Why do children prefer Alliance?

Master races :

Existing because to serve the master race :

Will just get gassed very soon :
The rest

Actually kids prefer orcs, blood elves and forsaken.

Because Horde is a literally nigger faction, so what choice do people really have?

It seems that kids rather choose those who they perceive to be the good guys. A lot of kids make the mistake of thinking one faction is "good" while the other is "bad".

Everyone with the slightest amount of experience in WoW knows that Horde is superior to the boring Alliance.

Why Undead are part of the horde?
Why the fuck elves are part of the horde?
Why the ever living shit night elves are part of the alliance?

I fucking hate WoW so fucking much

the only logical thing is to pick the side with the better racials and that would be the horde.

FUCKING THIS. Just assblasteds hordes can't notice.

Not everyone is autistic who only cares about performance and stats. Some people like to actually role play in an RPG.

That is the true autism.

Back in '05, there were a few people playing WoW in my class, all of them hardcore Alliance fags
Every single one switched to Horde after playing through the WC3 campaigns

in vanilla, alliance was mostly children.
that all changed after tbc. blood elves attracted all the gamer girls and little legolas kids

>Ascended tier
>Can I play daddy-tier?
Night-elf, Tauren
>Just why tier
Troll, Orc
>Wait a moment, I have a Counter strike tournament coming up

Horde is the "cool kid" faction that gets all the actual 14-19 year olds.

Alliance is the family faction. Adults who realized what horde actually is and adults who are playing with their younger children (8-13ish, before they start searching for their own identity and jump to horde). The younger children aren't a problem because they have school all day and go to bed early. Summer sucks because school.

Unless you play on Moon Guard. Both factions are full of the same mentally ill idiots in both sides who run alt characters in both factions and try to be the most epic troll of them all.

I see you enjoy Linkin Park as well
Let us discuss our favorite album

Back to your huts made of shit OP

I wanna get back into this, loved it yeas ago.

>current year
>people still associate race choice with anything else other than subjective taste or min/maxing


please keep your roleplaying faggot opinions to yourself

>i don't know/understand the lore
boi stfu and sit down

I mean i don't know about you kids these days but when i was an edgy 13 year old playing vanilla all my mates played horde, which sucked because i'll never not play a dwarf character if i have the option.

You got that backwards.

>Good for RP

It's laughably bad. No, seriously. In the days leading up to me quitting again I spent my time hunting RP grounds to make fun of and interfere with people's retarded mary-sue anime fantasies

>le nostalgia thread again
Stop it. MMOs are dead. You fucking 30 years old fucktards

The only reasons I picked human were the reputation racial and the fact they look good in most any gear

That and alliance cities are cozy as fuck

Blizz needed more races for Vanilla and the Undead were a major faction that shouldn't be left unplayable (it should have, and all the undead zones should have been the endgame content of Vanilla.


Horde fucking up Ashenvale / Kalimdor to the point they have to flee all but the tippy top, why the fuck wouldn't they ally with the Alliance.


Honestly? The Forsaken aren't really considered part of the Horde, just useful allies to Thrall and his crew since they have a foothold in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms, and over the course of a year or two manage to put excessive pressure on dwarven clay, making them a tactical ally. When the blood elves show up and petition to become a part of the Horde, Thrall tells them to fuck off and ignores Sylvanas' suggestion that they become a part of the Horde. It isn't until the elves manage to burn an entire undead city to the ground and tell the Lord-Regent about it that Thrall says, "Okay, we'll let you be part of the Horde. Here's our shit-list tasks we'll make you do, also tell me where my bloodline is in the Outland or else I'll break your face." So technically neither the Forsaken or the blood elves matter in the eyes of the orcs or trolls, the tauren are sympathetic with and genuinely want to cure the Forsaken, and the Forsaken and blood elves have a mutual respect for each other after working together in the Ghostlands, while Sylvanas is elygiac for her mortal life as part of the Farstriders and bends over backwards to try and support them.

It isn't until later that Thrall becomes a hypocritical hippie.

>always roll a druid and a rogue on opposing fractions so i can camp anyone i want

both fractions is the true red pill

Why aren't night elves their own faction? They had 10,000 years to populate Kalimdor and somehow they were only stuck in Darkshore and Ashenvale.

lets be real yall

>Human Male
>Undead Female
>Night Elf Male
>Gnome Female
>Draenei Male
>Goblin Female

>Dwarf Male
>Undead Male
>Gnome Male
>Blood Elf Male
>Goblin Male

>Orc Male
>Tauren Male
>Troll Male

>Dwarf Female
>Orc Female
>Troll Female

>Human Female
>Night Elf Female

>Tauren Female
>Draenei Female

>Blood Elf Female

when i was a child i wanted to play as an orc.
but back then my brother already had a human character, and you couldnt have characters of different factions on the same server. so i created a night elf
but that was 12 years ago, now my main is a human.

LITERALLY SLAUGHTERED in WC3. Breaking the World Tree cost them their immortality and it took a lot of lives and souls to banish Archimonde.

why do hoarde talk so much shit when despite having the biggest variance of cool races to play, most of them are just playing pointy eared humans?

All the kids wants to play monsters so of course they would pick Horde.

This hasn't been the case since BC when Horde got Blood Elves. Even then it was debatable.

I have characters on both factions, Gobbo Shaman and Forsaken DK on Horde, NE Rogue and Dwarf Hunter on Alliance and I pug a lot.

The average Alliance player is much nicer to be around.

nice try at phys-ops, jew.

Because the mechanics of the game required 2 factions you fucking mong.

It's honestly not that bad except for a few problems.
PvP is worse than its ever been, to the point where even the devs have given up.
the artifact power grind is about twice and long as it should be.
titanforging scales too damn high. Should be capped at like 880 or something.
Class balance is a bit iffy at this point as well but really there are just too damn many at this point.
Other than that its not too bad. First plot relevant exp in awhile, leveling is nice and professions are fully quest based. 5 man endgame content is good too.

isn"t being racist irl already enough of a struggle?

Picking Undead female as top tier nullifes any pick made afterwards.


That would be pretty useless since the current normal raid drops 900-910 and nethershards give you 880 gear.

Artifact power grind is pretty much nothing at this point, since they reduced the time of Artifact Knowledge research. You'll have AK40 in a day and anything after you get Concordance is pretty meaningless.

sounds like someone has shit taste



Every WoWfag I knew reacted like this saying the exact same thing about the faction they did not play on

shit game

dont, if ur anything like me and my friends it will be fun for a month, maybe 2 then it will just lose it charm again just like all the recent expansions


So i'll get a few months fun, it's a game.

Be smart. Join a private server.

What's the problem with that? I gladly return to WoW every year or two to enjoy it for a bit. I think it's a great way to play it, actually.

>playing with BRs, chinese gold bots, and kids who are playing because it's free

As someone who mains on Moon Guard horde, this is true. There are faggots, everywhere, and i love them all.

>triangle men
>top tier

My analysis is this:
Children under 14 play alliance
Teens to young adult 15-23 play horde
Adults 24+ play alliance

Reminder that gnome is the best race.

He's right though, those allegiances were arbitrarily contrived in vanilla WoW.

Forsaken had no ties to any faction after WC3, allying with the Horde for "mutual protection" was a complete asspull when the two had literally no contact before that and the orcs wouldn't waste their time with a bunch of zombies. Blood elves were equally an asspull, they didn't like the alliance but they're not about to join a bunch of orcs and TROLLS, their mortal enemies, just because the forsaken did. The night elves were on equal footing with the horde and alliance at the end of WC3 in that they didn't trust either faction but they had fought alongside each. It doesn't make sense that they would seek a friendship with humans on the complete opposite side of the world over Thrall's horde right on their doorstep.

Realistically the NE should have stayed alone, the BE would have either formed a loose friendship with the forsaken/alliance or stayed independent, and the forsaken would have been independent. WoW's factions were incredibly contrived.

The reality is almost everyone plays both sides, it's not vanilla anymore. You can level a character from 1 to 110 in a week, it's not a month(s)-long endeavor for the average player to hit level cap anymore so having multiple characters on both sides is trivial. Almost everyone I know has at least three or four max levels on whatever their original/favorite faction is and then two or three on the other. I haven't played the game since December but I've got 6 horde 110s and 4 alliance.

Considering that Everquest had been the only other major MMO at the time, the idea of having several independent factions working against each other was either something no one thought of, or just too difficult to implement with old 2004 technology.

Why gays prefer Hord?

Why would NE ally with the faction that wrecks all of their forests?

because monsters are scary!