Other urls found in this thread:



I wanna hug Motifa

with himself

with friends


did they finally end the gta 5 videos?
that shit was boring

>haha funny men
>making fun of le funny noise scream
>shitting on Chris for not making cartoons
>making fun of Julian for being a gay Mexican furry
>DingDong is a bitch

There, that's every thread

fuck motifa how have they not played as fat albert yet?

I too saw sarcasticbritmans video!

you forgot the pasta

Dark Souls is boring, I'd rather watch Pikmin

>look mom! I posted it again!

>directly reference obscure internet something or other
>repeat quotes from said reference
>laugh about ridiculousness of said quote from said reference
>"what if character from reference did y"
hahahha holy shit haohaohoahaha

with friends

just came here to say hi julian
stop talking about being a fag every 5 seconds moron

I've always loved mecha, and this changes nothing

biting satire always weeds out tastelets

i like oneyplays because i have the kind of brain disease that lets me enjoy simple humors like man make funny scream or reference to video game culture

They should get back to playing the N sane trilogy

What is with all the shills for this guy lately?

Adored this channel like literally 8 months ago. Now I can't even force myself to watch it. Got stale.

I wonder how Chris feels knowing his co-hosts are a bunch of furry vore diaper loving faggots?

I like his Homer voice.

they were on an episode of GameGrumps a couple months ago, then the actual autistic retards that browse this shit hole found their epib funi screams enjoyable, so they all went to Chris's channel and discovered it was vastly superior to the schlock on the GameGrumps channel. Now we all have to sit here and see this shit here every day, just like when the GameGrumps channel had just started out and we saw HEY I'M GRUMP all over the place.

Heh heh, brilliant.


Is this some kind of generation gap because I don't understand why you would watch someone stream an entire game that you have access to play yourself unless you are poor or something and can't pirate it.

You guys watch more people play video games than playing them yourself.

Thank goodness I wasn't a kid twitch/streaming shit got big. I was already an adult.


The Motifa stuff is legitimately funny.

Ding dong is god tier commentary, I love how he makes people upset.

Chris's is fucking hilarious

Julian is the perfect laugh track, his self awareness is perfect.

Fuck that fat guy on supermega though, the skeleton is funny, he isn't.

It gets even cringier the more you post it.

I don't understand how they can confuse the people who watch their videos running with a joke for taking it seriously unless all three of them are legitimately retarded. It's just such a braindead complaint and they trot it out every video

>there are people on Sup Forums autistic enough to go into threads like these to say how they don't like threads like these

You people are more pathetic than every e-celeb thread combined

Something about the sound mixing on this video makes me really nauseous. I have no idea why. Maybe something with sound direction but I haven't really experienced this with other videos. Pretty bad one in my opinion because of that.

perfectly addresses everything wrong with let's play shite

haha game journalism sucks

anyway here are my uninformed opinions presented as factual commentary

Don't always have the game system, don't always want to play the game.

Its not a funny without the comenntator.

Sherrif Eli is the most autistic e celeb i have ever seen.