Good evening neighbor! Would you like to enjoy some freshly baked cookies?

Good evening neighbor! Would you like to enjoy some freshly baked cookies?

Other urls found in this thread: wanna meet that dad _93c66d9570c2a701034a9ef14a6ec8ab.png

His wife is super hot.

Dream Mommy when.

Depends. Do they have raisins in them? Because fuck raisins.

I feel like there's a jojo reference somewhere in there

No, but thank you daddy

I have no interest in playing this game, but I want to know who the best dad is.





Definitely not Joseph.
Brian (the ginger fatty) is.

Coffee shop owner.
He's hot, chill, into good music.

You already know.

>they will never make dream mommy

>game for gays
>fags ruins everything
i bet you play pokemon and whine about kids ruining everything

Smithers, release the hounds.

Where are the sprite rips?

Post them

Fuck off Game Grumps.


>want to date the religious dad and break him into a homo making him leave his wife for me
>this entire route
>the bad ending

absolutely fucking disgusting

lol daddy dating simulator
haha gay
haha tim and eric jokes lol I love the references to tim and eric character piere
"i wanna meet that dad" - tim and eric
haha lol
its funny cause its gay
and its about dads
the word dad is funny
"lol guys what if its dating game but ur a dad and you meet other dads" LOL wanna meet that dad _93c66d9570c2a701034a9ef14a6ec8ab.png
lol epic
doo dah doo doo
whats your dad like
ha lol
so funny making this funny game
hey guys who is your dadfu
daddy day care
lmao that is actually funny
from the b to the r to the o-c-c-o-l-i
clap clap
I am the broccoli and don't know why
c to the a to the r r o and a t
carrots are good for you and me

I heard about that game but it strikes me as blatant faggotry without gachi memes rendering it just as gay burly men date sim.
So why would people buy this game again?


This game is by, for, and marketed towards the 14 year old Game Grumps fans.

>oh a gay dating sim where you can date hot dads, and produced by GAYME GRUPMS? I BUY IT IRONICALLY NO HOMO THO

What Soldier 76 skin is this?
Is it available now?

i got it because i want to date hot dads
i don't even like game grumps


So I guess you can't make him a cock hungry dinner then?

the one holding the baby should have been's mech and the baby should have been

someone took the time to write this.

this guy did research to make this

just because hes so fucking buttblasted.

im just going to say this
This was a poorly executed character, it is pretty obvious the outcome and almost predictable and it's a shame that they went for the trope instead of making a well written character with a unique twist

Why instead of going for the religious white man is actually the head of a satanic cult cliche, didn't they make a religious man who despise his sexual preferences being against what he beliefs, struggles to maintain his faith knowing people will never agree but continues to do it because he wants to keep the morals that this religion taught him? The story could focus more on helping this dad to let go of that fear and worries of people ever accepting him to live the life he wants to live keeping both his preference in men and his faith in god.

Im sorry, is just that whoever came up with this twist is very childish and in a visual novel about dating daddies, they should've consider at least make your be more invested into their stories

because its not meant to be serious.

pretty sure this game was written by heteros anyway

joseph had a lot of potential, it's really lame what they did with him
"hurr hurr religious ppl are EVIL you can't be religious and gay"

>do firs two dates for a few
>decide to commit to the route
>looking forward to exploring the characters and seeing the family dynamics more
>turns out there was only 3 "dates" per character

I really hate them fr ruining a good character, but what can you expect if this game is done in jest

3 dates and a single GC. What a great game. I guess people only buy it for the shit memes,

>Pissed of when dads where revealed because everyone brushed him off as the rich boring douchebag.
>Actual personality revealed, he's sweet, friendly and dislikes drama. People still ignores him.
>Games releases, the only dad with bad endings (NTR and you as his side bitch)
>Suddenly, CULT
>Mfw those things make him gain notoriety and now he's one of the characters the fandom pays more attention with art and fanfics.
>Mfw all of those portrait him as an abusive asshole, a jerkass or a literal demon, instead of the cute loving that I loved in the first place.

Fucking monkey paw. Seriously hope the devs add more content and a new ending for him. Or at least, talk about all of the cult nonsense.

Would this shit sell if it was an otome game instead of homoshit?

Is the game good or is it just a meme?

Listen here, limpdick. Do you know how many porn games, or even vaguely tantalizing games there are for straights? THOUSANDS. Do you know how many gay games there are? You can count them on your chubby fingers.

So when this game comes along, has a character you're attracted to, but you can't date her, YOU get upset?

WELL guess what? Now you know what it feels like to be a FAG. Why don't you go boot up one of your million hentai games and jerk it off.

And i don't even like Dream Daddy. The artstyle sucks.

but this shit is already selling

Go fuck yourself. The devs designed it serious and straight. Everyone assumed it was suppose to be a joke game and they chose not to correct anyone.

Cult ending? How do you get that? I haven't bought this, but I'd consider it just to see that ridiculous shit.


t-thanks for defending us

whos the second on the left supposed to be

not important

Don't get you hopes up yet. Apparently some dataminers have found files which reveal a cult ending which several sprites involving Joseph, Mary and his children.
The ending is not accesible by normal means, only by datamining. Supposedly is leftover code for a future DLC, but the fact that it has a healthy dose of foreshadowing and the "escape from margarita zone" trophy exists, makes me think it was at some point in the game, but scrapped it fearing the backslash. Wait until something is confirmed. In the meantine let's discuss and post dads.

You really can't be both religious and actively gay, if the religion in question is Christianity


Don't you have Jason on your ass due to saying you own Camp Crystal Lake?

Joseph route in a nutshell.

>we want the cuck audience

Good post. Some people are seriously lacking in awareness.

Its biggest flaw is that its really short.
Apart form that, its ok I guess.

Morenatsu is better

Ah, okay. That's dumb that they'd leave the trophy in if it's potentially not accessible.

But, then, it's the Grumps so of course they half-assed it. Is the game any good, at least? I might get it for my wife, since she would like it.

>Now you know what it feels like to be a FAG

My nigga

T-thanks, user

>buying games
>in 2017
wew lad

>My wife.
I believe user, I totally do.
But jokes aside, show her the game and see if she's interested or hyped. In that case buy it, it's not that expensive, althought it could have had more content, which they'll maybe expanse in the future.

Handsoap. So yeah, unimportant.


furries get out


So that means you steal him from her? Nice

oh boy spoilers ahead
bad end; he stay with her and break up with you
neutral end; he keep you as a side hoe

No you get cucked because he's a youth minister and Jesus and spiritual bonds made last forever

How about you exterminate my boipucci user :3

So what's the good end?

there's none

>wife clearly cheating on him
>he's cheating on her
>they stay together
god i hate heteros

The bad end is the good end and the neutral end is the band end this user postedUnless Escape from Margaritaville is actually his good ending and not related to cult stuff, you won't end up with Joseph in any way.

Post some evidence

That's kinda lame.

Maybe next time, don't try and fuck the man who says he's a youth minister AND has a wife and kids?

I don't care how handsome he is, or what he promised you, this can only end badly.


but breaking marriage is FUN

Dating sim appealing to women and homosexual men.

Is there porn of the daughtere yet?


I heard there was just a glitch that prevented players from getting the 'true' Joseph ending

It is selling.
>Implying women don't want to play a dad who romances other dads

>game appealing to tumblrinas and gays
>thinking you'll get porn of the daughters

Forsen, the guy who made gachi popular on twitch, hates the game and is confused as to why people recommended it to him.

ain't he a hetero though

>you will never get a 20+ MILF gf with troubled/shady past
why live?

I've already hooked up with Brian, planning on replaying and dating Robert, which other routes are worth checking out?

Yeah he only tried it because some retarded viewers that spam gachi emotes would like it, turns out after a few minutes everyone hated it and begged him to stop playing

Man, I really hope you're right, and the secret ending is you with Joseph for real.
>Both Mary and Joseph get divorced, can finally be happy again without making the other miserable, they end up in friendly terms.
>You and him, in his yatch watching the whales pass while you drink wine.
>Agressive lovemaking.
But enough Joseph, even if he's my favourite, the other dads deserve love. What do you think about Craig?

Wew lad, surprised that GG stole shit from OW when Suzy literally copied D.Va logo and just changed it to a kitten and uses D.Va suit for her promo materials.
They are pathetic hacks but Blizz won't sue them because their retarded fanbase will do everything to create drama.

faggots reproduce through abuse

Damien is pretty good, didn't expect to like this weird motherfucker so much. Hugo route also have good moments. And Craig is also good

The fact that 90% of the fucking reviews are "no homo though lol" or "now I'm gay" makes me realise how fucking retarded this entire ordeal is. Pretty much anyone that takes it seriously point out the game is bare bones and not worth the price, but it's gotten it's rating spammed up by actual, literal memelords.

Does this game have lewd sex in it?

Nope fade to black bam it the next morning stuff

This guy gets it.

Fuck I wanted lewds damn it.

so how long until rule 34 on the daughter?

This would be a good post if Dream Daddy was actually made for gay guys and not straight girls.

Just look around /y/ for some.