Do I just not like video games anymore?

>come home from work
>stare at my Steam backlog for a few minutes
>everything looks overwhelming, like it'll take 100+ hours to complete
>close it, browse for rest of the night
>do this almost every day
>eventually decide to install something
>play it for a couple hours
>"eh, that was kind of fun"
>close it and don't touch it for months

The only games I've finished in 2017 was Nier Automata and Hollow Knight. All these modern open world games are so complex and overwhelming I can't even bring myself to start them. Has anyone else experienced something like this before?

>All these modern open world games are so complex

try a genre you don't typically play, it may reignite your flame for vidya


user, it's probably because of the fact that you are aware of how limited and valuable your time is, since you are working now
it makes you more picky about what you want to play, which in turn demotivates you from playing at your own relaxed pace.

just try to relax when you feel overwhelmed, tell us what kind of games you might want to play

Yeah. Instead of trying to get yourself to like something you don't anymore, how about you take up a productive hobby like writing or drawing or programming.

Yep. Sounds like you need something to do for self improvement. Go self study some shit, learn to draw, or do amateur game dev shit. Maybe grab some short games like Isaac or Nuclear Throne for quick sessions. Do remember hobbies exist because people have free time and nothing to do.

>open world games are so complex and overwhelming

they really are not, pay enough attention to their desing and you would see that most of them have 3 or 4 types of gameplay missions. or they are a selection of tiny areas that would be divided by a cutscene and a loading screen to add the sense of location instead of bein in the same map and visitable at any point during non mission gameplay.

>Modern open world games are shit
You finally get it, huh.

youre not an autistic child compelled by systems/fake progression

you can't/ don't want to give it your attention and effort.

you shouldn't have grown up , OP, ignorance is bliss

>only have one game on your computer at a time
>play in 20 minute bursts - break for 20 mins - 20 mins back on
That's it. That's the secret to trudging your way through your backlog.

>using productivity tactics to make yourself waste time

>be me
>spend all day every day playing video games
>extremely depressed and self loathing
>go see therapist for a few years
>realize im actually a degenerate tranny
>try to repress it for a few years
>fully submerse myself into video games and lose all freinds
>have panic attack coming home from work one day
>realize that the pain is never going to go away like this and cant take it anymore
>figure i might as well give it a shot before i kms
>go away for school so i can transition
>lose a shit ton of weight and become cute twink
>still play video games lots (mainly single player rpg's at this point)
>make lots of freinds at college
>actually get invited to parties and shit
>all the girls want to hang out with me and have a gay bff
>feel extremely out of my element because so used to just interacting with a screen and not real people
>eventually start to open up more and more
>finally get on hormones
>few months later i notice my reaction times in video games are getting worse for some reason
>ask other traps about this and they say its not uncommon and its hormonal
>start socializing more and more with people
>play video games less and less
>actually feel confident about myself because starting to look like cute girl
>fast forward 2 years and can barely stand to sit and play a game for longer than 1 hour at a time
>90% of my free time is spent socializing with irl or internet freinds
>video games just cant hold my interests anymore
>not sure if i should feel sad or happy to have grown

>split your time working a shit job and shitposting/blogging here
I wonder.

I felt like you when I got into the ps3/xbox gen. I was going to university, and when I graduated I was all alone in a tiny city next to an oilfield with a surprising amount of spare time. Got myself some games and damn, had really fun times.

Check out some top100 games lists or "games you need to play before you die" kind of stuff. Do NOT go for all trophies/cheevos or else you will barely get through a game! Just play for fun, blind without a guide and youll beat em in no time. Only if you have a family is it really tough to enjoy games. Maybe avoid jrpgs first until you get more used to them.

Don't bother with open world games unless they're really something special. Also avoid playing games that you know a lot about. Try to find a smaller more modest game that you don't know much about. People underestimate the value of novelty, of being surprised, of pure discovery.

post boipucci

>day off
>re-install Oblivion
>spend 2-3 hours downloading mods
>spend 5 more hours downloading more mods and stress test it
>eventually get the game running with 193 esp files
>stable 60 fps even with better cities installed
>1 hour into playing
>save file gets corrupted for unknown reasons
>delete installation

A day well spent

Most games these days are shit. There are literally no games coming out this year I'm looking forward to. I hope something suprises me or it will be a boring year

Do something else, so you aren't burnt out on vidya. Play things on a whim and not because you "have to"
Play older more short and to the point games.
(no crazy 100+ hour grindan, short match of quake or a level or two singleplayer fps/platformer/racan)
Unplug yourself from the internet a bit.
I notice myself being rather addicted to internet as opposed to gaems. The internet can really hook you in and just keep on checking things without you actually knowing what you're looking for.

Making something or something creative can also reignite some spark and let you do something else. Might lure you back into games because you remember how cool some small aspect of it was.

>Check out some top100 games lists or "games you need to play before you die" kind of stuff.
I never really understood this. Don't most people pick out games they already know they will have some affiliationg with or interest in?
Like i know Wow, finalfantasy and assfaggots are really important or atleast influential games but i just really don't give a hoot and rather play some weird obscure survivalhorror game.

I do have this one friend that really doesn't know what he likes and just kinda randomly meanders around doing things, so i guess those people exist. Just hard to grasp for me, if i'm anything as an entity it's strong desires and aethetic preferences for things i like/dislike. Why would i have to play x game before i die? On what traits was this tested? Why would the creator and i care about the same things?

No, most modern games just suck major ass, and are patronizing trash made by cheap-ass companies that are only after your money.

I've mostly enjoyed some "AA" games, indies and mods for the past few years, with only a few truly enjoyable AAA titles every now and then. BotW has so far been my total GOTY, and refreshingly balls to walls NON-handholding.