ITT garbage that Sup Forums tricked you into buying

ITT garbage that Sup Forums tricked you into buying

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Friendly reminder that this was a system that was

>weaker than the Vita, but more expensive at launch than the PS4
>never got a price drop and was $350 MSRP up until it was killed
>was the same system that brought you Other M and Sticker Star/it's sequel
>made you rebuy all your old VC games at full price
>charged you $50 to unlock the preloaded, unremoveable Wii Sports port
>didn't even include a charger for the Gamepad in the box despite requiring the Gamepad to navigate the menu
>still used friend codes until its second year
>had an abysmal launch day filled with shovelware, compared to the PS4's launch window of exclusives such as Destiny, Infamous: Second Son, and Bloodborne
>didn't even start getting worthwhile games until three years in and which were all ported away months later anyway
>locked entire campaigns behind amiibo purchases
>it's BC had you buy Wii games on VC to play them through buggy emulation, which Americans didn't even get half of anyway
>constantly bricked legit customers through hamhanded patches trying to block piracy since the system's DRM was busted open from day one
>was fully emulatable within a year

Makes a nice piracy machine. Was nice to play botw for free a day before release. Also got all the DLC for free now.

Shame it has like 10 worthwhile games but at least I can run my entire gamecube and Wii library off an SD card.

Would've been way better to wait for Switch and use the Wii for piracy

I got the WiiU for 100USD on craigslist, came with a bunch of games and peripherals that I ended up selling. Bought an external HDD and a high capacity SD card and loaded it with everything.

I own a Switch now and regret buying it to be honest. I have botw + dlc for free on WiiU, got bored of ARMS in a week, have no interest in Splatoon 2, and all the games I want for it aren't coming out till late in the year or next year.

I agree ARMS is complete shit. Should've started the thread with that honestly

It'll have 0 by the end of the year if the ports keep up, making it the first truely worthless game system.

Let's not forget that expensive fucking gamepad was fragile as fuck. Both my friends had to end up paying $130-150 for repairs even though it should've been in their warranty period.

I'm not the OP, I actually enjoy my WiiU and Switch. WiiU was fun for party games with friends and it's good for playing all the older nintendo games via loaders or VC.

Switch is a nice concept and it will be great once it has more games.

I've been having a blast with Splatoon 2 for what it's worth. That and Disgaea 5 have racked up the most hours on my switch. I wouldn't dismiss it because of the art style if that's why you're not interested.

It's not the artstyle. I actually think the game is very aesthetically pleasing. I love the colors and aesthetic. I just don't like twitchy third person shooters, tried to get into the first one and didn't like it.

Disgaea 5 is the worst in the series. Killia makes me want to not play it

>it's good for playing all the older nintendo games via loaders or VC.
You can do that better on PC, with mods and other stuff

Fair enough. You probably wouldn't like the second if you didn't like the first.
I don't play for the story, but to satisfy my autism/ocd. It's better than the other games in the series in that respect because there are more knobs to fiddle with. It's fucking comfy in bed too.

This is true but there's something very nice about laying in bed playing games on the tablet screen. It's the same reason I like the switch so much.

I own a high end gaming PC and I have CEMU and Dolphin on it. I just prefer to play in bed on the tiny screen because I may be slightly autistic. I also play PC only games in bed with a bluetooth controller via steam big picture mode.

This, Wii-u is most worthless piece of gaming hardware ever made. Everyone who bought one should be rounded up and gassed as part of an idiot cull. Not even useful for fucking piracy, and that's when you know you fucked up worst

The Wii U gamepad doesn't even reach my bed

>Somebody took the time to write all of this and factcheck absolutely none of it
>Other M WiiU
>No gamepad charger
>Bloodborne in the PS4 launch window

>People are still this angry that the WiiU got games

Friendly reminder that this was a system that was

>able to play ssb4
>able to play mario kart
>have fun playing it with friends

I'm angry that i bought games on it instead of waiting to get them on Switch.

gothic 1&2

Its worth it for free games.

Entire gamecube, wii, and wii u library

nes, snes, n64, gba emulation from either official VC or homebrew emulation

PC Engine, Mega Drive, GB/C, neogeo emulation from vWii VC or homebrew emulation

tons on controller options. NES classic controller, gamecube controller, classic controller / pro , wii u pro controller, any HID controller

Is he even wrong?

>>able to play ssb4
*also on 3DS
>>able to play mario kart
*also on Switch

>Wii U
>weaker than the Vita
But that's wrong you fucking retard

You forgot.
>able to play The Wonderful 101
>able to play Bayonetta 2
>able to play Dong Freeze

>Marginally better BOTW I didn't have to pay 360 (minimum) for
>MK8 with more items to fuck the balance, an item mode I dont care about, and less stable online
>Lego City Undercover which came to everything else too
The only one that's a massive improvment is Pokken. But it's still Pokken. That game needed a sequel, not a 1+

This is all wrong... But people will still believe it.

I'm with op.


Oh boy, are we still trying to act like the 3DS version of WiiU games are comparable to their WiiU counterparts at all? Smash is the closest one and it's still shit compared to the WiiU one.

They're a budget alternative for shiteaters, nothing more.

I get relatively the same experience with BOTW on WiiU. I can't say the same for Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, or Yoshi Wooly World on 3DS.


i didn't used in years until breath of the wild came out. beat it in a week and then months later bought a switch for my birthday.

damm if i have more money than common sense.

That would be a ton of fun to play with your friends, all huddled around the 3ds taking turns playing smash.

I honestly don't think that there's a single line that's true in the entire post

All will get ported to Switch.

You play it with your friends on their 3DS retard.

Oh come on, that's probably hyperbole. I'm sure at least some of it's right but fuck if I know

Does anyone outside of obsessed fanboys and autists actually pay attention to the details on that stuff? I just skip over every Nintendo-related I see when I read the news and just absorb what I know about them from osmosis on forums after all the PR bullshit has long been filtered out

Couldn't be arsed to know how powerful it is or what's on it to begin with. Only finally learned shortly after the Switch came out it wasn't a tablet addon for the wii. Thought they were still trying to compete with the PS4 with a re-cased gamecube these past few years.

Wii U owners are the shit eaters.
>I get relatively the same experience with BOTW on WiiU
No you don't

I mean I guess you could, but that's not nearly as fun as having a big group of people over to drink and play smash.

Of gone through all of it and even when he gets close to being correct about something some small detail or number is altered to make it utterly ridiculous and untrue.

Why the fuck not? It's the same shit.
3DS version also has better stages

>No you don't
You're right. The WiiU version had better lighting and can actually get up to 30fps on my television

He's right about Color Trash.

Right but then he's wrong about Other M being a WiiU game.

There literally isn't a single line that's actually factual

Meanwhile...On 3ds....


Keep in mind the 3DS versions of both of these games lose the multiplayer as well.

It's not like anyone actually enjoys playing Hyrule Warriors. Or any Warriors game for that matter.

>Metroid: Other M[a] is an action-adventure video game developed collaboratively Team Ninja and Nintendo, with the latter also publishing it, for the Wii video game console

english motherfucker, do you speak it

>being emulatable means it's bad

This is just fucking stupid. I love the 3DS, and I don't really use my Wii U except for BOTW, but some of the most fun I had in college was getting groups of people together to come over and play smash while we got fucked up. It worked because everybody and their mom loves smash, but not everyone is going to have or autistically bring their 3DS. Having a bunch of autists sitting around with their faces in their 3DS just isn't the same as sitting around on the couch where everyone can be a part of it.

Wow look at those goalposts fly.

I don't see any issue with the 3DS version.

>Having a bunch of autists sitting around with their faces in their 3DS
Yes because having a bunch of autists sitting around with their faces in the TV is soooooo much different

Why keep around worthless hardware? You got rid of your SNES, didn't you?

Then you're blind AND retarded user.

The lengths people will go to to hate the only console that was worthwhile for the first half of the gen is astounding.

It sort of is...

PS4 was always better. It got Infamous Second Son 3 months after it came out. That game is way better than the shit that Nintendofags used to shill Wii U, like 3D World, Hyrule Warriors and fucking NSMBU

If it was so worthwhile, why did everyone buy the PS4 instead?

>Infamously runs at 20fps
>Better than 3D World
Holy fucking shit.

These threads are honestly pathetic. You get to see the most warped minds on Sup Forums

It sort of isn't

>>Infamously runs at 20fps
And 3D World is complete shit. Worst 3D Mario ever made

>throwing away valuable shit

Not everyone owns a 3DS dipshit, but everyone has played smash, so even the normies that came over had fun with it, it even got some of my comp sci friends laid for the first time. I really don't see that happening with everyone sitting around with their handhelds.

Because quality doesn't have any indication on sales. Call of Duty, Minecraft, etc are the best selling game series of the modern age. Some bara dad simulator is the top thing on Steam right now. The majority of people have shit tastes user.

Pretty much all of my friends who got a PS4 realized they had no idea why they did it later and are just glad it's starting to work out well in 2017.

PS4 is still outselling the Switch, while Wii U is forgotten. That means he's right.

All of the 3DS ports of Wii U games were inferior

Hyrule Warriors
Super Mario Maker
Yoshi's Wolly World

Fuck off.

>Not everyone owns a 3DS dipshit,
It's much, much easier to find 4 people each with a 3DS than to find one person who owns a Wii U
>it even got some of my comp sci friends laid for the first time
When you have to make up lies, you know you're losing the argument.

>And 3D World is complete shit. Worst 3D Mario ever made
t. doesn't have a single friend

Everything from Nintendo since 2003.

Its worse in multiplayer than in single player, you can't even rotate the camera in multiplayer.

Wait, you can rotate the camera in 3D World?

Why would you even need to do that? It's practically a 2.5d game.

Yeah, and that means they're better off than Wii-u owners these days. That means they win and Wii-u loses.

Why did they even make this game playable on old 3DS?

Should have just made it New 3DS only, like Xenoblade

>It's practically a 2.5d game.
And that's why it is trash.

Okay dude, you keep playing on that 3DS of yours at parties.

Try after Melee. And before Melee, for that matter.

Actually, fuck it, Nintendo thinks Melee was an accident and regrets it anyway. So let's just say everything from Nintendo. Square propped up the SNES and that's about it outside of Melee.

Okay dude keep playing that Wii U of yours at parties

>It's different so it's bad REEEEEEEEEEE
It's not like I'm not excited to see Odyssey return to form for the series but Mario 3D World is a damn good "race to the finish" platformer. And 2.5d level design with 3d movement is a GOAT combo, I want more games to do it.

Worst pasta in a while. At least change the part about Wii U being weaker than Vita, no one will fall for such obvious bait.

Will do, had tons of fun with it.

(not him)
I dunno, it gets around the biggest problem that was in NSMBWii and NSMBU: bumping into each other all the time.

And bear in mind, I fucking loved those games. NSMBU especially I had a blast with my siblings; two of us as the bros. and one on GamePad with platforms.

It's not a good game at all, it's just a shittier Crash Bandicoot and even more linear

>I have a full library of roughly 30 retail games on WiiU and a shitload of downloaded games
>My friend on PS4 has roughly 6 games
>He won
Nigga it's his PS4 and he doesn't even think he won. He's just sad its too late to jump on board/probably not worth it with the Switch getting some and probably more of the library.

>bumping into each other all the time.
It really doesnt. This still happens in 3D World because the levels are so narrow and linear.

What games are worth getting on the Switch currently?

Your friend won because he'll get better versions of all your games on the Switch

>I control 3d movement like a retarded drunk toddler walking around
I've put a good amount of hours into the multiplayer of that game and never once ran into an issue

I'd have to disagree on that. There's much less hair-pulling when it comes to maneuvering around each other in 3DW than the NSMB games, just having ANY space to walk past each other is a big deal.

Still would've been better to make a traditional 3D Mario than this 3D NSMB shit


SeeThey're ""improvements"" in several cases and small enough improvements that I don't care in all the others.

The only one that would actually bother me is Smash 4 DX but with like two tiny fucking additions to the roster that don't come to the other version of the game or something gay like that.

Nope. It was a fun foray into something different.

You're literally confirmed to be getting your sandbox Mario game. Stop crying like a child.

>You're literally confirmed to be getting your sandbox Mario game
Odyssey should've been on Wii U and something else sandbox should've been on Switch


>no mario 3d world
>no sonic lost world
not complete library

>B-B-BUT SONY!!!!!

>A game that wasn't developed for the WiiU should have been on the WiiU and this system was a scam because I bought it expecting a game that wasn't announced or confirmed in any capacity

I don't have a suitable reaction image for what you just said but just so you know that shit was fucking dumb.

There literally isn't an incredulous enough anime girl in existence to express how fucking stupid you and these god forsaken threads you make are.

>and these god forsaken threads you make

Both downloaded titles. Along with Monster Hunter 3U, Rayman Legends, and Wind Waker HD.
Hyrule Warriors isn't pictured because I haven't take a new photo yet.
The only two I have left to get are Lego City Undercover and Kirby Rainbow Curse
