Super Mario made out of pop cans



thanks reddit

they are called coke cans you mong

I would like to sniff Mario's toes.

Mario made out of He-ManĀ®

Don't sexualize the Mario

what is that?

ITT: people flipping shit over saying pop instead of soda even though it's called soda pop and you're both leaving off half the name.


this hate for reddit needs to stop

Only in the deep south.

you mean coke cans, right op?

Figures a Nintenchild would drink enough soda to make his bing bing wahoo idol out of the cans


It looks like only the black and red are coke cans
Unless you're one of those nut jobs that calls any carbonated drink "Coke".

Correct tier:
>Soft drink

Overly autistic tier:
>Carbonated beverage
>Flavored water with added carbon dioxide

Barely acceptable tier:
>Fizzy lifting drink

Slavery tier:

What the fuck tier:
>Coke (when referring to something that isn't Coke)

>soda pop

It's aluminium cans. There is no fucking drink in them anyways.

Sonic the hedgehog, made from..... god knows what...

You missed "soda pop". Soft drink is something I can agree on.



I'm sure this pissing contest is exactly what OP was hoping for by posting their art project.

From a distance I thought this image was a hot-glued mario.

>Sup Forums is literally, unironically, Reddit now

it happened so gradually I didn't even notice

what about soder

drunk tier

A day is shorter than a month. Your picture even says "30 days in the month". Days into months into years.


>the number 30 is smaller than the number 12
europeons, traps and gentlemen

so this is the power of american reading comprehension


came in to post this and it was already the first post

never change Sup Forums

Betty tier:
>carbonated soda

haha Sup Forums is secret club get out reddit

>24 hours
>60 minutes
>this means that hours are shorter than minutes
I guess that method of dating came about because Americans say July the 23rd instead of the 23rd of July?

time is displayed as hours:minutes. 2:55 am is 2 hours and 55 minutes.


what the fuck do people seriously call them anything other than aluminum rolly holders?

God tier:
>The name of the fucking drink


Why do white people think they can say the N-word?

I do

The question is what word to use when referring to that TYPE of beverage in general

I call it bop and nobody questions me

Because we invented English.

It's called "sugary shit that make you fat"

If it is soda pop
Then soda makes the most amount of sense since you are starting with the first part of the word and going until someone knows what you are talking about you can 99.9% stop at soda.

t. redditor

*ssst crack* wahoo

Hello newfag

aluminum mario vs metal mario when?


>Can i get a coke?
>>What kind?
>Pepsi please

What the fuck is wrong with the south?

It doesn't, but Reddit needs to stop outpacing us with OC so that we actually have a right to hate them again. Kinda hard to have a moral high ground from a place that's quickly rising to 100% console war shitposting.

This is fucking stupid. I guess I got baited.

If you'd been here long enough to remember the time before subreddit generals flooded every board and we could still use the term "meme" without irony or bitterness because memes were in-jokes only shared in our secret clubhouse and not on facebook then you'd understand the hate for reddit.

But you yourself are a cancerous permanewfag redditor, so you don't. Fuck off.

Nobody drinks Pepsi down here you retard. If a restaurant only serves Pepsi, we just get Dr. Pepper.

I never understood the "Coke and Pepsi are the same thing" meme until I went north. A can of Coke in the south tastes a metric shitload better than the north.


Maybe it counts as OC if you like rage comics and referential humour.


And it's still more noteworthy than fanboy flame wars and using negro twitter memes ironically.

What kind of retard calls them "soft drinks"? That label also includes shit like milk, tea, fruit punch, or lemonade, even though OP clearly meant soda pop.

>I will have one half stalk of celery please, nothing on it

Fucking cracks me up every time

It really isn't. Reddit can't make a decent meme to save itself. Sup Forums isn't much better because this place is basically a reddit outpost.

your mom

but seriously though people who drink soda while sitting on their asses playing vidya are disgusting fatasses or are quickly on their way there


Fucking idiot

We always call them mix drinks

he says while posting reddit: the game

>this game is reddit
Stop trying so hard to fit in, this game is shit but you don't have to hate what Sup Forums says to fit in :^)

dumbass redditor

dumbass redditor

Just fuck off back to where you come to. If you feel a need to be a redditor, at least go to the fucking contamination board for redditors (Sup Forums).

whoops, meant for

>calling them something aside from boswellian morem containers

>smug fictive girl.jpg
Talking about reddit...

I'm confused

>mario is literally trash

>admitting you're samefagging

What the fuck retard, do you even know how to use this site you redditor. Hahaha fucking idoit

Makes you wonder how it survived the fire...probably satan himself protected it for the sake of humanity's obliteration


>only pretending

I think the totem is an entity of it's own.
It houses the spirit of count graduon

I've lived in Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Coke tastes the same everywhere. You are a massive retard.
Also, Dr Pepper is a Coke product, if the restaurant doesn't have Coke, they don't have Dr Pepper.

>I've lived in Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania.
You're a filthy lying yurotard because Dr. Pepper is only manufactured by Coke over there, retard. Competing with Dr. Pepper is the sole reason Pibb exists.

I've seen Godzilla made out of cockroach shells before, this is nothing.


I've never even been to Europe senpai. I work in a grocery store in PA and all the Dr Pepper boxes say that they're a coke product

I live three hours from Waco, Dr. Pepper isn't a Coke product, dumbass.

ohh god,the cwc cancer lives strong.We need courage and maybe a truck full of holy water to wash out this abomination's evil intents

Sorry, Waco is the Dr. Pepper Museum, I'm four hours away from their HQ in Plano.

Coke doesn't own Dr Pepper, but owns the rights for distribution, fagtard
>imagine getting this worked up over a soda

a soft drink is any drink that doesnt have alcohol in it you doof. if you use it to refer to soda/pop then you deserve to be shoved into a locker like the 50s pencilneck nerd you are.

Imagine being this retarded and thinking restaurants don't carry both drinks.

It's not 2010 anynore user, reddit is at least self aware enough to know that that shit was cringey unlike Sup Forums which only stoped doing it because other sites did it too/"stole content", even sites like 9gag have moved on from that. That's facebook's turf now.

>imagine thinking everyone on Sup Forums is the same person

No it doesn't. Fuck off newfag.
You have to go back.

>le not me goalpost


>being this paranoid about an anonymous website
Life must be hard for you