Game is shit

>game is shit
>if you dont like it just dont play it then!

pepe saved

Don't play it then?

More like
>It's popular and I hate it so it's shit and no one can like it

>w-w-well i bet you didn't even play it!
>w-w-w-w-well i bet you didn't play it enough!!
>w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-well stop being so fucking entitled!!!

Dumb frogposter

Give me one good reason why pepes aren't auto banned yet

Why would you play something that is shit?
What fucking point are you trying to get at?
If you don't like something then just throw it to the garbage or something, fuck off

> game releases only on ps4
> it's a movie that occasionally pauses and can be contined with button input

Every single time.

When will you cucks stop posting this shitty stupid frog?

Just stop it, it's seriously embarassing.

what is it about p*pe that triggers neo-neo-Sup Forums so much?

Hello /qa/eddit

its a hate symbol

Lol its a fucking cartoon frog, go back to facebook you illiterate fucking sasquatch looking fat bluehaired dyke

Back to /r/t_d with you.

I just said it's known as a hate symbol thats why it triggers people you sound pretty triggered yourself

>please mind the rediquette!

Gas yourself

>you can't say the game is shit until you completed it
>if you don't like the game then why did you finish the whole game?


What the h*ck. censor that shit. remove your post now

You seem very obsessed with reddit.
Why is that? Did they hurt your feelings?

>pepe posters calling other people reddit

How do I know it's shit if I don't play it?

>double space


>he thinks Pepe isn't normie as fuck

I'll take that as a yes.

Being normal is now counterculture, reddit is already ahead of the curve and we fell behind. How does this make you feel?

haha I love facebook frog do you guys go to /r/pepe too? xD

radical islam

>play game for 2 hours: "this game is shit"
>"well, you only played for 2 hours, it gets good later"
>play game for 10 hours: "this game is shit"
>"why did you play so much if it was shit?"

It is. And calling someone a snowflake is a time honored Nazi tradition referring to crematorium ash and Thot comes from the KKK forcing black circus performers into prostitution. Errybdy know dat.


It's harder and harder to be counter-culture when culture itself expands and assimilates so rapidly.

>vote with your wallet

I can't believe people say this unironically.

Go back there

good job posting the same thing as this post but with different wording

Islam is a religion of peace. back to >>/Sup Forums/

It's confusing man. I pirate the games I like and I pirate the games that are shit. Same with movies and comics. Pretty much everything.

Just do the exact opposite of what normies do, if normies are degenerate instead of normal, become normal

what the fuck is this thread about even

Sorry about your autism, user.

>bro it gets good 50 hours in

I agree with this sentiment when it comes to SJW garbage and the reason we get so much censored shit.

Games are censored and dialogues are changed so that less than 1% of the fanbase don't have their feelings hurt or get triggered or have an anxiety attack and end up literally crying. Most of the people who complain about it won't even play the fucking game.

>game is shit
>"you didn't play it then"
>post screenshot of save
>"you didn't play it post timestamp"
>post timestamp next to console with game running on it
>"you didn't play it lol nice screenshot mate"

>reddit spacing

you tried.

the pic was supposed to be you
you are the autismt

>the games is pretty shit but just wait for the after credits scene

that's valid then

Pepe is the new MLP.
It's incredibly embarrassing.

>It's a good game just not a good "series" game

>game sucks
>it gets good 20hours in!!!


>"Dude it's not a bad game, it's just meant to be played with friends"

>reddit spacing

I'm sorry that you're so autistic that you'd rather go the strawman route instead of actually trying and arguing about it because you have no idea what to say but "muh reddit boogieman". My deepest, sincerest condolences.

What's worse, pepeposters or animeposters?

>rewatch KlK
>no one will ever compete with best girl
what do i do

What's wrong with animeposters?
It's Sup Forums culture


no its old Sup Forums culture gramps

Animeposters for sure, this is the kind of retarded mongoloid that posts here.

Noooo :'(

Fuck off normalfag

>Game is good
>"Lol kys shit taste"

>1 person out of a million
Meanwhile frogposters started one of the most autistic movements on the internet.

Fuck off

>If you hate this game so much, why do you hang around the community and make everyone miserable?

And yet no one listens...

>game series that I liked turned into shit
>every new game after gets worse
>it doesn't affect you, just don't play it!

I guess its not their fault they like the game the way it is, it's the devs fault for losing sight of what made the old games great.

All of these are completely valid.

Explain to me how they aren't without memeing so you can actually present a point.

Where did you get that picture of me?

You mean the person defending the shit game is valid?

If a game I like changed for the worse due to an influx of new fans wanting change, then yes that affects me. I could have had a good game, but I got a shit game, so I have to either play something else or nothing at all if it was a series with no equivalent.

>1 person
Nigger 99% of smugposters are gay, trans, or underaged.

I have no friends, why am I not allowed to shit on a game that has co-op features?

This is how I feel honestly. If you disagree with someone not liking a game, prove them wrong. Strengthen your sentiment by backing it up with evidence, don't be dismissive like you don't have the patience to get your point through to them. The reason I say this is because there have been games I disliked at first glance but grew to be my favorites, and I didn't give up trying to understand them.

>Source - my ass

i mean, that's all well and good, but if you play skyrim for 500+ hours, you are being a little dishonest if you say it is shit.
like, if it was, what compelled you to waste this ungodly amount of time with it?

>This game is bad!
>Why is it bad?
>Because it's shit!

99% of arguments on Sup Forums.

people hate undertale

>swear when something bad happens/you screw something up
>if you're not having fun user then don't play it

You have aids please go away

>I keep playing garbage videogames so I can review them anonymously for anonymous people who don't give a shit!

>Sup Forums always says i suck at fighting games and git gud
>tell them to play me
> they never respond

One of the best Pepe

500 hours is a little much, but some games require time to discover their faults.

When you first play Skyrim you´re impressed by the open world and all the things there are to do, it´s not until you´re much further in that you find out how shallow it all is.

really, top shelf pepe

I have 250 hours in Skyrim and I think it's pretty shit

It was an alright sandbox for modding and doing some random exploring but eventually I just couldn't deal with the godawful writing and quest design. Contrasting the thieves guild questline from skyrim with the one from oblivion still blows my mind to this day.

In both these scenarioa you are not the target audience. This isn't fuckimf grade school not everything will be tailor made for just for you. But as adults you all can now have the option to know and then seek what actually is for you.

Example for me.
I hate call of duty and its slow ass regenerating health casual gameplay
your thought process: CoD is shit I d
fucking hate CoD what a piece of shit I'm playing here
my (rational adult) thought process: Clearly CoD is not meant for my own preferences however Doom here is very fast paced and provides adequate challenge so ill play and enjoy Doom which I did

See how that works out? Try it sometime.

Literally MLP.

>not just replying with "but how would I know if the game is shit if I didn't play it?"

>put 250k hours into a game
>its shit!

No sweetie, it doesn't work that way.

>ignores the rest of my post
kill yourself famalam

What's wrong with americans? I live in eastern european shithole but at least degenracy doesn't grip the people like it does in america..

It's overstayed its welcome.

This sort of logical thinking isn't welcome here on Sup Forums.

Yes. That is exactly how it works, dumbass frogposter.

Good games get bought and played and word is spread that they're good, so they get bought more and played more. Bad games are bought, played and word gets around that they're shit, so more aren't bought or played. Some people have buyers remorse, but then everyone moves on and the game is forgotten as just "Oh yeah, that was a thing. It was pretty bad."

The problem arises when people like you go online to bitch and never shut up because they won't ever forgive or forget the fact that they wasted a bit of their time and money. If you just let the world take its natural course, less bad games would be made, but nooo; you just HAVE to keep bringing it up and keeping it in the public consciousness.

piss poor education system

Dead Rising 1 is a perfect example of this.
Every now and again I'll see somebody start a thread about how the aiming controls are awkward (which they are) or how the survivor AI is dogshit (which it is) and then deem the game completely unplayable.
Personally I LOVE DR1 I accept that it has flaws but I still enjoy the game nonetheless.

I recently played Bastion and boy oh boy do I not like it. I don't know what it is, about the combat or the controls but it just isn't my thing, so guess what? I'm not going to play it.

this guy is right honestly. it's about time for us oldfags to pack our bags, there's nothing for us here anymore. if you think the current state of kids posting pepe and Sup Forumscancer everywhere is bad now just wait until normies discover a new meme and another newsworthy event like gamergate happens.

>facebook reddit magapede toadposters act the same as ponyfuckers
but it's ironic right?

These people get it. Let me guess you were all born pre 90s.

>GAAAhh, gamers are so entitled, stop demanding a game to not have bugs when it launches! EVERY GAMES HAS BUGS!

Bad games becoming popular influences the industry to make more bad games rather than good ones. We have a right to be upset and combat this.