Holy shit this is actually pretty good

holy shit this is actually pretty good

It was incredibly dull.

like that show


Not him but something just doesn't click. It looks incredible and the gunplay feels great but there's something that doesnt work, and that's probably that it doesnt have much of a personality or something.

For you

>Make shooter with high mobility and special abilities
>Make cooldowns too long for abilities to be useful

let me guess, playing with M&K?

Warframe is superior in every fucking way and its currently for free in all platforms.

Theres litterally 0 (ZERO) reasons to waste money on this garbage.

the beta is not out on pc

As someone who plays Warframe, don't play Warframe.

Warframe is just as bad

At the very least you need to shoot stuff in Destiny, not run past every enemy at the speed of sound

Hopefully they tune this accordingly.

A beta is a good time for them to get this shit ironed out.

Who else SENTINAL here?

Where is that character from

But they want that MLG balance

But also the casual audience

But mostly your money

I found it fucking boring personally.

It was more of the same. But with less.

Basically, the biggest issue in D1 was that in PvP nades and supers were pretty much the only things you used to kill people (With the occasional sniper/shotgun shot when necessary). So Bungie must've though "oh shit, let's nerf them both" but by making BOTH the cooldowns AND the damage absolute garbage they've ruined the point of the abilities.

Gameplay feels a step up from Destiny 1.
Guns are organized better. Snipers needed to be heavy from the start, if only in pvp.
PvP feels a bit better. Guns are favored more, supers have been toned down a tad. Grenades were nerfed as they fucking should've been.
Strike was neat. Had some interesting mechanics and level design we haven't seen in Destiny yet.
Also there's a story. Don't know if it's good, but some story is better than the scribbled wet napkin we got last time.

Paying $60 for 1/5th of a game that'll take 3 years to finish doesn't interest me.
Only reason I played Destiny 1 so much is because I picked up the complete edition for $30 during E3. I'm not willing to pay $60 now, plus $30 every 6 months for another 2-3 years just to play a game that has enough content to come back to.
Once you hit max light level, what's the point? Replay strikes over and over until you get the best RNG loot? Try and LFG for some raids? PvP until you can wack off to a triple down without using your hands?


>Strike had interesting mechanics
You mean shoot stuff until it dies?
That's all the strike had, the boss was a four phase bullet sponge

Apparently, the build they used for the beta is actually old and they changed quite a few things in regards to how weapons work. I don't know if they did the same with ability cooldowns though.
They probably will tweak cooldowns eventually since almost everyone is quite vocally complaining about it.

anime is for faggots

I didn't play it but D1 was also one of the most dull games I ever played. I literally fell asleep playing it like 3 different times. this was at release.

Please don't fall for the "beta is not representative of finished product" bullshit. We're probably getting basically this, maybe slightly tweaked, and it'll take months of fans screaming before Bungie actually fixes it.
Source: Destiny 1

I can't wait until the PvP meta devolves into one loadout, one character, and one subclass

Because of the lack of random rolls, it'll happen
I guess if everyone is the same a game is balanced

Then PvEwill suffer again because people whine about PvP

A dev literally said the loot system, one of two core mechanics in a looter shooter, is currently and likely will be unfinished at launch

It's pretty bad when a dev admits a game will probably release as an unfinished product

>having to pick between 30fps or P2P for a $120 point and shoot game

nope not buying it

It's literally worse than D1 in every way
>gear doesnt carry over
>will have to pay another $200 for the full game yet again
>PvP reduced to 4v4 because 6v6 was "too hectic"
>was actually changed because "we want the e-sports audience"
>gameplay is incredibly slow now
>extended cooldowns to the point they might as well not exist
>this also extends to PvE making grinding strikes even more of a chore
>reduced amount of classes to 2 once again
>golden gun is trash
>replaced sunsinger
>snipers, shotguns, and fusion rifles all moved to heavy weapon class
>removed grimoire cards for ebin capeshit cinematics with token quips

How long is beta for?

Just downloaded Jap beta

>replaced sunsinger
This is what gets me. Now the only non-kill super is titan's shield.

Maybe this time the expansion pass will last until the third game
That'd be the only improvement

By that I'm guessing you mean the Ward of Dawn upgrade

>gunplay feels great
What a fucking meme
It's a blurry mess that feels fucking horrible, microstuttering at 30 fps low fucking fov and retarded aim acceleration and huge bullet magnetism because it's so bad to fucking aim with the controller

That's the thing. If they have stupid cooldowns this far along, they're part of the core design. Cool things, new things, things that dramatically alter how the game could be played have to be muted for the sake of making sure no one is turned off.

>replaced sunsinger

Fuck this game and bungie.

it's free for everyone now,no need for the jap beta

>Paying $60 for 1/5th of a game that'll take 3 years to finish doesn't interest me.
I don't care. I already KNOW I'll spend well over 60 hours on this version alone, so the money is more than worth it
Also, playeing the content as it comes out >>>>>>> playing it all at once after a cheap bundle comes out

It's a completely different experience. You may pay less for more 3 years from now, but 90% of the content will feel dull and easy by then, you'll pretty much only end up playing the content of the specific expansion the game is on at that moment anyway. So in the end all you did was wasting away hours of fun with friends throughout the years.
Doing the first Nightfall ever in Destiny's launch was a thing from another world, so was experiencing the first Raid when no one knew what to expect out of it. It's also fun to have a context to all the changes and get an idea of how much the game changed from year1 to year3.

I'll gladly pay160€ over the course of 3 years rather than ignore the game for 2 years (skipping all the content when it was actually relevant, and having no idea how the game evolved) just to save some money. Compared to what you'd pay for a MMO in 3 years, Destiny is dirt cheap.

>Once you hit max light level, what's the point? Replay strikes over and over until you get the best RNG loot? Try and LFG for some raids? PvP until you can wack off to a triple down without using your hands?
You know what? That's a very retarded question. Destiny is a grind game and it doesn't hide it. You could ask the same about any MMO, Diablo, PSO or Monster Hunter.
If you don't like the grind or repeating content then it's not the game for you, it's that simple.

And why don't you ask the same for any shooter?
>PvP until you can wack off to a triple down without using your hands?
So you're saying Halo2 (or every MP shooter ever) is shit? You play them for no reason whatsoever, there's zero reward after each match after all.

you're doing it wrong

You mean Replaced gernade spam revive pleb class. In the trash where it goes.

You are the reason this game is shit. Your grenade spam. You PvP faggot

>Grenade spam
Yeah, that was super OP compared to Lightning warlocks

You know, run around holding one button and killing everything in front of you

Sunsinger was super OP

>waaaaa mommy he pressed Q when I didnt have any Q

Destiny is NOT a competitive game, the first game at least separated the normal multiplayer from the tryhard modes of Banner and Trials but it quickly became obvious that even if Bungie tweaked "problem weapons" like Spindle, the game could never be truly competitive even under specific settings.

Now everyone has to suffer slow as molasses CS wannabe 4v4 gameplay across the board with that awful 20 tick rate.

I don't get the grenade spam thing either
IMO the only grenades that needed adjusted were sticky grenades because they were one shots if you threw them close enough due to tracking, and Titans and Warlocks being able to get two
Every other grenade was just a bit of AOE damage like in any other FPS

I remember when Bungie announced they were making a new IP I was so hyped up to play it, and then the Destiny 1 beta happened and just was so boring. Weapons are all uninteresting, and the loot system is a mistake.
The worst part is how every boss is just a big bullet-sponge.

I meant the map, really. The giant rotating spinning shit leading up to it was unexpected, and the boss dropping the floor out was also.
I guess interesting was the wrong word. I should've said unexpected, or different than what we're used to playing D1.

So the lack of random rolls is actually a thing? I read something about them making inherent perks in each gun that are different from one another, but I'm not sure.

The question about hitting max light level was honest. I enjoy grinding games, and picked up Destiny during the E3 sale with two friends. One dropped it because there wasn't enough difference between guns to make it feel like getting a new item was rewarding. One stuck with it, and we hit 400 light a short while ago playing casually, and now we genuinely don't know what to do. Are you just supposed to replay everything until you get the rolls you want? What happens after that?
And mentioning other shooters is pointless. I never said playing other shooters wasn't repetitive and largely unrewarding.

>has a decent yet extremely repetitive PvE
>raids were the one thing everyone who has done them agrees is the best part of the game
>has arguably the worst balance of all shooters throughout its lifetime

>focuses on PvP and being "balanced"
>takes away subclass options
>takes away gear rolls
>lowers ability damages
>increases ability cooldowns
>put 6 gun types into "power" weapon slot
>PvE suffers

they ruined the one part and maybe the only of the game that was actually decent

There will be set perks on weapons and mods

Whatever those will do
Needless to say, you'll see everyone using the same few weapons, using the same few mods

PvP balance will essentially be communism, everyone has the same stuff so everyone is equal

Even the drill feels like a missed opportunity
I hoped you'd have to fight while moving between the three layers to avoid the drill, staying aware of it and the enemy

But it's just a giant prop

>not Sentinel
>not Senital

I played the living shit of the first one, I loved it even with it shittiness
Hoping this one is hated so not many people get it at the beginning and I can grind faster than the rest to fuck some pussies in trials of osiris

> Nerfs every fucking update
> Bad scaling
> Bugs every fucking update
> Gacha cards that require grinding to reroll
> Gameplay is litterally one massive grind
> nerfs
> nerfs
> Oh whats that you're having fun? Fuck you have a nerf

To make things even more insulting. They nerfed the newest frame to nigh uselessness in the very first day it was released.

However this Destiny2 is still fucking worse.

name me ONE (1) game that has not been ruined by pvpers in a game that offers both pve and pvp.

YOU LITERALLY CAN'T DO IT. pvp is a huge meme outside of pvp-only games. pve and pvp cant be mixed, ever.

>High mobility

Damn that's a good joke. It seems like it should but it's clunky as fuck

What do normies think about it?

The first one was a success despite all of its problems, so I guess they like it

Maybe Overwatch would also be better with longer cooldowns and one ult per game

Oh great, so it'll just be another game that gets meta'd to death. At least Destiny 1 let you run around with pretty much any subclass and any weapon in pvp. You'd do just fine without the best exotics or legendary weapons. But you're right, I can see it becoming a bunch of samefagging nonsense. If weapons themselves aren't copypasted between loadouts, then at least the mods will, and that's still unoriginal as hell.

It did feel like it had more potential, now that you mention it.
Still, the only half assed similar thing Destiny 1 was when you had to jump between two hive ships to get to a blocked off area. Other than the occasional "kill things, grab orb" rehashed shit, everything in D1 was killing a big bad or a few waves before moving to the next area.

aw man, this so much

It'll be Fatebringer, Black Hammer, and Gjallerhorn all over again

But now it'll be Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, and Black Hammer or GJallerhorn

Even when playing my ass off, going 7 and 0 for the first few minutes, finishing around 22 and 4, I still only got my ult once.
When I used it, I just traded with a guy.

Sad thing is Nighttalker won't return because of it, just imagine how angry people would be when one person can shut down a whole team's supers

So the one thing that made hunters viable in PvE is slated to die

>Two Primary weapon slots
Fucking WHY. When a weapon is shit because of a patch, just like Pulse Rifles were for almost the entirety of Destiny 1, your choice of weapons is already severely limited.

They didn't even bother to add a new primary weapon type it seems. Pulse, Auto, Scout Rifles and Handcannon.

They added to it
Submachine guns, which I'm calling as replacing high fire rate auto rifles
And Sidearms, which are handcannons, but shit

Sidearms were in Destiny 1. Not sure when they were added, but they're in D1 now, and are mostly disappointing.

The addition of submachine guns is fine, but to me they're mostly just an oh shit button.

Sidearms aren't confirmed to be in yet are they? I didn't see any reason to use them in the secondary slot in Destiny 1, and still don't see a reason for them in either primary slot. SMGs I can't see a reason for either unless the upclose damage/impact is much higher than Auto rifles.

On PC you could just roll double scouts or scout/handcannon and go for only headshots which will be very consistent


It's just sad knowing SMG's aren't technically new, just a new name for an existing weapon archetype

Sidearms are in the beta
And are inferior to SMGs in every way

Sidearms were good for PvP
Especially now because you lose all special ammo when you die, but you always respawn with a sidearm mag, so it's an "oh shit" button

And a very effective one at that

You lost all special ammo when you died in D1.
In D2, the only ammo crates are for heavy, so they have to spawn everyone with special ammo.
And it's about fucking time, too. You know how stupid it was having 3 guns and only being able to use one consistently? I know they couldn't have everyone running around with special ammo because of snipers, but that just meant that every other special weapon type suffered.

Too bad that means all boss damage will be from one of two primaries in PvE

Even the strike now feels sluggish because you don't have anything to do any real damage

But I guess it's fine because players in PvP use snipers, which need headshots to kill, and shotguns which could've just had range reduction

But making them on the same tier as Rocket launchers works too

Arctrider is amazing with is combos

It's literally bladedancer, but with no range

That strike was disappointing as hell..
Like all strikes, it was sorta neat the first time you do it, then every subsequent run sucks when your randos can't get their shit together.
Two man premade fireteam, and our third fucked us 3 times in a row because he wanted to be captain america and smashing board the fucking boss.
Sad thing is, his shitty ult did less damage than our shitty guns, so you're right about primaries being trash. The best damage I was able to do was when the boss hit me with arc damage and activated my exotic SMG perk. But I shouldn't need to have a fucking exotic to do something interesting.

Moving snipers to heavy was probably the best change about pvp, next to nerfing grenades.
But my main complaint is that the changes made everything feel more like a generic shooter now. Grenade spam sucked, but at least they gave flavor to PvP. Getting hit with hammers as soon as you spawned was ass, but it didn't feel boring because there was space magic bullshit going on. Now that cooldowns are fucked across the board, it's down to being a gun game. And not even a gun game with magic space guns, just the regular ones with bullets.
Might sound contradictory, being happy with grenade nerfs while still missing powers, but I'm saying that D2 sacrificed what made it interesting for balance.

Why do snipers need to be heavies to balance PvP?


I told you guys it would be, but some of you are PCMR elitist faggots who hate on every shooter.

>He wants to be sniped as soon as he starts the match.
Because their damage and range combined with openness of maps in D1 was garbage. There's only a handful of maps where sniping wasn't immediately accessible to someone that knew what they were doing, and it was unfair to new players or those that didn't play crucible all day long.
Two friends of mine outright refused to play crucible any more after getting sniped 5 times in a row during the first few games we played.

Needs ps plus to play the demo. Fuck this trash.

Thank you user

>shotguns and snipers are in the special weapons slot
>ability cooldowns very long and "PVP" balanced to do no damage
>none of the weapons I got were particarly neat or interesting
I'm not a fan, especially the way PVE is right now you just rush to the boss to end the mission without wasting abilities on the useless legendaries. I'm also just bummed I still have no shotgun

So remove special weapons rather than design better maps


Fuck off sun shitter. Now you no longer have a crutch self rez to rely on anymore and have to actually complete the content without fucking up.

>every way
I'll agree that Destiny is shit and all but FPS PVP is way better than the jumbled mess that is Conclave

>INB4 an exotic gives Dawnbreaker self res

I doubt it. They removed it for a reason.

Is Bungie the only developer that is still holding on to the idea of a 30fps shooter?

Everyone else has gone 60 even on console; and their game feels like shit in comparison.

The casuals will complain that raids are too hard and they'll bring it back, I guarantee it

Nah. I'd honestly say it's far more likely they'd add ressing to hard mode or something like that. They acknowledged that selfress broke the game too often.

Cant wait to wait a year for the third subclassess

played it for a bit
even if the framerate wasn't choppy and I had binocular vision fov it's boring as shit
sometimes difficult to distinguish from the first game

Self res only broke the game because it was too punishing, King's fall and Wrath of the machine almost required six people, so self res was a way for weaker players to not hold the team back

At least warlocks will have something to bring to a team now, even if it is just a worse weapons or armor of light

I haven't decided on Arc Hunter or Void Warlock yet.

I played Titan all through D1 and it was so boring. I like how Arc Hunter plays more but im not a fan of melee supers

Arcstrider will end up like bladedancer
It can't do boss damage and has no team support

The game is just Destiny 1 with a reset to get more players to jump on.

The game played almost identical to the first game, the powers are barely powers and have way to long of cool downs. The beta really doesn't show enough to make a judgment call yet, but from what I played; I would call it a pass, unless you don't mind more the same.

I know ;_;

I'd go Solar Hunter in an instant if they buffed the PvE damage of Golden Gun a TINY bit. Also imo throwing knives should be a OHKO in PvP but whatever.

I just hate Warlock's jumping so much.

This. Destiny 2 is boring as fuck

Gunslingers secondary sub-subclass looks to be for boss damage
>Golden gun can land precision hits
>GG precision hits increase duration and damage

It won't be Nighthawk tier, but it'll be something

It's just a beta. Plus they probably know they are under a microscope considering the turd vanilla was, so they are releasing as little as possible to about pre release criticism

>haha u want dedicated server or u want actual good framerate?
>choose one you fucking stupid goyim

eat shit, no

I hate to admit this but I didnt actually know they had a 2nd subclass (Or that any did)

Also are we getting that Exotic Weapon on release? That handcannon was so fucking tight. Jesus the amount of AoE you can pull when you get a few killshots in a row

It's the same exact fucking game. They added absolutely nothing new and you fuckers are gonna buy it.