Prove me wrong

God tier: 7>6
Good tier: 4>8
Meh tier: 4>5>1>2>3
nigger tier: 10>9

My favorite > your favorite

What's wrong with 9?

>prove me wrong
The best Final Fantasy game is still only decent tier. There isn't a good or great FF game.

>story is stolen from dragon ball
>too much furservice
>faar too easy
>character customization lacks depth compared to 8 and 7
>kuja is a homo
>most characters lack development

>Meh tier
Fite me faggot

I'm new to FF, why is 10 so bad? (I grew up with other games, fuck off)

It really is. I know it gets hailed for its job system but most classes are pieces of shit, or you only farm them for one skill to be combined with some other good class.

It isn't, its just the kind of game thats simultaneously has lots of people that love it and lots of people that hate it.

Things people say to distance themselves from pleb camp.

>putting 8 anywhere near the top

Opinion instantly discarded

God tier: 4
Shit tier: 13, 13-2, 13-3, 15

Those are the only ones i beat

You forgot the slow as hell combat, ugly character designs and story that goes nowhere.

I like you and your opinions

they're all bad

7 and 6 have abysmal gameplay. 6 is only just shy of being FF8-tier broken and at no point is the gameplay actually fun. 7 at least has fucking minigames.

t. delusional faggots that didn't play the game and are buttmad that the developers acknowledge 9 as the best

No, if you want to see a game where most classes are shit, go play FF3. Even the worst classes in FF5 are still perfectly usable and it doesn't come at the expense of challenge.

Thanks. I've played every final fantasy, mainly through emulators, but the only one that ever stuck with me was 4.

>i'm having such a shit time
*proceeds to play 80 hours of sequels*

IMO, all the mainline FF games except 13 and 15 are at least very good. I haven't played 1, 2 or 3 tho.

Can you truly call a game bad if you haven't seen what it has to offer?

4 is both good and meh?

It is painfully linear, almost FF13 tier. Not only story-wise but gameplay-wise too. You have almost no variation. While in FF7 and FF8 you could build almost anything in FF9 you are limited to the class the characters already have.

>5 hours into the game
>now you can choose from 5 from 10 support abilities for each character

It's basically: "Press X rapidly, the game". No depth, no strategy, nothing.

>delusional faggots
>the developers acknowledge 9 as the best
Which of the dozen different teams who work on FF say this? Oh right, none of them did.

>>story is stolen from dragon ball
Holy shit fucking kill yourself you goddamn normalfag.

Considering how much the games change between numbers, I'd say it's perfectly reasonable. Hell, even XII and XII: Revenant Wings were drastically different.

If you suffer just to have opinion-cred on Sup Forums then you deserve it.

>8 not shit tier?
>9 less than good tier?
>7 with retarded snowboarding and chocobo racing above 6?

Well, in the trash your opinion goes. Must be hard having shit taste.

Noctis and homo friends driving simulator is my favorite, fuck you.

>alien sent to earth to destroy it, but he is raised by humans and he gets attached to earth and wants to save it instead of destroying it.
>later his brother (*cough* raditz) who still wants to destroy the earth meets him and they fight
>later they realize the saiyans... ehh I mean genomes were just puppets of freezer ehhh I mean garland)


I just wanted to kill some time. I borrowed them all from my cousin, so it was a free 80 hours down the drain.

Bit that guy, but Sakaguchi has a massive hard on for Toriyama. He's taken concepts from him dozens of times. And of course made two games with him. Chrono Trigger started off as Sakaguchi wanting to make a game with Toriyama and Yuji Horii arranged it.

It's not farfetched to think the story in FFIX was at least influenced by Dragon Ball. If he takes so much from Star Wars, why can't he take ideas from Dragon Ball?

Nobuo Uematsu was asked in an interview what soundtrack he was most proud of, he said 9.

7 casuals BTFO

Boy band road trip was alright. Not "very good", but I had fun while it lasted.

>being gay AND having shit tastes
Very unfortunate.

7 broke more taboos. Probably more than any other FF. This is why it is superior to 6. I agree that the spin-offs are fucking cancer and so is the fanbase, but it nothing to do with the main game.

God tier: 12, 6

Good tier: 7,9,5,10

Mediocre tier:15

Basically trash tier: everything else

>Anything lower than 2
>3 below 1

Uematsu isn't the entire FF team like that guy implied. Uematsu has also praised other games. When FFXII was coming out, he said in an interview "This is the game I've been waiting to write music for." He also said similar things for FFIV, VI and VIII. He also said the same thing when he worked on Smash Bros Brawl.

This is very typical for a Japanese developer to say empty pleasantries about a game he's working on.

God tier: XV, VIII
Shit tier: Everything else
Phil Fish Tier: XIV

God Tier: 12, 11, 7, 6
Good: 9, 5
Meh: 2, 3, 4, 8, 10
Shit: 15, 14, 13, 1


Never played 1,2,3 or 4

Favorites - 4, 5, 7, 10, Tactics
Really good - 6, 9
Fun if I'm in the mood - 1, 3, 8, 12, Mystic Quest
Occasionally retry to see if I can get into, but drop again - Tactics Advance, 4 Heroes
Never again - 2, 10-2, 13

That's all I've played.

It's sad how underrated 4 is. I know it got a "sequel" and everything, but I still feel it doesn't get the respect it deserves

to be fair, 9 has some amazing music

By your logic, DBZ is a ripoff of superman.