


>the game

boring and slow

danke unfinished streamer trash

You can literally choose how to play
If you find it boring, if ts pretty much your own fault

Needs a smaller map variant for faster games. They drag on too fucking long sometimes.

Unironically the best multiplayer experience that exists

>choose how to play
You sure can choose HOW to play, but there is only one way to win.


>Going outside the meta

its like you want to fail

>caring only for the dinner and not having fun in intense gun fights

The gunfights get you nothing though. The only objective this game has is to survive. And unless you are first, you might as well be playing something else.

I'm excited for the Arizona map. There was no reason this game had to be in rural slavislovakia other than playing off of the familiarity of DayZ.

Would also like to see a snow map with vision-obscuring flurries.

I want a real Battle Royale game where you can actually end up with a frying pan or just a bullet proof vest as a weapon

I want fucking live weather where it'll start to rain or fog up in the middle of a match, I feel like that could balance sniper a bit.

Needs a constant rotation of new maps or else it will end up like the rest of the "Early Access Open World Survival" trash littering steam

Drdisrespect should have been banned longer

How's optimization going for this? I tried the game 3-4 months ago and it played like ass.

or you can take messing around even further and land with a bunch of people and duke it out with the wonky melee

user please my pc can barely take the game as is.

Plays pretty good.

On my i7-5820k and 8GB GTX 1070

Still like ass for me with a few crashes
60 fps on medium with constant dips to 40
on i5-2500k gtx 970

naysayers who have never played the game BTFO so hard in previous threads, they don't come in threads anymore

It's fun.

>use 3rd person view to peak behind corners

Who thought that was a good idea? That's disgusting.

1st person servers are coming this month

>run around, plan out entire route
>grab good gear, kill 5 other players in 1v1
>hiding in forest behind tree cover
>random sniper kills me, game over

what a fun game
all battle-royale games are garbage

>early access open world battle royale twitch friendly
I'll get two copies

>First-person mode is nearly universally hated.
>Because people can't peek around corners easily anymore.

Ah yes, the salty tears of people with no situational awareness.