So I just beat this game's main story. I thought it was pretty fun

So I just beat this game's main story. I thought it was pretty fun.

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samefag: Story's surprisingly okay for a spinoff title; not amazing, but good enough to keep me emotionally invested. This and the original P4A probably have the best side-stories.

The gameplay itself is baller though. Are there any other rhythm games that use this system?

Thought the story was a bit dull but I love defeating demons with dancing. It's such a dumb idea in the best way.


pretty good desu


Too bad the first half is unbearable and crazy repetitive.

I got too many King Krazies to really complain about the game, except maybe it's god awful DLC gouging

I agree that the time taken up by cutscenes vs. time spent playing a rhythm game is pretty lopsided, but they got a bit better once the first girl gets rescued.

Those costumes feel like they belong in a completely different game. This is a fanservice game though, and the fact that it knows it probably works out in its favor.

those costumes are from persona 4 golden though, except for rise's
but i agree about them feeling nothing like what the characters would wear

Best of the Kitchen idols.

snowflakes remix is the best track with the best girl.

i was really surprised by how not shit it was.
also i like how rise and chie's costumes show their belly buttons

>surprised by how not shit it was.
It was almost as good as it could have been, really.

if you would have told me that the crossover fighting game was shit and the shovelware dancing spinoff was quality, i would have called you a fucking liar. what a time to be alive.

Not only was is good, but it's also accepted canon.

Loved it, only game I've ever platinum'd. Admittedly, it was a very easy platinum. I feel like the pass/fail system was a bit overly harsh towards late song slip-ups, but overall I enjoyed it and there were some great remixes in there. Still find myself going back to it every now and then.

P5 spinoffs when?

it's the only good p4 spinoff game. dan>arena>ultimax>q
we still have to get p3dan first user

The fail system probably balanced out that without difficulty modding the game wasn't actually that difficult for anyone who plays other rhythm games.

Can it be played on the VitaTV ?

Yeah. I don't know if it's true or not but people talk about VitaTV having input lag problems which would be annoying for a rhythm game.

Do you know how ">" works?

Fuck. Will do some research before buying the VTV then.

Are you dumb?

yes, it's used to sort a series of items in quality. dan is better than arena, which is better than ultimax, which is better than q

I don't know much about it, it could even be baseless rumor. But it could be to do with the TV more than the console.

top kek.

This. I play miku and djmax and it was a breeze. Got a bunch of king crazys on all night on first try. Was fun :)

>if you would have told me that the crossover fighting game was shit
I don't have a ps3, was it? I watched the first scenes on youtube and seeing Yu having some bants with Yosuke was very refreshing, the gameplay is from the blazblue guys, it shoudn't be bad.
The music is also pretty cool


Yeah, I've only ever played it on PSTV.
I've had no issues with input lag or anything, I use a DS4.

Ochimizu best girl.
Electronica in Velvet Room best song.

if you just want to play it as a fightan it's acceptable, but the story is fucking garbage. it's not a fun experience for persona fans who want a story connecting p3 and p4's casts. if the story was going to be shit, it should have just been a non canon all star brawler like smash desu.

Alright, thanks mate.

Izanagi's bass solo is the second best thing to come out of persona.

I loved the Kanamin sections.

>Holy shit Izanagi's solo is hype
>Rotates the swordguitar over
Someone isn't being paid enough there.


>mfw Kanamin ruins all the group shots because she has literally no costumes

Did Chad hit that pussy?

Too ugly even for Chad. Chie is as low as he is willing to go.

So when are we getting that P3 Dan they said they would make if this did well?

Arena's story was fine for the most part, but Ultimax was a huge mistake.

I hope not. P3 is too grimdark to pull the whole dancing to save the world schtick.
Also I really don't eant to watch Liz dancing like a complete retard..

>Also I really don't eant to watch Liz dancing like a complete retard..
Guess you haven't seen the movies then.

I saw the second one I think. It was incredibly meh.

I have to admire your uncanny knack for being around any given time a DAN thread is posted to repost this every single time.

hopefully never. IT>Sees

>not wanting to see Mitsuru cosplay as Yukiko

you got me there