Videogames shit you love

>Starting area has a big secret or is where the last boss is

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game shows all the collectibles per area and lets you know if you missed any

Metroid Fusion does this, but only after beating it.

It also locks you out of the areas before the last two bosses until you beat the game ;))))

>playing a collectathon
>enter an area with zero collectibles in it

>you see that one collectible missing
>you search for hours but you can't finding it

>start of a level
>turning around immediately rewards you

It is a bless and a curse.

This. Lego Starwars taught me to always go backwards

>Game insults you for playing with the easiest difficulty.

>game has cheevo for you getting platinum

>It was on top of a doorway and you could only reach it at the very fucking beginning of the game

>if you progress the plot to a certain point, area with otherwise unobtainable items gets blocked off

>Lego star wars
Jesus did you never play crash bandicoot or something?

Sugar baaaaaby loove

>cave behind a waterfall

Subtitles on by default

>really "juicy" footstep sound effects when characters walk through mud or shallow water

>the last thing in the closing credits is "Thank you for playing"

>You can see another stage/area from the background of the stage/area you're currently in.
Sunshine did it well, but there are probably more examples

>Character's leitmotif gets remixed for their boss theme or death scene
Every time.

okay cmon no game ever does this

You have to jump on the head of a moving NPC to reach it
>you have one (1) chance

>He doesn't know
Super Mario RPG

>3rd person game
>characters move their heads in the direction you move the camera in

kingdom hearts is the best example

Is that unitinu?

>Music matches your actions or speed, or health
>Instruments are added as you progress

Sup Forums is in reality for kids/young people,
don't be mean

>Difficulty setting where both you and your enemies are extremely vulnerable to gunfire

>Completely missable content

It allows you go back and play the same game in a whole new light and still enjoy it

Fuck yes Devil May Cry did this amazingly with Heaven or hell, you die in one hit but so do your enemies even bosses

Hazards within the environment can damage enemies as well. Such a simple mechanic, but it makes the game all the more enjoyable knowing you can use this to your advantage.

>You unlock a flying vehicle of some sorts in the late game that allows you to easily traverse the entire game world complete with its own theme song and everything

>online is dead, games becomes the best single player in history

Hide helmet option
>inba filthy casual caring about cosmetics

I'll do you one better
>Fashion slots


user that shit is the best but you rarely find it in any game that isn't D3, WoW or GW2

>stealth mission
>fuck up
>no game over, you can continue guns blazing

Alpha Protocol, fuck yeah.

Weapon customisation

Xenoblade Chronicles X had them.
God I hope they're back in 2, Rex's gear is the stupidest looking shit I've ever seen

Every single time I enter a new area in any game I always go back first to see if they hide anything. I love when I find something instead of just a wall.

>remake/reboot to old game from decade/s ago
>it acknowledges the original game by having same items from the original classic game

The first Lego Star Wars game was 12 years ago.

>Old protag is still around
>They aren't depowered
>They didn't turn retarded either

Was hilarious when Disgeiea 2 had Etna one destroy Zenon early on.

>you can complete objectives in any order you want to

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 did have different armor models. So 2 will probably have those as well, but I'm not sure since they reworked the combat system.

>bad guy's henchman is following you throughout the game
>makes brief appearances in the background at random points in the game
>yfw you notice it for yourself

>RPG with a set characters in your party
>You can simply hang out with them
>You can see character interacting with each other not just your character

I don't know why but I love that kind of stuff even if it's minor. It makes your team really feel like a team.

>interactive credits
>interactive loading screens
>saving is almost instant
>main menu screen transitions straight into gameplay
>hidden secrets which aren't discovered until years later

Whats up with his feet?


What game does this awesome stuff?

>they blurt out generic lines about the quest you're doing

>Meet an inconspicuous character at the start of the game
>They're the final boss

It's stupid but I love it.

>characters actually take shoes off inside a house

Said no game ever

>You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors.
>That makes me one ugly son of a bitch.

>Every surface the character walks on has multiple high-quality foot step sounds

I'm sure a lot of Japanese games do that since it's a big thing in their culture. I'm sure at least one Persona game does at least.

Is this the SMRPG castle thing?

Artificial academy 2 does that :^)

>"unbeatable" boss fight
>you can win and get a cool reward

Gaunter O'Dimm follows you around Witcher 3 and it's dlcs often appearing the in the background as an npc in disguise. depending on how you look at things, he can be considered the main villain of the Hearts of Stone dlc

Chrono Trigger and the first fire golem boss in Zeal Palace. Normally would wreck your shit, unless you stack on fire resist equip.

I cannot remember what it gives you though.

>Everyone talked about how they were looking forward to starting the Afghanistan mission in MGSV by turning around and fucking with Ocelot
>Game is released
>Turn around
>He isn't there.

Does he follow you around both the main game and the second DLC? I know he shows up at the start of the main game (I was so surprised when I did my second playthrough) and ive seen pictures of him in the DLC. Besides that 1st time and his DLC I hadnt noticed him.

I never actually saw him as a villain. A dick, but not a villain

>Punches / Shots / Footsteps syncs with the background music

Seeing big numbers after getting a crit

I came from a white household and my parents loved me too much to get me a niggerstation 2

Got a video link to that?

>Bosses compliment your skills when you're fighting them.

>Crit numbers are not only bigger but have special effects surrounding them and a signature crit sound