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>>Everything not in all-caps
What the fuck newfag


Not a lot because I'm going out with my friends tonight but I hope you fags have a nice time too.

Shadow Warrior is free on humblebundle, it's fun.

Have a blast user

Fucking delete this shit thread
I'll make a proper one

No games to play
I want to play games
I want to listen to games
Don't feel like it
I don't smoke


I never got around to trying Shadow Warrior last night, so that. A Sup Forums thread has me wanting to finish my Hotline Miami 2 achievements though.
Bring it On movies
The War on Drugs
Chipotle. I was looking forward to indulge in some food court meal, like Gyro's or kebobs, but maybe tomorrow
Gonna mix in some whisky with my fountain drink
Femdom. Facesitting.
On Abigail's haters. Fuck you, i'm gonna enjoy pissing people off.
Doing good. Rainy days are the best. My girlfriend is having some health things going on, and I wish I could do more to help her out. But she's doing ok, if not just disappointed in how shitty her genetics/luck are.

Shadow of the Colossus. Already played a bit earlier, I have 5 colossi left now and hope I can finish it. I've also been on a Shadowverse kick lately.

Seasonal animu I haven't gotten to yet: Princess Principal and Koi to Uso.

My collection on shuffle.

Pasta with some sauce.

The one true drink, water.

Eh, probably won't.

Mixed feels. Today is my first day of summer break and I'm looking forward to the slob life. Yesterday also marked the first day in months I didn't do something with friends, and our plans today went south as well. Don't know if I feel content staying home or if I wanna go out by myself, or maybe ask someone else to hang out.
Also my ex is ignoring me and I don't know why and really just want to talk to her. ;_;

been playing Ace Attorney: T & T lately, thinking about going back to devil survivor 2 to finish it out; or maybe NG + on the first one.
Impractical Jokers, house sitting for someone who actually still has cable
Haven't decided yet.
Yerba Mate cranberry pomegranate
Not my style.
Not bad, work is at 5am the next day but I get another two days off after that. Joys of retail.

What sauce user?

People do know that no one actually cares about what games you are playing on the weekend right? I swear these threads are just for friendless virgins.


Good job ruining your lungs, making your clothes smell like shit, and I hope you you're not smoking indoors around your electronics because that fucks them up.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Fist of the North Star, Dunkirk
Green tea
I don't smoke. Memes?
Pretty good about life, no real qualms
It repulses me but I'm tempted to fap to scat at least once for a random fap and never again

I don't know yet. I have some sauce for tikka masala left though, so I'll probably use that.

>he wasn't in last night's thread

Some people are actually nice even if they don't reply to everything. I enjoy reading about others nights because I discover new porn and occasionally ask questions about a game I'm interested in so I don't have to make a thread that dies within minutes.

Sims 4, thinking about whether I should give EA more shekels for expansions
Better call Saul, just started s2, bretty good so far
Chicken and brown rice with veggies
Okay, trying to get back into vidya

The projection though.

Yakuza 0
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer

Splatoon 2 baby
I don't watch things
Soylent Chai. So tasty
trans fantasies
I can't control myself at all with weed, so I think I'll pass
Anxious, like always. No reason in particular.

Tekken 7, Crash NSane Trilogy, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age, and Fortnite

Going to check out the Castlevania series.


Tuna salad sandwich



The heat

Not too shabby

>Yerba Mate cranberry pomegranate

Dragon Quest V until KK Slider shows up in Animal Crossing
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
tv in other room
Spaghetti and meatballs
No idea yet
my life
Stayed up way too late last night and hope it doesn't happen again tonight. I think I scared some bitch off YouTube by posting dialogue from Silence of The Lambs while she ws streaming so that was pretty funny.

Nothing yet. Ill choose something from these:
STALKER SoC,Dark Souls,Sunless Sea,Diablo 2
Nothing. I watched Dark Matter and Killjoys earlier ,theres nothing else for me now
Chicken fillet and fries
Summer,heat,twitch,normie women,most people on Sup Forums,my country,my ex,the EU the list goes on
Shitty. I woke up with 2 hours of sleep because of the heat and noises from outside so i crashed from 1 to 7 pm and now i feel tired but i wont be able to sleep more

Final Fantasy 8 and then some drunk Lords of the Fallen
Persona 5 OST
Chinese Food
Delirium Tremens
Pretty good