
Better style edition

I'll answer some questions, but ask more if you need to know.

>Why does the CSS look like shit
Because function >>> form. I'll work on the css when the list gets more developed

>How does this work?
submit a game ITT and hope it gets added (^:

some faggot mods on the old Sup Forums recommendations wiki allowed a bunch of "well, it's not shit" tier games to the list.

/vr/ thread

Other urls found in this thread:


woo wee big boy bumparooni

hey hey hey heres a bump? please?

I submitted in the last one. Fuckin game is the shit. I've been gaming for almost 30 years.

Inb4 indieshit procedural generation

Still working on adding stuff from last thread.

divine divinity
la mulana
hidden in plain sight (if you have friends)
marvel ultimate alliance (if you have friends)

hidden in plain sight (if you have friends)
marvel ultimate alliance (if you have friends)
>if you have friends
is that a category? there should be two separate ones for local and online.

for local
>project m
>viva pinata/vp: tip

needs some Dragon Quest VIII and Rogue Galaxy

This is so bare bones. Should have finished the layout before linking it.

and is this just for obsscure stuff or are we going from ground up and recommending well known classics?

The infographics still apply. What you need is modern additions, not old ones. There is a concensus on which non-recent games are good already.

There's a chart thread going on on /vr/ that I'm hoping to steal from games from.
function > form right now. Hoping to do some more stuff with groups and stuff later on.

either or.

can you post your charts?

What's the point though? barely anyone uses the wiki anyway.

my own personal autism
on site chart.

>no X-com
It's not like you had a lot of choices.

whoops the on site chart is for

>my own personal autism
It sounds like a lot of work that won't even be recognized, but do as you wan't I guess.

You should probably add Etrian Odyssey to the list, it's one of the best known NDS series.

You spelled Dark Cloud 2 wrong.

I'm the kinda guy to make something better and have no one use it but still have satisfaction that I made something better.

Thanks mang.

>some faggot mods on the old Sup Forums recommendations wiki allowed a bunch of "well, it's not shit" tier games to the list.
>Teleglitch: Die More Edition
>Crypt of the NecroDancer
>One Finger Death Punch
>Halo Xbox games
>Yggdra Union
Yeah, and you're off to a great start..

>function > form

Clicking games brings up blank pages. Nice function.

eh dont listen to these people and keep going, often this kind of autism turns into success

Halo 1-3 are genuinely well desinged quasi arena shooters

/vr/ can handle suggesting older games to you, but I'll suggest Dawn of War, Rise of Nations and Guild Wars 1.

yep, that's because I'm a shitty programmer

I'm workin on it.

Yeah maybe OP should allow for some games to be voted off.

Im on holiday at the moment but I can look through my games collection when I get home (over 1000 in my dusty basement locked away) and pick out some of my favourites for here

That's coming soon (tm). Just make a strawpoll for right now if you really want a game off.

right on.

Shining Force

>Fallout New Vegas
>Sleeping Dogs
>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain
>Killing Floor
>Shadow of Mordor

do not add half of these


>Persona 5

Tie Fighter
X-men Origins Wolverine

gotcha man. it'll be up later.

which half tho

sleeping dogs

Would you consider Oxenfree?
Pretty recent game that reviewed well and I enjoined it

Comfy city, USA

isn't this like monster rancher?


God tier racing game

I had this on the gamecube. Played it all the time.

What are you using to make the site OP? Are you planning to bootstrap it or anything?

PHP and HTML + CSS. I don't want to deal with javascript right now so I'm sticking to this till it gets to where I want it to be.

Without a strict voting process with a considerable majority required for induction this is going to get littered with a lot of personal favorites.

on site voting soon

>on site voting

I think voting should be done through Sup Forums threads. If it's on the website, any non Sup Forums user could vote.

OP, what happened to DK 94? Why is it no longer on the list? Also, would you like me to make a homescreen icon so it shows in modern bookmarks and mobile apps?

PS2 and GCN version are 2 completely different games!

ENITRELY different.

Indeed, all voting should be done on Sup Forums with threads that happen ever week or so. SUGGESTIONS on what should be on those Sup Forums threads can be submitted on site though.

second this. The game is a masterpiece.

I wouldn't mind.
Voting got semi purged on site so all of those entries weren't counted.

That was my original plan but a bunch of people were complaining about strawpoll. I'll just take the recs from the previous thread and make a few strawpolls.

Planetside 2
Merit: only mmofps, free, starter gear has same dps as all sidegrades

Strawpoll has no defense against voting through proxies.

Well, it is the best option right now to keep everything located on Sup Forums.

Bumping to keep alive while i make icon

Halo's CE-3 are already added, add ODST and Reach

The Halo games are great though

>Great visual design that actually makes use of the entire color spectrum
>Sound of the best music in the medium
>has effort put into both the single player campaigns and multiplayer suites rather then just one and halfassing the other
>tons of user created content tools and modularity
>Has the biggest EU of all vidya

The only reason people give it shit is because made FPS games on consoles popular and paved the way for CoD to kill arena shooters, which isn't it's own fault.