Game asks you to shout into the microphone

>game asks you to shout into the microphone

I want to fuck you in the mouth

Blowing on it usually works in those situations.

You can't fool me you fucking monster I know what you are 'Yellow King'.

>game asks you to blow into the microphone for a sustained amount of time
>get light headed
>it barely recognized it

>game asks you to bend over

post webm of you blowing the microphone like a slut.

Weak-ass baby man.
Either that or you're missing the mic, you scrub.

>you'll never be someone's imouto
Why even bother living Sup Forums

Are you referring to that one part from Rise From The Ashes?

>Games asks you to sing along with some weeb song to increase your damage

How can I be missing the mic when I'm right against it? That somehow makes it worse than blowing a foot away.

Bowser's Inside Story for me.

>DS game tells me to yell into the mic
>I just blow into the mic
>it works

>putting on the fingerprint dust
>try blowing it off
>fuck its not working
>put DS up to fan

Fuck if I know, he's the one who posted Edgeworth, I just went with it.
But if you can't dust for fingerprints in Ace Attorney you have terrible lungs.
I had asthma as a kid and I can still do it easily.

>press buttons in time with the music
>do extra damage

Is this the weekly Sup Forums gay thread

I love little budding boobies like those.

Back in school my friend and I were playing the warioware DS game and doing the microphone ones. He kept going even after I started panting and nearly fucking passed out. It was a great memory, passing that game around with my friends after school.

Now that you're here it is

>not shouting into the microphone

Brilliant deduction, you're like a true detective.

This. Why would they think shouting at a game is a good idea

>play 3DS in car
>top screen keeps spinning like crazy

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

I-it's too b-big fampai

D-Do you mind if I... call you... O-Onii-chan...?

The DS mic is incredibly tiny, if you blow in a wide radius it's only going to get a fraction of your air.
It's frustrating but you can make it work. You gotta get in reeeeeal close and purse your lips.
I don't have any more Phoenix pictures. Sidenote: never search for Phoenix pictures and go past the first page or so.


Come to my house

>game has a space CQC class

>playing Wii Sports Resort at a friend's house
>losing the sword game
>start swinging like a fucking maniac
>still lose

As a former male, I


>Game asks you to make a sound, any sound, even just a peep

>game has mic with voice recognition
>easier just to babble into it

Reminds me how in Just Dance you can just wiggle the wii remote and it'll register

>game asks you to turn off the game console

I don't think that's really a whole lot better

Shut up and blow on it, faggot.

>reset the game to continue
>console doesn't have a reset button

>game doesnt ask you to shout
>do it anyway

I blew on the screen for like ten minutes before figuring out you had to completely coat the screen with the powder

>get a bonus power-up

>game asks you to shout into the microwave


>Game asks you to play video games