They haven't updated this shit in months, Sup Forums. Is the game dying?

They haven't updated this shit in months, Sup Forums. Is the game dying?

They don't need to update it again, it's the only game that has achieved truly perfect balance.

one shot johnny dominates the competitive scene

he won evo this year

Yeah, but Jasper is his total hard-counter.

How big are the teams, no one who made this shit even thought about balance
Fresh Harry/Scissor Sally/ any other damage would just smash any other person due to the first twos passives

can Donny survive an attack of OSJ?

People often pick two Donnies on a team to counter OSJ because of how little health OSJ has. OSJ either ignores the donnies in favor of lesser targets and gets memed on, or focuses the donnies head on, maybe killing one but usually dying unless the OSJ is hot shit.

OSJ is the worst, his stats are high but he can only take out anyone else who is a glass canon, anyone with defense or a good passive shits on him
>no one here plays assfaggots or are bronze COD faggots
fuck this shitty board why do i even bother

I heard Jukebox was getting reworked because of his OP stats.

Maybe in higher ELOs, but nobody knows how to handle him in lower ELOs. That's the main reason you see so many people crying about him.

The game is dead, Vermin killed it for good.

>it's a Bumpsy v. Bumpsy round


Fucking no one runs Jasper though since he sucks shit against every other option in the current meta.

Give me 1 (one) reason Jasper isn't broken.

>Bloody Thunder
One Thunderclap and the entire horde is dead

dumb fucks whining about johnny instead of just learning to play randal. high elo randals never die to johnny even a single time in a whole game.


Worst evo grand finals ever

And skeletons killed vermin so we're back at square one.

We will recover man, let's just give the host some rest.

They cut out the rest of the clip to make that OSJ look good. OSJ just sat in the backline until the Rictor was stupid enough to walk into hidden territory while OSJ was up (who plays Rictor anyway? He's outdated to hell).

One Shot Johnny is shit, he's used as a one sometimes because he can get a cheeky hit in and get a kill but he dies to a single jasper can shut him down easily.
Zippy Smalls is the superior high damage speedster, not only is he helping his team with his special, he isn't hard countered by a jasper with his small defense. He also has tougher imputs than one shot johnny as in any at fucking all, he literally just a better johnny.