race is class locked
>the only truly massive maps are the cities, 2 per faction. from there you can enter the queue for pvp or dungeon
>you can no longer put mods in it, but there are dlc with basic features that can be purchased
>20 dollars for month