What series is the first to come to mind when you see this environment?

What series is the first to come to mind when you see this environment?

sonic adventure 2 battle

Bruh it's mary-o.

not series but ff8

Skyward sword

Sonic adventure or xenoblade, or maybe that SA:O Game

Super Mario Odyssey.

Phantasy Star Online

Why is youtube compression so cancer. Why isn't mixer more popular

xenoblade (both 1 and x) or what said


I thought that was fucking Glover. Anyone remember that shit?

Mixer is a literally who although its 100000x better than twitch


looks like the island vyse is stuck on from skies of arcadia only with more grass

woah, so this is the power of unreal engine 4 on the nintendo switch that costs more than a ps4

Yooka Laylee.

Glover's got my jam

It's not unreal though, its a heavily modified version of the 3D world engine

Mixer is better, but that's because it is less popular. Keep it that way

>comparing a game from 1999 to your screenshot
wow btfo!

super mario odyssey

>It's not unreal though, its a heavily modified version of the 3D world engine
nice source

Its almost like graphical power might not equate to good games.
PS4 has no good games.


We're not sure whether it's a modified engine but it is not unreal. Unreal has said the new Yoshi is an unreal game but they didn't mention mario

>Gravity Rush
>Gravity Rush 2
>Odin Sphere
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
Yep Splatoon 2 and 360 looking Mario Odyssey are way better than those

doshin the giant

Wait, nintendo is using third parties engines now?

They are lmao, stick your aninu girls up your ass and make way for gameplay

Super Mario Run was Unity iirc

Dark Souls. Looks like Darkroot Garden.


Not him, but these are the only ones that are actually great on that list:
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0

P5 is so much worse than 3 or 4, and for the record 3 is better than 4.

Nioh is decent, but it's so samey and looks like shot standing next to Bloodborne.

Haven't played Odin Sphere but I'm sure it's shit because YOU like it. Fucking faggot.

Star Fox zero



I like the way Odyssey is handling levels. Still mostly cliffs everywhere shit but at least they're actually trying to make it look like you're in a real place.