Let's be real here

Let's be real here.

Why do you game on PC?

Look at how many people use intel integrated GPUs.

Other urls found in this thread:


Every single intel CPU will have an integrated HD graphics chip. Of course it'll be taken into account during a hardware survey, what the fuck man?

that survey takes into account notebook and toaster users, possibly owned by people who already have steam installed on a better PC
a better question is why did you make such a dumb thread?

because it gives me the option to do something else with my PC when I am done.

the only genre worth playing on a console might be some third person rpgs at best, everything else is worse.

For instance, when was the last time you enjoyed using a joystick along with headtracking in a flying game? most likely never if you are a consoletard.

might be easier to see if you could take a fucking screenshot instead of a low res phone picture you ignorant piece of faggot

How does what other people use affect my experience? My rig is high end, I built it myself.

I game on PC because I went to tech schools my entire life. I'm 28 now but I learned how to build a PC in my high school and learned to like doing it. I've constantly built and upgraded PCs since then and I get a sense of satisfaction from playing on something I assembled.

Did you really post a screenshot of a video of a picture with a camera?
Didn't even crop the name

>screenshot of a youtube video filming a screen

because i do other stuff besides game on the machine and like playing games at high graphics.

What do I have to do with people using onboard GPUs? Mine isn't, which is why I can get things console friends never even heard of like high resolutions, good graphics and framerates over 30.

Just becuase a majority of the user base has a shit PC doesn't mean I do.

Good pic op

I play on PC because I don't give a shit what other people's reasons are for playing on their system of choice. I like playing on my PC because, in short, it works for me and what I do and other people's hardware statistics will not change that

I've been gaming on PC since the Nintendo 64 era with strategy games like Command and Conquer and later with Neverwinter Nights. After a while I just focused more on PC gaming then console gaming.

Evidently because unlike you, we can see the screen.


kill yourself children


>main desktop PC has 1070
>laptop is shitty ancient AMD with integrated grafix
>Steam hardware survey always shows up while using the shitty laptop

Anyway, my PC can do more than play games, I get to choose my control scheme, and pretty much all online stuff is free unless I for some reason decide to play WoW.


I could list a bunch of shit, like the ability to use any control scheme I want, mods, and the obvious stuff like better graphics and higher framerates, but the most important things to me are:

>Don't have to pay $60 a year for the privilege of playing online
>Infinite backwards compatibility and emulation
>Some of the games on PC I can play for years and not get bored of them thanks to user generated content, like ARMA 3
>Games age better on the platform thanks to user generated patches that allow you to take advantage of modern conveniences that didn't exist at the time, kinda like how ScummVM lets me play old adventure games from my childhood at super high resolutions without much impact on the visuals

I've been playing on PC since 2005 and basically switched completely to it then. Any consoles I want to play I can just emulate.


i dont care what you play games on, the more we all accept the pros and cons of whatever box you use and move on with our lives the better video games will be for it.

I play on a pc so I can map and play my creations online with friends. I have yet to find a decent map editor for console using a controller.

Keyboard and mouse master race.

>Why do you game on PC?

because if I wanted a cinematic experience that holds my hand every step of the way I'd watch a movie

Hammer isn't a decent map editor.

>I have yet to find a decent map editor for console using a controller.

Timesplitters series
Skate 3

>the average consolefag

this, also emulation has been a gift.


He pwned Windows 10 and everyone who uses it.



What is better then? For what games? I like the easy custom texture and rapidproto typing of gold source mods.

Any other game you have to be like a modeler and a coder all wrapped into one.


Not him, but I'm a fan of the user friendliness of GZDoombuilder in ACS mode personally.

I just really enjoy it.

I built my first pc last year, and I can play games that just came out and ones from twenty years ago, all with a perfect frame rate and virtually no load times. And this is before I even get into all the emulation available.
All on the same machine. I honestly love it.

Because Intel HD users, those who have Titan XPs, and those who have Ati Radeon HD 5000s can play low-end or old games together online. Can you play online on PS4 with people playing the same game on PS3?



God this brings back memories. I used to come home from school, hop on IRC and listen to music while making CS:S maps. It sucks that fewer and fewer PC games support custom maps these days.

cool beans