Ys Origin

how do you beat this guy?

unscreew his arms and then go for the head.

good luck on the mantis boss.


just that? no weaknesses?
he seems way too bulky, I was thinking maybe I was a little underleveled


I think this genre isnt for you user

nevermind that
turns out I had a spare ore that I hadn't used

What's a good ys game to play.
I know jap.
I played a ys game before and everybody was literally sucking your dick, calling you some legendary hero and stuff.
I didn't finish it.

>I know jap.
Doesn't matter because literally every single game in the series has been translated.

Good games to start with are Ys I & II, and Ys Origin

If you like them go from there

Each game is mostly self-contained, so you don't have to worry about canon or any shit like that. You can pick up pretty much any game and enjoy

What Ys games make me feel like the master swordsman Adol is truly supposed to be?

I hope you're all ready for the terrible meme filled translation for the newest game.

the game comes out in 2 months and there's still no system requirements on the steam page

how hard is it to tell your customers if they'll be able to run your game

for fuck's sake

REMINDER: Wait until Ys 8 goes on sale on PC to buy it, but by the Ys 7 PC port as soon as you can.

Have whatever opinions you want about Xseed, they're still better than NISA

Ys 7 is already my favorite Ys game

Isn't ys 8 untranslated

Still thanks I'll give it a go

Ys 8 isn't even out yet, but it is getting a localization

On which platform are they
The Ys games I mean

The majority is on the PC.
The PSP is a good platform for YS too.

There is an old guide but I can't post it right now, sorry.

All are on Windows except:
>Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
Can be emulated with Ootake
>Ys IV: Mask of the Sun
Can be emulated with SNES9X
>Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys
Can be emulated with Ootake
>Ys V
Can be emulated with SNES9X
>Ys Seven
Can be emulated with PPSSPP

Levels don't do much for fighting bosses.

They retract their weak points after they receive a fixed amount of damage or after a fixed time. Once you can do X damage in Y amount of time any strength is 100% wasted.

As for defense. Bosses tend to do very large damage and defense doesn't subtract a % but a flat amount. If the boss hits you for 50 damage and you gain a level he will now hit you for 49. Often that adds up to literally nothing, If you have 225 health he's already over killing for 25 damage so a few extra points off will mean you still die in the same number of hits.

Level ups basically do nothing on bosses. It's a hard game, it's as simple as that.

ootake is shit
use mednafen or bizhawk

also the best version of Ys III is the Genesis version

Ys 7 is gonna be on steam soon actually.

I was just a retard for forgetting to upgrade my weapon
still, nice system, I don't like it when the game encourages me to grind

Attack arms.
Then attack head.
Repeat cycle until he's dead.

shooted him in the face a few times

Okay, thanks. For maximum comfyness I was hoping them to be available on android somehow but at least I have PPSSPP

This is absolutely false. Ys is a game where even a single level of difference can make a boss fight considerably easier.
Honestly I can't believe someone could be that wrong after playing the game. I wonder where you got that idea of levels not being worth much.

>Forgetting an ore

The terrible thing here is that in Blighted Blood, the ore is easily missed and people may just assume there isn't one there.
Then they're left fighting the most bullshit boss in the game with an underpowered weapon.

>Have whatever opinions you want about Xseed
they force english only, so they're shit

Truth. When underleveled, just compare the damage between one level and the next, and you'll know that it makes all the difference in the world.

Fuck off, weeb. You don't understand a word of moonspeak anyway. But do go on pretending you "feel" the "emotions" better with japanese voices, even though it could be chaos wars tier to native ears for all you know.

Grinding is effective against non-bosses because of the opposite effect.

Most enemies hit for very low damage but they do multi-hits. Subtracting 1 damage from a tiny of hits that do 5-10 damage really adds up.

I'll give you some advice. There is presciously one "potion" item in ys origin. It let's you revive once after being killed and it's impossible to miss. No matter how hard everything is save that for the final boss, you'll be glad you did.

Also your EX mode does 2 things. It doubles the damage you do against non-bosses and halves the damage you receive from everything. Against bosses you want to use it during parts of the pattern you have trouble on, to minimize the damage you take.

The girl's name (forget) get's invunability frames when using her yellow attack at the start up animation. Some attacks can be cheesed like this.

Also there's 3 characters in the game and the girl is the hardest because her invunability frame attack is the least cheesy. The mage can put up a fucking barrier that will eat a hit and the 3rd character gets a dodge-dash. So if you beat it with her you can beat it with anyone. She's also the most fun to play as presciously because you can't cheese anything.

This. That ore is downright hidden, no idea what they were thinking.

Jesus Christ. Is this ANOTHER Ragnarok raid?

Boost mode also had a second or two of invincibility frames on startup so you can use it to approach bosses safely.

I seriously have no clue how devs thought we'd see that door and think it was a door. Pictimos took me fucking forever because of that.

Maybe if the translation wasn't a shamefur dispray it'd be the best version. I'd say the TG-16 version is still worth playing because of that. Game's really short, anyway.

ok thanks

>That moment you defeat him and see his neck all stretched out
>In the game this is a prequel to, he's just a disembodied head, so there was no particular reason to give him that goofy neck



Wow didn't know that and I cleared the highest difficulty. That's a way better use.

From what I remember the hardest boss is definitly the last one, but apart from that the lava guy is the second hardest. Unless you are playing on the highest difficulty, in which case that one early boss that takes nap is the second hardest. He gets an insane number of those healing bugs and you very little time to clear them all.

There's an exploit on the true final boss that makes him a lot easier, I've never seen one anyone use it and I'm not revealing it =p

I remember doing 1 to this guy because I never used an ore until this point...

The second boss is an absolute joke as Yunica. For one you can stand on top of him after he closes his weak point and let your boost recharge, secondly and more importantly you can completely ignore his bugs and just go apeshit on him spamming attacks and whirlwind after his initial bubble attack and stun him before he gets a chance to eat the bugs. You can do it this with perfect consistency. Kishgal is the hardest boss imo, the plant thing is pretty tough too.

Plant thing I didn't have much trouble with. Maybe I memorized the spawn point for his flowers.

Kishgal there's a little trick you can do with Yunica's EX Nuke, and he's the only guy it works on. Normally her EX Nuke only hits once. However when Kishgal is doing that thing where he pinballs around like a berseker there's a chance to score multi-hits. You basically want the nuke to throw him in a corner where his only pathing option for pinballing is ramming his face back into the nuke. I think you can score as many as 4 hits if you are really lucky with how his pathing works and you get the perfect position.

As for the rest of the fight, you basically have to treat it like a lancing competation. Yunica outranges him on a lot of attacks if she's got her whirlwind. You sort of want to graze past him with that, it's a very safe thing to do. Only go in for melee combos if you feel certain, otherwise stick with lancing. That lancing approach is something you can do on any of the human-sized opponents.

The problem with Kishgal is how random he is. Beating a few times isn't a big deal, you're bound to get good rng and corner him or have good positioning and score multiple hits with your phoenix. The difficulty lies in getting consistent at beating him. Sometimes he just throws out such ridiculous patterns (ice dragon + icicles + unfortunate positioning) that dodging all that becomes close to impossible. I have a similar problem with Chester 2 in Felghana just because of his random teleporting in the second phase. Win once every 5-10 tries despite practicing both for hours.

I can totally see that. I feel like I kind of got lucky with my wins on those guys. That's also what makes them so much fun, that there are so unpredictable.

If your stuck on a predictable boss it's much more boring because the phases you already mastered are so samey.

I don't see why you would "practice for hours" against a boss you already beat.

Well you'd want to do that if you want the nightmare boss rush cheevos since otherwise it's easy to get stuck on a boss, but I do it because it because I really love the games and want to feel like I've mastered them instead of just barely making it through once.

I never like boss rushes. It's just a complete rehash. Like you need a narration to get immersed in the game even if it's just a really simple set of cutscenes (say the origenal ghosts and goblins).

I think you get more fun doing a greater quantity of games. Like if you spend 20 hours fighting rehashes of a boss you already beat you could have watched like 7 movies or playthroughed an entirly new game.

you mostly just need to make sure the entire raid is wearing fire resist gear

Fucking plant boss, fuck him. By far the most unfun bossfight in Origin.

Novelty wears off after a while. I played games with that mindset for most of my life and it's just not satisfying anymore. Frustration and watching yourself gradually improve is part of the fun.

I love that boss, especially when playing as Toal. It's intense as fuck

Have you tried just playing a new, difficult game. Ever tried 1 creding an arcade game? That's plenty of frustation and improvement.

New experience and a real challenge.

What, you don't like the 6 eyes that heal it plus all the extra shit on the screen that can damage you?

I want to start playing Ys.

Do I start at Origin or at I / II

Start with I/II. Origin, Oath and VI are in a different playing style

Honestly 1/2 are such terrible games you're only going to be interested in them if you really, really get into the world. I say this as someone who has played half the games. They are not bad games but they are very unremarkable.

In terms of quality Arc onward is a huge step up. From 7 onwards though the game's difficulty starts to tank and it's pacing gets fucked up from bloated side quests/compontent grinding.

In terms of story Origin is the first thing that happens, and in my opinion is easily the top story in the series.

Yeah, I don't just play Ys you know. A somewhat challenging 1cc takes about as much time as mastering the boss rush in Ys, so I don't see how it's all that different. 2-ALL in shmups are a whole different story...

Yunica is cute. Cute!

They're not terrible, just very simple, old school ARPG's. The only terrible thing about 1 are the bosses which are very amateurish. 2 has really solid bosses, the magic makes it feel like a top down shooter. Plus they have incredible soundtracks, those should keep anyone going if nothing else does. Probably not the best places to start, but they're worth the 15 or so hours it takes to beat them for sure.

What the fuck? They both use the same translation

Wow, Yunica is not for lewd. Stop this

y-yunica i-is the m-most annoying c-character in the entire Ys f-franchise

Try and stop me

Not excited for ys 8 at all... It has the shitty seven gameplay that I hate

play something else then kiddo, thankfully Ys 7 combat is here to stay

Thanks, user.

I liked it better when Ys was an action game and not a generic jrpg

Easy. There's like 3 lewd pics of her or something

Ys 7 has more action oriented combat than any other previous Ys game

True, shit sucks

Isnt that Kil'Jaeden in the Sunwell?


It's mindless button mashing while your retard brain thinks you're accomplishing something. Ys origin and oath have way more complicated enemy patterns and require a lot more skill

Oathfag spotted

He wanted to say precisely

I liked Kishgal. He's the game's ultimate git gud boss fight, same as Chester 2.
Also, this will make you feel kind of bad if you do it, but there's not a single fight in the Napishtim trilogy that can't be nearly trivialized by grinding exactly 2 levels. It's crazy how much of a difference a single level makes in these games.

>want to enjoy the story in oath
>stuck at death hawkin or whatever it's called
Who the fuck put a mech in a castle. Fuck this guy.

I felt like Naphitism was just easier in general without grinding. Once you get past the really early part you have so much money that you can just guzzle healing stuff on the way to the boss, which means there isn't much endurance test.

The bosses themself have pretty simple patterns (except that one lava boss who seems to demand you grind to get high damage otherwise he willl just turn the whole floor into lava if you take too long to beat him). I don't remember any that had very many random elements

>he doesn't utilize the downstab technique to kill the boss in under a minute
shaking my head family