Tomorrow it's Max Payne's 16th birthday

It's time to talk about the best TPS trilogy of all time.

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But user, there ever was only two (2) Max Payne games?


>it's been 16 years since ITS PAYNE

They were all fat.

is this the PAYNE residence...!?


it's a rhetorical question

don't answer's a rhetorical question

Best game in the series.



why does Max's face always look like he smelled something bad



dont answer that


>16 years later
>still the best TPS
im not sure how i feel about this


I don't get it how MP3 could sell so low. It was graphic wise one of the most beautiful looking games on the 360/PS3, it improved the gameplay from the previous titles a lot and they spent a lot of money for the advertisement, also the Rockstar name alone should have guaranteed a success, I mean it didn't flopped, but the last time I checked it sold 1,9 million units after a month or so.

>mfw Sam Lake plays all those characters in these TV shows

You're making me want to replay the two games just to watch all these shows again user. Maybe even Alan Wake to watch those notTwilight Zones.

>it improved the gameplay

This is where you are WRONG.
It improved animations yes, but gameplay got much slower and shittier as result.
The core mechanic is basically rendered useless because of the awful realistic movement and aiming delay.

Whether they like it or not, I think the average consumer expects a Rockstar game to be open world. The Max Payne name may only appeal to a small user base when MP3 came out, everyone else wanted another open world game from them. When it became clear that it wasn't one, they just moved on. Damned shame too, the gunplay was excellent.


You can dislike three all you want but by itself it's actually a good story. The only things really noteworthy for Max are him leaving New York because of mafia shit then finally having some peace after its all said and done while walking into the sunset. The soap opera with the demon baby was the funniest shit and Captain Baseball Bat Boy being animated was great. I fucking hate what GTAV became and MP3 and RDR were their last good games.


I was already so far past the point of no return I couldn't even remember what it had looked like when I had passed it.


The story too is a total, generic mess as well, and does not fit well at all with the style and conclusions of MP1-2

These games are perfect. Why are TPS like this dead?

Oh, and
2>3>1(by an inch)

Why does this design appeal to my aesthetic sense and modern games dont? are we experiencing the uncanny valley?

Media only does well if it becomes a meme. This is the age we live in. Become a meme and you make money. This applies to literally all media.

I like the old era of blocky textures and minimal AA. Everything modern feels so fucking blurry, even at 1080x60. Useless fog, lighting, DOF effects out the ass. It's getting slightly better in the last year, but it's still bad.

I will never understand how there's a rise of post process effects that only serve to get in the way of the in-game assets. They make nice as fuck models, then employ expensive as shit DoF, motion blur, TXAA and other bullshit that just blurs everything the fuck up on top of eating performance as well. What the fuck is up with that design philosophy?

but are we experiencing that so called uncanny valley or are the animations just bad?

Do so user. They are some of the most rewarding experiences you can invest time on.

But user... mirrors are more FuN tHaN TelEviSiON.

It was slower through the more realistic animations, but to say it was shittier is objectively a wrong statement. On a technical objective measurable standpoint the gameplay mechanics from MP3 are way above the amount of other 3rd person shooters.
It's not possible to argue against something like that, it's like when you arguing that 1 + 1 equals 2 is not correct, gameplay is always objective, I get it that people don't like MP3 in the was it tells his story (since you can't really measure storytelling in an objective way), but to say the mechanics are shit is simply a wrong statement.

Anyone else got Max Payne Mobile? Suprisingly good port to play on the go, sadly its 1.2 gb for some reason.

Animations have literally never been better. I don't experience the uncanny valley affect with new games, it's just fucking blurry and hard to see unless you stand still and go "I guess thia looks nice, technically". All the stupid effects blend in while actually playing and there's so much to look at that it becomes a jumbled mess of pixels.


Honestly, I'd be fine if games stopped evolving graphically and just focused on everything else. Games look amazing in a technical sense, but functionally they look like shit and even PS2 era games beat them.

Man I wish Quantum Break had a better story. The game play was actually fun.

Post graphic novel edits

Why the fuck are games like Max Payne so rare? Games you play and truly feel the passion and fun devs had making it?

Also shit on 3 all you want but the way guns felt doing damage in the killcams is boner inducing. Such a fucking shame Rockstar made GTAV gunplay shit again.

Max Payne 4 needs to have different round types, bullet deformation, penetration and ricochet.

Playing Ocelot with ricochets would be fun as fuck.

One thing I kind of miss is when they used to use pictures as textures to hide the fact that their lighting engines were shit.

I replayed Return to Castle Wolfenstein a few weeks ago and it surprised me how well the visuals held up for a 2001 game, mostly due to the art style. Max Payne 2 was the same, shit still looks great today despite being ancient.

today is [/spoiler] my birthday

Same here, just turned 24.

I don't have any sorry :(

Anyone have
>it was the worst thing I can think of

>Max Payne 4

Let the guy get some rest and you seriously expect them not to fuck up gunplay after they fucked GTAV?

Happy birthday dudes

MP3 gameplay was a backwards compared to the previous ones, I felt that I was steering a car and they gimped out all the fun of exploring the levels + jump and no comic book cutscenes.

Realistically speaking my dudes, if Max got a new game what would you prefer?

>Full Reboot
>Soft Reboot
>HD Re-release
>Remake in the same vein as Nsane Trilogy, exact same games but redone and improved graphically for new consoles [spoilers] and more mod support for PC [/spoilers]

I sure as fuck would not be ok with a direct sequel. If 3 did one thing right to me is leaving the story in an optimistic note.

GTAV was casualized as fuck, though. MP will never be the cashcow that GTA is so there's no reason for them to dumb it down.

I'm pissed Mona actually died and they literally only mentioned her once in 3. Like I said I enjoyed 3 even if it's the weakest of them agree to disagree.

Or if it wasn't raped by being a Microsoft flagship title and the "We want this to be all about movies" garbage. The mini series was still great tho.

I think Alan Wake also had great gameplay it just needed more enemy types amd weapons.

I really liked the tv series in the first two MP games and heavily enjoy a good narrative mixed with fun gameplay. Is QB good on PC? Should I give it a try when on sale?

Prequel where he's fresh out of the academy and really to knock criminal heads, by the book. But as he words NY he gradually turns into the renegade we know and love. The game ends with him being offered a position in the DEA.

Yeah, lots of old games manage to hold up visually with tricks like that. Darker textures to give the illusion of Ambient Occlusion and shadows. It probably takes some time to set up and modern developers prefer to just use the build in engine lighting

I wouldn't mind another shooter in the same vein as Max Payne, like a spiritual sequel or some shit but a direct sequel, prequel, reboot or whatever the fuck? No thanks. Max's story was neatly wrapped in MP2 and MP3 was unnecessary. But it came out and was alright with an ending that's even more neatly wrapped up making a sequel or prequel even more unnecessary. Another game following some different hard-boiled detective in a noir plot? Sign me the fuck up. Max Payne again? No thanks.

I'd prefer a prequel where it's Max all undercover after his family died. I don't want to see Max happy to only end in sadness. Have Max walk the line between good and bad maybe throw in a flashback to when he met his wife or something as a beat cop.

I would let them rape Max's character and well deserved peace if it meant more fucking gameplay.

Or make Max Payne 4 and you're investigating the murder of Max as an NYPD detective and the whole department is interested in on it. They send you on early mission that is a trap, you shoot your way out, find a clue, etc.

>post yfw both Remedy and Rockstar mention this birthday with merely a tweet

>Full Reboot
>Soft Reboot
>HD Re-release
How do these differ exactly? You really can't make a Max Payne game with changing his backstory. I can't see a reboot happening with a different story.

I would like a direct continuation of MP2 (perhaps with Mona lives ending) taking place in NY. Though it would be really confusing with MP3 around.

I still think they shouldn't have made a massive timejump in MP3. Max already being an old man really limits where the story can go, unless you do an alternate universe or some shit.

>idealistic Max without self-loathing
I'll pass desu.

A soft reboot is mostly using the same characters or backstory but spicing some stuff up such as Doom, full reboot is merely same names and nothing else, see Thief 4 that forever ruined Garret's personality.

HD rerelease is just the exact same game but with more AA and sharp textures to sell the game again.

Only played 3. Do 1 and 2 need mods to get the gameplay up to speed? I remember some user the other day ranked the games, and a modded version of MP1 was his favourite, forget which mod though.

This. Part of Max's charm through the series was how cynical , bitter and sarcastic he was about everything around him.

"You're killin' me"

It kind of runs like shit, tho it still looks decent on medium-low settings. It was a pretty broken port. Still worth it, tho. It's biggest problem is the various interruptions in gameplay that a LOT of modern games suffer from. "Press forward to move in what is essentially an unskippable cutscene!". Gunplay is fun and the story is neat

Full reboot would be new Max, sameish story. Family dies, tortured cop, on the run, it was Aesir.

Soft reboot would be either Max in NYC and MP3 never happened, or Max goes back to NYC and gets into some shit and MP3 happened but it doesn't

HD rerelease would be same dialogue, same voice lines, same story, same levels, different HD textures.

>Why the fuck are games like Max Payne so rare? Games you play and truly feel the passion and fun devs had making it?

Because modern AAA devs don't even play games.

Max was a normal, nice family man before his family died. Prequel wouldn't work.

If they make another one, I'd like to have a different character with their own story. Another user mentioned playing as a detective investigating Max Payne's murder. It could be something like that. Related, but not beating the dead horse of Max's character.

16th birthday isn't exactly a good milestone. When they completely forget the game existed 4 years from now, you can do it.

MP1 requires a sound patch, 2 can work well but needs a widescreen patch in some PC's.

user likely was talking about Kung Fu mod, it's the fucking tits for a second playthrough.

Cynics are created, user. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how he got there before it all kicked off in MP?

>I'm pissed Mona actually died
>not beating MP2 on hardest difficulty

MP1 needs an simple sound patch. Don't mod it. I love 1 but it's a little dated gameplay wise. 2 feels modern. Dont skip 1.

>putting that awful fan fiction by Dan Houser on the same level as MP 1&2
Faggot didn't even went with the true ending. When will Rockstar sack his ass? I hope it happens, before they make Bully 2. I don't want to play a greatly designed world just for it having a generic und uninvolving story with asshole protagonists and whiny shit born from Houser's mid-life crisis.

I think he means she is dead by the 3rd game regardless.

>not realizing he was talking about MP3 which canonized Mona dying

He became the Max he know when his family got murdered. He wasn't a miserable piece of shit before that.

I'd go as far as to say the Max Payne is prob one of the best vidya franchises of all time. If someone told me that any of the 3 games were their favourite game, I wouldn't doubt them for a second.
They're all amazing imo and all hold a special place in my heart, even 3.

Well, he never specifically stated she was dead, he only mentioned "feeling bad about the Mona business". In theory, she could've survived and make a bigger mess later.

I'd be game for Max Payne 2.5.


>sound patch for MP1
Is this why it sounded like ass when I played it? Nothing but occasional static

I'm that user. I really want to play that idea now. It sounds like it could be great. Max's past comes back to kill him. Made an enemy that he forgot to kill. Over the game you learn that Max lived a great 10-15 years after MP3. Max's last thought is that he's happy it was a bullet and not the pills and alcohol that finally got him.

Then the series continues with a new name, new protag, bitter and angry from his experience in the first game.

Man I cant play the first game on my current pc because of geometry breaks.

And playing it on my win 98 it has framedrops at MAX


Yeah, he wasn't "miserable" before that poin but the game makes it pretty clear that he'd seen plenty of nasty shit before that moment. He soliloquys about it a lot during the game. The death of his family wasn't a turning point for his understanding of the wickedness of humankind, it was the turning point of him caring about anything.

Umm... Try again sweetie, there were 3 Max Payne games, two on consoles and PC and one on Game Boy Advance. Please stop embaressing yoursefl, your underage is showing. ;->

He literally says he's pissed Mona died and they only mention her once in 3. To bring up the fact she's dead

>there are people who genuinely think
Infinite was a good game

Probably. Steam forums has a guide to fix that. Max Payne mobile has zero issues for some reason.

I dont think they are the very best but they are my personal favorite series. There is just so much I love about them to death, hell my profile pics on Steam has been Max1 faces for months now.
I played them to death before I even got them again on Steam, and now I have 150+ combining all of them. I still have a copy of 1 I got from a store back in 2002~ in perfect state.

I just fucking love all three, I genuinely belive they are some of the best games ever made.

Just turned 23. Brother?

Greentext got fucked, to clarify, Infinite can suck a fucking dick and I hate what it did to Bioshock's story and how bad the gameplay was.

>sweetie posting

Did I miss something? When he stares at his wife's tombstone in the final NY level, he says "I still haven't forgiven myself for the Mona business, but I knew that was just grief". Literally the only time she's namedropped unless you count the TV easter egg.

>remake like nsane trilogy

definitely this, much less chance of them fucking up the mechanics if they try to make 1:1 copy. only stipulation being that they use the same cutscenes in the originals, ideally with a high resolution they might have

>Here it is. The ironic exclamation point at the end of this joke of a life. Dodged the full capacity of San Quentin's goon's bullets and the thing that gets me is the one I never saw coming. Damn, hurts a lot worse without the booze and painkillers. At least in the end it wasn't the whiskey and vicodin that did it. Michelle, are you waiting?

There is only 1(one) Max Payne title. 2 and 3 were fanfic mods.

>Michelle, are you waiting?