Mario Lore Thread

Why did Luigi try to murder his own brother at this point?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Luigi starts off as a Green Mario
>Diverges into his own character
>Bowser's brother starts off as a Blue Bowser
>disappears forever and later retconned into being a random Blue Bowser
What did Nintendo mean by this?

He uses Mario as a boost to grab the logo down, its part of the opening act of the play.

Blue Bowser is actually Kamek

its a play




So it's like Strong Bad, where the face IS the mask?

He couldn't murder Mario because he's hiding behind two power ups.
It was just assault

>Raccoon Power

He'd just lose a hit

it should have been added that those power ups are referred to as "costumes" just like how actors put on costumes in plays

>GAME never happened
As opposed to all those video game documentaries...

Worth mentioning: FLUDD scans Mario at the beginning of Sunshine and you can see Mario game clips in the bottom right hand corner.
Guess which game gets skipped?


Чтo дeлaлo бpaтьeв Cyпepмapиo З тaкими кpyтыми... тaк этo Звeздныe миpы.

What is this from?
What am I looking at here?

It was all a play

Discover it is secret?

I HATE YOU is canon.

At the end of Super Mario Galaxy, the universe dies and gets reborn. This universe has its own Mario and Luigi, as seen if you play as Luigi.




jesus wept

>green eyes
that isn't luigi

Who is he?

Chainkey Kong.

Whomp's Fortress is a painting of Throwback Galaxy brought to life. Throwback Galaxy is the "real" location.





That looks strangely cosy for a haunted mansion

It's about time we updated this beast

>what is reused assets

Note that you need 120 stars. Can't tell you how much time I wasted trying to show someone this on their file.

>albeit to some extent
I hope whoever wrote this isn't a native english speaker.

Your mind is going to be blown when I tell you the same company, nay the same PERSON made both games!!!

Mario 3 is just a play tho.

damn, the rest was so solid too. back to the drawing board

The end of Yoshi's New Island.
It was revealed that the pipe character helping Yoshi and Baby Mario is actually adult Mario from the future.