Redpill me on this game. How does it compare to Dark Souls?

Redpill me on this game. How does it compare to Dark Souls?

One of the most overrated games by Sup Forums ever.

It isn't dark souls.
quit comparing games to other games that have nothing to do with them.

It's not as bad as Soulshit.

not really like dark souls at all. more like fable + devil may cry (except not as cool as that sounds)


To dark souls?
Not as hard
More combat variety
deeper character customization
alot more story that isn't as deep but just as satisfying to complete
more or less replay value depending on what you replay games for
Can waifu any character in the game
Nice sized DLC

Nothing like Souls. Plays more like an MMO-ARPG, with Monster Hunter style bossfights
It's a really good game

don't compare it to dark souls

Stay mad, cucks. Your niche weebshit will NEVER EVER be as good or popular as Dark Souls.

its nothing like darksouls.
its a japanses devs take on stardard western rpgs. its a unpolished gem that does some things amazingly and everything else is pretty meh
its big standouts are amazing character customization and fantastic and fun combat. seriously some of the best combat of any game

>Not as hard
Dark Souls is a piss easy game once you figure out that there is literally zero (0) point to fighting everything. Even using that strat is harder in Dragon's Dogma because the enemies are actually dangerous

I forgot, what are wolves weak to again?

Unlike Dark Souls, it doesn't suck

>Redpill me on DD:DR
This game has nothing to do with Jews running the international banking cartels.

It's not really comparable, they're pretty different.

DD combat is much better than Souls, maybe even the best combat in any ARPG, but level design in Souls is leagues better.

Give it a play, OP. It's a great experience.

>how does serious sam compare to call of duty

completely different games really.
the combat of dragons dogma has a lot more depth than dark souls
but the "multiplayer" component of DD is very fucking dull

I liked dark souls and I like DD but just because you found the game remotely difficult doesn't mean it has to be compared to fucking souls.
A series that isn't fucking hard. Just punishing to fucking morons.

Two, but ok.

Gonna have to agree with this. It was an alright game for its time. But it had many issues mostly due to the hardware limitations of the ps3. As a re-release in 2015 on PC it is bland, stale dog shit. An empty "Open world" with copy/pastes everywhere and korean MMO tier mob spawns/pathing. You get to the major city and are amazed by how big it is and cant wait to explore... then you realize that 99% of the buildings are inaccessible.

This game had no right suddenly being well written and having an interesting plot at the Grigori fight onwards


Grigori was awesome. That twist during the fight is interesting. The dichtomy between the Dragons and Arisen (being that they're the same thing) is fairly interesting.
Though, for what reason Arisens turn into the big scary dragon is beyond me? (I haven't finished the post-Grigori content yet, so no spoilers pls?)

I guess its the opposite of dark souls. The difficulty in dark souls comes from having to take fights slow and ass poking gods to death. Also when you die you cant recollect experience, you just die, unless you have an end game item. Dark souls deaths arent nearly as punishing as traditional death in most games

Okay, and if you change your mind: I bet you thought this was a spoiler

It's a fucking great game, just really give it a shot. If you still can't get into it after Gran Soren then it's not for you, I guess.

What is the best class and why is it Sorcerer?

Mystic Knights and Striders need not apply.

I did.
Is there anything explained more about how the Arisens turn into the dragons or no?

As opposed to every other OPen world fantasy game where you hit that "big city" and you can step into every house. Too bad there is only like 5 hours per "city". and everywhere is else is expansive nothingness.
this is why people want a sequel or at least the fucking MMO.
So we can have those cities with places to go in and Not empty open worlds. where we can expand on what they already have.
They had a good proof of concept with this game back then. Now it needs improved.

But Capcom doesn't like risks and doesn't have servers in the west so the MMO will never make it state side. Niether will any MH mmo. and we will never get a sequel.
We will just get lazy fighting games with characters nobody wants to look at and/or play until the end of time.

I like both games.
You should stop being so mad all the time and grow up.

>Is there anything explained more about how the Arisens turn into the dragons or no?
Yes, it's explained at the end

Fucking fingers.

the arisen doesn't turn into dragons.
They just become fucking god or whatever until they are bored then send out the dragon to get a new arisen.

>How does it compare to Dark Souls?
They're both unfinished.

>Want to replay
>But also want to play it on ps4 in my livingroom

Why can't it be fall yet REEE

but this is the opinion of litearlly every fan of the game. why try to pretend like the people who hype the game dont know and say this all the time. we love the game because its clearly unfinished but absolutely amazing in what it does regardless. we want more not to just praise this game

It doesn't. They're both pretty different games

This is wrong
You become a dragon if you fail to defeat the senechal

anime pussy

Its disappointing. If you dont know anything about the game, starting out you think you're in for something really amazing but the cracks quickly begin to show. It could have been so much more, it just feels like wasted potential and it makes me real sad.

>more fun classes need not apply

>How does it compare to Dark Souls?
it fucking doesn't. Dark Souls is in its own league

Oh. Never failed so never knew.

Are they making it next gen compatible?

It feels like teams first try at a new franchise and setting. Which it was.

its almost like half the game is missing. hmmm

>game doesn't tell you where the roads lead
>game doesn't tell you goblin's weaknesses
>game doesn't tell you the hunting patterns of wolves

problems with it:

1."Arisen, we may find aught of use." "This might be aught of use." "AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT AUGHT"

2.People fucking suck at making waifus. It takes ages to find a half decent one. I don't play DD to go around with generic brown shepard-looking man # 693. I WANT FUCKING WAIFUS YOU TRASH.

3.Its a group based combat game but you get almost no control over your group. You get 4 commands I think? And they only do them if they want to. I had to revisit a dungeon because a pawn I had with me kept walking into a death pit EVEN THOUGH I TOLD THEM TO STAY BACK.

4.Normal mode is way too fucking easy and hard mode is just normal mode but more damage spongy.

I'd like to beat it because I enjoy some aspects of the combat but I can only take so many AUGHTS and ugly waifus who don't obey me.

>game doesn't tell you what excites the beast

>People fucking suck at making waifus.
This. people have shit tastes

Should I play fighter or warrior

I dont really use the shield much but perfect guard seems cool

Warrior is neat too but i feel like I have to chase stuff around constantly

Level as assassin then make an unarmed build Tbh

The game is quite good.

But what I really hated was how empty I felt playing it. The world is a decent size, but there's not much in it. Just a whole lotta wolves and trees.

The story is kinda shitty, too, except for the last 2-3 hours where it gets crazy.

I'd rather play Dark Souls, really. Dark Souls has a much more immersive world.

If you like exploring and finding shit in nooks and crannies then you'll love it, plus very good class and combat system but also there are certain methods that allow for maximum cheese that I wish got patched out but once you find it it makes the game pointless combat wise, thankfully I never did until the PC version and even then it was after I beat it again.

>normal mode but damage spongy
What? You only take more damage and have increased stamina consumption in hard mode.

Was DD too hard for you since you couldn't roll to safety? Poor (You).

>If you like exploring and finding shit in nooks and crannies

Like what? I always find the consumables, weapons and armor that I already have a million copies of. Exploring felt more like a chore than anything considering the rewards for it are really underwhelming and the game is very empty anyway.

Warrior is the most fun

That Griffith and Guts armor though

You spelled New Vegas wrong.

the fact that they are there is what matters, plus those consumables become very useful down the line when you realize you can craft good shit out of them and getting extra weapons made it so you can sell them off for a decent price so you can get money early one quicker.

>the fact that they are there is what matters
I highly disagree. Compare it to Dark Souls where finding a hidden pathway might net you a new spell or lead you to a secret boss. Dark Souls usually rewards you with interesting and fun stuff so it works as an incentive for you to keep exploring. In DD I always end up asking myself what was the fucking point of wasting my time "exploring" when I could just be fighting some mobs.

>get money
I played on Hard Mode and never found money to be a problem until Bitterblack Isle. Even then you could just sell mob drops you don't want or need anyway.

This, playing Warrior in Templar Armor was amazing, though the leveling is pretty terrible. For whatever reason Assassin gets better stats over time by leaps and bounds, though this is only a problem if you are for whatever reason playing a munchkin in a already easy game without multiplayer.

Easy that is, until you go down that one DLC dungeon Arisen...

Sorcerer isnt the best its just MILES AND FUCKING MILES ahead of the sorcerer class in any other rpg so you're thinking about it comparative to those instead of the other options.

I always wanted to do a solo BBI run in general, esp. with Warrior. Then I remember 90% would be jumping slash.

Are you excluding throwblasts?

I don't think it's feasible, how would you kill the ghosts and living armors?

The one truth is no healing items, no pawns, no throwblasts, no periapts or other stat enhancing gear

Warrior only

>actually fighting trash mobs in video games

Ghosts you can kill with the light sources

The one compulsory living armor you can kill by luring it up the stairs and tricking it into falling to its death

When I said gear i meant other items like salomets secret, and the magick archer skill magick rebalancer, basically none of the crazy power tripling items, the actual str/mag enhancing armor isnt too crazy

I did this unarmed except I used a silence arrow on bishop and used throwblasts on gazer (because fuck doing that otherwise)

It's an experimental, rough game that nevertheless has so many strengths that it deserves a sequel that refines the good and dispenses with the bad.

Could be one of the greatest games of all time.

The Pawn system alone is not only double the character creation for the player but a testament to the strengths of user created content to give you something unique.

The combat is smooth, save for magic which is a great spectacle but needs better actual gameplay.

Clean it up, add more, and we'll be doubly sure of which will see us to our destination.

It's phenomenal. Flawed unique games are always better than polished turds. I'd say I probably enjoyed it more than DS but I played DeS so a lot of the magic was gone by the time I played DS.

>How does it compare to Dark Souls?
Its much better until BBI where it tries to copy their level design, and it impacts the freedom of big monster movement. Hell one of them they had to 'lock up' in a prison type thing to keep that narrative.

>Flawed unique games are always better than polished turds
This. Absolutely fucking loved Prototype because of this

A lot of people seem to prefer a bleh middling experience as long as there are no roadbumps. Blows my mind.

What makes this game so much fun? This is already my third play through and I normally don't go back towards a game and replay as soon as I beat it.