So I feel like playing a game where I can go on a grand adventure. Any suggestions? And no turn based garbage please

So I feel like playing a game where I can go on a grand adventure. Any suggestions? And no turn based garbage please.

World of warcraft

Dark Souls 1-3 :^)

Is that it? Those are all the games? What a sad time.

Wind Waker
Witcher 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Elder Scrolls (Pick one)
Secret of Mana


Any good games though?

For your apparently shit taste?

Probably not.

Breath of the Wild
Final Fantasy XV
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Witcher 3

I think these are the best games that fit your description, all released in recent years, all of them are fantastic.

>recommends modern tomb raider and fucking kingdoms of amalur
>tells someone else they have shit taste
lol just lol

I don't own nintendo and I played FF and Witcher. They were great and that's exactly what I'm looking for.

Dragon's Dogma

Seconding Xenoblade X.

Check lut Risen 1

Neverwinter Nights. Don't play the main campaign, though. Play Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark, then download Tales of Arterra and The Aielund Saga and play those.

Fable 3

m b warband

>Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I have to admit I really loved the artstyle in that game, and the different areas

Too bad about the repetitive nature of it and the shit story/dialogue.

Trails in the Sky series. It's a pretty grand adventure

M&B warband
A Wolf Among Us
Secret of Mana
Fable 3
Sunless Sea
Divinity - Original Sin (somewhat)
Mass Effect 1
Jade Empire

don't fall for the xenoblade x shitters, the first xenoblade was much better and probably the grand adventure you're looking for