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I fucking love this animation where he pops up from behind the character's back with creepy smile.


Replying to this here, hope the other guy sees it since his thread died so fast.

Nearly everything is missable.
>Heat actions
All Secret Swords can be obtained whenever but can only be used on specific bosses, and the generic ones you only have four tries to get since you can't do them on the specific boss ones.
Tatami mat throw can only be done on the burning stage against the giant boss.
Sliding door stab can only be done when doing the assassination mission at the start of the game.

Every single one. Like, there's a handful that aren't and can be accessed at other times, but you need to do them in the chapter they're in or there's an enormous chance it's permanently missable.
If you complete the Inventions list prior to chapter 11 I think it was you are locked out of the inventor's substory because you can't talk to him anymore.

>Kakemawari missions
If you go to the final chapter Gion is locked off permanently which means you can't accept like half of these.

I think two were in Gion and several are time limited.

All are missable if you go to the final chapter.

>Geisha minigames
>Koi Koi
>Frog Racing
All are missable if you go to the final chapter.

You need all Heat Actions obtained and everything but Gun Stopper and the final boss one used. You need all Kakemawari, Bounties, and substories completed. You need all inventions completed. You need every single Hozouin tournament fighter fought which means you need all Heat Actions obtained and nearly all minigames completed.

Premium Adventure completely wipes the entire completion list progress so it must be done in a single playthrough. You need like a minimum of fifteen save files just so you don't mess up and there's a minimum of 15+ Hozouin tournament hours of grinding to get all swords and inventions completed

They honestly went too far with Majima Everywhere system desu.
60 fucking fights or so is overkill.
Should've kept the number down to maybe 13 or something.

series pastebin

what the fuck is that Kojiro? is Kiryu Musashi?

You bet it is.

OP from that thread, thanks m8

>Sliding door stab can only be done when doing the assassination mission at the start of the game.

FUCK ME NO. im in chapter 4. should i just restart my playthrough?

wait, the HEAT action completion is required for Amon? i dont remember that

If you want to fight Amon, yes. If you don't care then no. Make sure you use ThePatrick's guide and have the following open:
>Chapter you are in to see the missable substories he lists.
>Substory section of the chapter you are in to get the walkthrough for proper choices since if you don't have 完 and instead have 終 you can't get Amon.
>Kakemawari section of the chapter you are in.
>Bounties section of the chapter you are in.
>Coin locker key section (Not sure if these are needed for Amon but they cut down on item grinding later on)
>The following minigames so you know the chapters when they unlock:
Waterfall training
Horse Archery
Watermelon toss (This gives you secret swords, three generics tied to the weapons and three or four specific boss ones)
>Tengu fights and when you can go to fight him.
>Heat Actions as I believe they listed how to get them and when you can get them, the ones I mentioned are the only ones I can recall are missable.

Next you need to either download Rikaisama or use Google Translate with the following sites: (Under 龍が如く見参, use this for Geisha answers since they're in red)

You also need to learn Hiragana at minimum if you plan on playing the card game against the geishas to win since I believe it's required for at least two of them to advance their heart count.

Keep in mind none of this is required to beat the game, just if you want to fight Amon/100%. Minigames barring the ones I listed are not needed for anything but personal satisfaction/Cat Slippers. It's worth it though, he's the best Amon to me since he was amazing to fight compared to the disappointments that were 2, 3, 4, and Dead Souls.

You need either all the moves in your completion list or the Heat Actions on top of the moves to unlock #1 in the arena, it's not entirely clear. Everyone I've seen both JP and English seem to lean towards having both since Gun Stopper and the final secret sword can only be gotten in the final battle.

that's waaaaay too much work for me to get 100% on this game, along with giant chances of fucking up, and i already have to restart the playthrough since i missed the sliding door stab one.

i really hope ishin isn't like that.

It's not for everyone, if you want to go for minigame 100% it gets even worse thanks to needing to basically get perfect hands every hand on every difficulty of Koi Koi and the entirety of the mess that is frog racing.

Supposedly Ishin is incredibly easy from the one guy I asked since everything is obtainable and endgame you can just switch times before going to the final boss. KHH also has everything translated to follow through with a 100% playthrough compared to the mess that is 100% Kenzan. It took me about 120 hours I think it was to get to Amon and about a third of that was Hozouin tournament grinding with enemies like this. If I ever have to fight the sumo boss with the facepaint again I'm going to scream.


im a master at koikoi so that is no problem for me unless the AI cheats like fucking Yakuza 3.

so should i restart my playthrough and get the heat action or just bite the bullet and leave it at NG+?

Worst part of kiwami. Seeing him pop up was funny the first few times, bit it really tanks his character and grates on you, as you level up.

Premium New Game wipes everything but your items just like Premium Adventure, nothing carries over like in the later games. Again, if you don't want to deal with all this to fight Amon don't bother resetting and just have fun because there's a lot of guide juggling both in English and Japanese to get things done. For swords it's basically Japanese only since Patrick's English translations for it are almost entirely worthless due to having no idea what the actual sword you're using or making is. It's also the only way you'll know sword combos for the double damage modifiers for dual swords.

Is there a reason the pastbin says not to play Kiwami first? I have only played 0 so far and was going to play Kiwami next month

>playing 0 first

this is "i played MGS3 first" all over again

Ironically, he's the only boss you never actually fight

Should have kept Sotaro desu

oh i get it know it doesnt matter its just elitist garbage thanks ;)

playing release order is always the best thing to do if you've got the time. You miss out on watching the evolution of the series. Later entries lack context in that way.

yeh, that's what i put in the pastebin, i dont feel like changing it

appreciate the actual response but to me it sounds like kiwami allows me to skip the weakest entry in the series and pick up 2 on the ps2 afterwards

It's because the newer games are kind of better than the old games
Except maybe like 2?

>triggered by banter
>proceeds to ignore the advice he asked for
And you wonder why people don't jump at the chance to spoonfeed you.

lol advice isnt law retard


i heard them out and it wasn't a very strong argument

>but to me it sounds like kiwami allows me to skip the weakest entry in the series
I don't see how Kiwami lets you skip 3, but okay.


The only reason that I think starting with zero is a bad choice if if you really go through the series from that point you'll be faced with the devolution of the game mechanics

Sure you'll miss nods here and there but I feel that pails in comparison to going from a PS4 to a PS2 game

>not using youtube videos to skip sequels to skip prequels to skip remakes to skip originals
>not using third hand descriptions and Sup Forums posts to skip YouTube videos
Y'all niggas know nothing of efficiency.
I played the entire series in 5 fucking minutes, beat that.

Kiwami lessens Majimas character through the Majima Everywhere system by making him feel non-threatening by letting you beat him 60 brazillion times, whereas in the original he had a few fights where he felt constantly threatening. Also, the english dub is good enough to warrant a playthrough with it. Even if 1 is the weakest entry It's actually 6 it still holds up enough to be worth playing. 2 improves from 1 a bit, but I don't think it's as signifcant as people say. If you're going to play 2, I don't see why you couldn't play 1 unless you genuinely don't want to or are limited with what time you have.

Kiwami is also more like a low budget expansion of 0 and it shows, whereas 1 is more of a genuine game, I suppose. That might not be a worthwhile reason, just saying it.

>Also, the english dub is good enough to warrant a playthrough with it.
I agree with this

dumb motherfucker

Ohio Majima no Onee-san

That makes total sense but for me it's actually too late but I enjoyed zero more than anything else I've played this year so I was waiting to play kiwami to blow through the series

>dumb motherfucker
lol being this mad

Excuse you? NO, FUCK YOU!



>implying I'm mad
I suggest you blow me!

>I suggest you blow me!
clearly mad lol

I'm kind of in the same boat.

i started with yakuza 1 years ago and played everyone single one in release order except 2 because it was hard to find.

Well now they did a reprint earlier this year and I finally got it. So I'm currently playing 0 and then I'm gonna play Kiwami and end with 2

Mandatory post


Why do they look chilean?

>tfw got all yakuza games and playing them in release order

>tfw got everything but kenzan and kurohyo

so how can i 100% this game if the guide isn't very reliable?

>Are you fucking retarded?
Always gets me.

learn japanese you got the free time user

The guide is very reliable, just not for the swords or the item drops needed to get the swords, for those you need to consult a Japanese guide since they'll have what you need. Everything else is fine, I can personally attest to it since that's how I got to Amon.

Who /notreallylookingforwardtoYakuza6butgoingtobuyitanywaybecauseyouwantfuturetitlestogetlocalized/ here?

Also, I was thinking a "wild west" Yakuza game could be fun, Ishin style. Would work well with gang stuff, bar fights, potential for fun mini games and a neat soundtrack. I think it'd be great if they're looking for another spinoff. I'd like there to be 0 explanation for why these obviously Japanese men are playing cowboy, just throw you into the setting.

You shouldn't play Kiwami first because Kiwami assume's you've played Zero. If you started with Kiwami, the rejiggered scenes that reference shit from Zero would go over your head.

I'm not going to buy 6 because apparently it sucks. Zero was an incredible game but i'm probably just going to buy Kiwami and 2 if they remake it because everyone says that 0 1 and 2 are the best games.

>started with yakuza 4, then 0, now playing 5
>then gonna play 1, 2, and 3
Did I fuck up? Also emulate 1 and 2 or dig out PS2?

im hyped for 6, but not letting myself get too hyped so i get disappointed when its bad

i had an idea for a 1950s post war yakuza game
like brawling. fighting sailors on leave and shit, old cars, everything is even seedier than 0 was supposed to be


I got Yakuza 5. What am I in for?

>He hasn't played the original
>Missing these references

Yakuza 4.5

How many characters have looks based off real people? I know about the women

>2 if they remake it
Just go play it now. And while your at it, play the original 1 first.


tfw no ps3 and yakuza 3,4,5 are unavailable in your country even online

>that fucking scene in 2

can you fucking imagine it remade?

>play the original 1 first.

I did, way back when on the PS2. Yakuza 1 has horrific load times, a really bad dub, and extremely shit combat.

I picked up the series with zero again because all of those crippling problems were fixed. The combat has more depth with the multiple fighting styles, the localization was actually good, and the cities are both populated and dont take 30 seconds to get in and out of trash random encounters. I'm 100% convinced that everyone who unironically recommends yakuza 1 is being a contrarian considering how much the moment to moment gameplay is improved in 0/Kiwami.

>Really bad dub
That was the most enjoyable part of the game

4 is when they started modeling most of the characters after their voice actors.

i started at 2 because of how bad 1 was, and moved on from there

im pretty sure most everyone here either played 1 when they were young so they forgot how dated it was in regards to load times and stuff, or emulated it so all of those things arent a problem

this is actually quite terrifying to look at

awano looks maori

>not playing yakuza 1 loaded onto a PS2 hard drive

i really want to buy the reprint and do it, is it worth it?
i heard some of the reprints dont work


since i gotta restart my playthrough, i have a question

are these heat actions the only one missable and the rest can be done through random encounters? just making sure

Mark Hamil needs to come back if they do another dub.

Call me when the english translation is done.

I bought and modded a ps3 for this

>really bad dub

The game on its own, while rough is enjoyable and from 2 onwards they are all great.

Playing from the start has you appreciate the improvements that happen in each game.

You casuals need to fuck off.

Is Yakuza 6 actually bad, or is it just a meme?

I did a quick once-over of ThePatricks guide ( to refresh my memory and these are the missables:

Secret Sword - Shadow Stab can only be gained in the assassination mission at the start of the game. I believe you might be able to get it in the burning mission as well but I'm not 100% sure on that one and every other substory has them not act like special walls like the assassination mission does.
Bellows Mastery can only be done in the blacksmith substory and never again (You get two opportunities in two fights one after the other), so make sure you grab someone while unarmed and walk towards the coals.
Secret Powerful Swords are all missable. As soon as you earn them you must make sure you do the generic weapon ones (Ones that have no specified character) because there's only 4 or 5 non-specific bosses that you can use them on after the time you can actually obtain them. Make absolutely sure you've done all that the watermelon monk has to offer and completed it above the line in order to get the skill.
Sure-Kill Swords - Tatami Flip can only be done in the burning area. You'll know the area when you see it, it's the area with the tatami floor and you fight a giant samurai looking guy with a club. If you've reached the tuna room and didn't get it revert your save.
Gion Mute Style Harquebus Muffler can only be gotten twice in the game, one is a substory in an enclosed room (I think it's the sumo wrestler prostitute story) and the second is literally the area for the start of the final boss. This doesn't seem to count against you if you miss it in the substory.

Try the demo, it's completely free and it's basically part of the first chapter. You'll understand most of the complaints.

in my opinion, hamil wasnt bad as majima
i think they had a shitty voice director, kiryus english va was pretty good in combat scenes and stuff

alright, last question.

How well is Y5 translated fit for 100% completion? i got the physical version which is JP only because i hate digital

From the demo, I thought it was okay gameplay wise. From the posts I've read here, it sounds like the worst story wise.

Can't help you there. The most I can do is point you to this guy's playlist:

He does a 100% run from start to finish with all substories to reach Amon, he's the sole reason I was able to do a 100% run of 1 and 2 HD without many hiccups.

>it sounds like the worst story wise.

i'll put it in spoiler because of how bad it is. Kiryu goes to jail again for 3 years. during those years, haruka gets pregnant by a chinese dude. after kiryu gets off from jail,
he's left off taking care of haruka's baby because she went to look for the dude who CHINKED her. also, 80% of the characters in Y6 are chinese literal whos. i am not fucking kidding

>fully aware of the ginormous flaws in Y6
>still gonna get it

i dunno why but i can't let go of this series

I love that turtle neck and purple jacket combo.

It's fun to play brawlers.

alright just to make sure, is the heat action in the assassination mission where kiryu stabs a guy through a slide door?

just did it and waiting to see if its the right one, im very careful this time

Yeah, you see a guy running behind the door then it shifts to Musashi and he either stabs behind him through the door or in front of him.

once again thanks. i have a feeling this will be my hardest 100% completion since Yakuza 3

>pool minigame in Yakuza 3

Yakuza 3 is really easy compared to Kenzan, the hardest 3 has to offer is the expert AI minigames, here it's ridiculous amounts of attention at all times for an insane amount of missables. 2 is the only one that has more missable Heat Actions you need for Akira Yamaoka and therefore Amon.

Minigame requirements are on par with 3 though for absolute assholery. Kakashi training and watermelon tossing specifically since the former you basically need to memorize everything and pre-attack as they all come up, and with the latter you need to be perfect. I believe Mahjong was earn 50k in a single game so it's the same as Y4, and Koi koi has these ridiculous requirements like have 15 or 20 points at the end of the beginner games, 20 or 25 at intermediate, or 45 at advanced, and I believe 60 at expert? The latter ones aren't as bad since you just draw all the special cards and the 2x multiplier for going over 7 activates, but the earlier ones are painful. You also have to win ridiculous amounts of Ryo at things like Cee-lo, Chou-han, and Mahjong (Something like 200k).

One thing to note, you won't need to Ryo grind until endgame at which points swords start costing a minimum of 40両 all the way to 120両 for a single craft. If you need to grind it, certain enemy encounters drop coins that sell for 10 Ryo if I remember right and they appear around every four or five fights or so.

>Miss a single shot
>Expert AI proceeds to bank every single one and then to give you the middle finger
The only thing on par is golf and slots. Thankfully 4 and Dead Souls made everything but golf and slots way easier, even Esper Itou is basically just hard mode AI at best.

Does anyone else struggle with Climax Battles in 0? I really want platinum but some of them just frustrate me or are awkwardly designed like fighting the millionaire in an alleyway where the camera goes crazy.