

>le thicc meme
so this is how you sell a game in the current year... hmmmmm...

what game is this

Game name?

This is how women are supposed to look.


Fort Nite.

Played the alpha, it's shit.

her ass is best in motion, make a webm

$350 value

Unfortunately, I have no idea.



that's just disgusting
you could drown in that cellulite

I want to punch her in the ass as hard as I can while she farts

It only farts if you put your dick into it.


Holy fuck, I hope this game bombs hard with no survivors.

>You could drown in that cellulite



Anyone fell for the 40$ meme?
Put your autistic "REEEEE OVERWATCHLOOTBOXMICROTRANSACTIK " aside how bad are they jewing?
Is it like warframe where its pay to skip grind or pay to win?

Looks like Virgo Peridot.

cool, thanks

Daily reminder.

>paying 40 bucks to be a betatester for a game that will go free to play in a year

>already fallen off the top 25 games on Twitch
>requires it's own fucking launcher
>it's own fucking launcher in 2017

rotflmao Fortnite is so fucking dead in the water

>rotflmao Fortnite is so fucking dead in the water

The sad part is that it isn't.
There are still people paying them to betatest the game and a year from now they will "release it" as free to play which will make people flock to it and pay for cosmetics.

It worked for Paragon and this game is even more accessible, so I don't see why this would fail.

i see no lard ass whales with short blue hair there.

butt > thick thighs > wide hips > face > boobs

A shame really, she could be really cute with the original meaning of THICC that we had before the disgusting lardass-brigade took over.

>being not white

lmao @ your life

games free.

>game is listed as free
>download it
>launch it
>you must buy the launch pass to play

why would anyone pay that much money for a f2p game.
why does epic charge for early access anyways.

t. nigger

not free until next year around this time

its not free until the launch which is the 27th. of july. aka in four days,

the guy with the most views on twitch is the boring faggot I ever seen, he barely speaks, and he is using a pirate bandana, yet he doesn't do anything pirate related....

what the hell, why is everyone watching him?

All the news I'm reading says it'll go free to play some time in 2018.

t. perma-virgin


Thighs and hips are a mood thing

Every time.


High IQ people like boobs and low IQ like butts. Makes sense.

There is too much and that is just disgusting. I'm all for juicy fat booties but thats just nasty.

How was this thing made though, do they just take the most searched terms and compare them to each other or do they poll

>High IQ

>High IQ

>already fallen off the top 25 games on Twitch

so what's this game about? I see this butt posted repeteadly, but never see anyone talk what the fucking game is about

Why people hate cottage cheese?

low tests in blue
high tests in red

low test

so this. . .is the power. . .of shilling. . .w. . .o . . . . . w . . . . . .

t. ireland


ah yes, north korea, my favorite black nation


t. niggers

stop posting these fat whores. not every woman who is fat is LE EBBIC THIC XD


that kind of image is good to reveal the virgins in a thread. they think thick asses look all smooth like in their animes

What if i like both?
I used to hate tits but recently i just started finding them beautiful i love boob drop stuff

Why do they use this ugly as shit cartoony font? It's ugly as sin and outdated. Christ.

I wish they broke down the US into per state

t.perma virgin thick is a body type of not LEEE EBIN THICC meme you white people have created

I just lost interest

>know the women with the most 10/10 ass I've ever seen
>she's my sister

pics or you're full of shit

pls pics



Dont know why but that image disturbs me

>the only thing posted about this game is this thicc waifu
That's great, but is this game worth playing at all or what?



But user you posted a thicc nigger

you'll fit right here, tito.
alot of anons here are as autistic as you

is not me
pics soon

>liking obese organicunts
No, this is how women(synth) should look

That felt good

god forbid you'd bother to include corset fashion which was used for ~300 years

Is he negotiating with watermelons or bowling balls?

Better low test than low taste.

I dont see why we cant have it both ways, butts can be nice at all sizes.

That was a brutal batsu game

There is a just a point where it looks stupid and not aesthetic anymore.

fuck outta here with that inflation shit my guy

>350 dollar value
Holy fuck when was the last time anybody has done this?
I remember it was around a lot for those founder packs for those shitty soft core porn mmos

>all this shit tier 3DPD

kys, all of you

already working on it my dude

I really dislike their UI. The aesthetic of the game is nice but this shitty font fucking annoys me

How do these people get hired?

>visual consistency is bad! BAD!

Visual consistency is not "make your characters all the same shade of browns and beige"

>He says that while posting a bunch of people that all share the same shades of color.

overwatch looks like shit because it's a mess of colors that would fit much more on a fantasy-type moba rather than a hypothetical sci-fi fps carnage with guns (that for some gay reason took the blood away before the alpha was released)

All share the exact same colour palette except spy.

The Overwatch aesthetic works great

Holy shit, 1900 is perfect. She's thicker than the women loved in the 80s and 90s and early 2000s that I grew up with but not jammed into her jeans like it tends to happen now. Why can't we see more of that on the TVs?

No, they don't. Their colors are in totally different places, in different layouts, and the amount each one has varies.

The shitty Gearbox team is covered in brown with patches of peach. They're the exact same.


you forgot the blu team :^)