ITT: Oh, That was a thing

ITT: Oh, That was a thing.

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>$1299 MSRP


Post THAT pic


I watched did you know gaming today too

That HD DVD drive for Xbox 360.

Remind me. Why these DVD/Game Console Frankensteins exist

Most of this shit sucks, the Sega CDX was actually useful

I'd love to have this

Its a pretty nice piece of hardware. Got one a while back and dont regret it.

One has to wonder what the Nintendo PlayStation timeline is like

Because Americunts can't be bothered to teach their children the discipline needed for them to behave during car trips.


enjoying your muslim dick, eurabian?

Flatscreen TV with built-in PS2.

Whoa that's fucking cool
But games must look shitty in that tv

>I watched DKYG and pretend to remember this

back to youtube kid

I had one, screen input delay was insane.

Not him but how did you find out about it? I never knew about it until recently on GBATemp.

A dvd player inside a dvd player?

It was more like a DVR mixed with a PS2.

Everyone knows about this already.

>heard about this from my life in gaming
>dykg takes their footage months later and now suddenly everyone has to tell you their new fact that no one knows


In the Gamecube's case it's because Nintendo hates money and forgot to put a DVD player in their system

I bought one on ebay like 13 years ago, it felt so rewarding to win the auction even though it was in the $300 range.
My sister fucked it up playing a DVD, the disc tray is permanently stuck open. I never attempted to fix it though, maybe one day.

What the hell was the point of these? Now that I think about it, what was the point of the memory cards you could plug into the N64 controllers? Damn thing used cartridges.

Forgot to make the games on DVDs too.

In an attempt to fight piracy they kneecapped the console with limited file sizes.

What was the point N64

Some games literally could not save
Without one. It cost more money to stick a save feature into the cartridge i guess



Don't know, but it was the worst feeling owning games that required it, I never got one.
I kept having to do Tony Hawk 1 from the beginning like it was the NES days.

my friend had this. I thought it was cool back then, but boy it aged quickly

You see, young one, back in the days of old people would actually go over to their friend's house. This was also back before all of your data was accessible at any moment from any location.

always wanted one

>back in the days of old people would actually go over to their friend's house

So you take the fucking game with you, that's what me and everyone else at school did.

I actually got into many arguments with people on Sup Forums who were telling me that every single pc gamer would own one of these.

So cool

Shit wait nevermind, I was thinking about N64 cartridges. But I never owned a 360, I would take my PS3 saves on a flash drive.

What about your save file?

Multiple save files.

What is that?

These things were everywhere. Every gaming magazine shilled it, Valve pushed the thing hard back when Half Life was relevant, but I don't know one person who actually owned one.


Basically a really complicated computer mouse that offered tactile feedback. Different situations would make it "feel" different to use. They also had a gun controller adapter for it with recoil.

a buddy of mine bought one and we all went to his place to watch him unbox it, it felt really special.

literally lost all memory of that ceremony in a month, was years later before some user posted a picture and brought me back. very weird feeling.

I had one of these monstrosities for my gameboy color.


Would it be fair to say that this was the VR of its time? In terms of its product life VR is giving me the same vibe.

The fact that hundreds, if not thousands of people actually believed the Ouya was capable of this still baffles me to this day.

Hard to say. It was definitely being memed in similar way as VR with people claiming that it will have uses beyond just games. People were claiming 3d modelers and architects and all kinds of people would all be using it.


That was what made it so fucking funny.

Definitely. People went on so much about how it was SO REAL and revolutionary and all the upper middle class Youtubers raved about it with their five digit gaming setups but it was ultimately just a gimmick that made playing Half Life 2 slightly more interesting. It was expensive and never caught on and funnily enough it never will because it's not really compatible with modern VR setups.


Memory cards were even near-pointless on the OG-Xbox cause you could easily mod it and install a bigger HDD.

>game console which is a touchscreen-less mid-range android phone that can run android phone games
>in a period when top of the line phones went obsolete after 6 months
I'm with . Why did people think ANYTHING could come out of that?

You sound young. Also really ignorant. N64 memory cards were to have multiple saves you could take anywhere. 360 was the exact same thing, take your gamesaves with you.

Marketing is a hell of a drug.

God I'm so sick of nu-Sup Forums, 90% of this fucking board is opinions parroted from ecelebs.

calm down

This implies VR is a gimmick or going away anytime soon. When you are not poor and can get yourself a pc capable of VR and a VR headset, you won't say such ignorant untrue crap.

>he fell for the vr meme

But VR is the very definition of a gimmick

My first console was SNES, I just never had the need to take my save games anywhere.

What the fuck is that thing?

I got a similar one for my GBA.

Who asked for this?


Wouldn't that just buttfuck your battery life?

How well did the "joystick" work on these?


>What the hell was the point of these?

Some of those 360 ones were shipped with 'arcade' console bundles that lacked physical storage to cheapen down the price tag. In general the cards did turn out to be largely redundant though.


Developers were challenged by cartridges whose data sizes were only in 4 MB increments, and it's more expensive to go up a size. If space is really tight and data can't be saved, the memory cards came into use.

This would be fucking awesome to have if it worked.

About as poorly as you can imagine. It's not an actual joystick but just a false one that presses on the D pad.

>memory cards you could plug into the N64 controllers

This right here is one of the few reasons i'd accept a password system. Some games like Xtreme-G 2 had controller pack saves, or you were given a password you could enter to unlock everything up to that point.

Really love the aesthetics of this. Reminds me of my old micro system.

>Came out 7 years after the game
>Heavenly Sword didn't even get much attention or praise and was quickly forgotten
>Movie is just a retelling of the original game's story with worse voice acting and animation

Why was this even made?

China got an N64 that was in a controller and the games were downloaded from an online store or from special kiosks and stored on a memory card
Nintendo made it because some laws meant they couldn't release the proper N64 or something like that and they wanted to cut down on chinese piracy of their games

Aw god I remember this fucker. Thing wouldn't play in 90% of CD players.
Were there even any other shaped CDs, Nintendo or not, beyond this and the Yoshi's Story one?

If your making a game, you have to pay for what goes onto the cartridge, including rewritable memory chips. Instead of eating into your profits, just tell users to use the controller memory packs instead. This also made sense for multi-platform games, as PS and DC also used memory cards, so it's easier to do this than to bother drastically changing how the save system works.

The first Monster Hunter actually got a Wii port a few months before Monster Hunter Tri



>The game supported connecting two Genesis/Mega Drives via a special link cable using the second joypad ports for a multiplayer mode. The cable was originally supposed to be shipped as a pack-in with the game.[1] However this was changed in a last-minute decision and a coupon for ordering a free cable was added instead.

HD DVD in general

My dad got one in a Christmas card once, it was shaped like a snowman and covered in ONLY USE THIS IN TOP LOADING CD PLAYERS labels.



Said literally no one ever and the only reason you posted it was because of a dykg video

I have one of these that got accidentally added into a N64 bundle I got at a flea market. I use it to play Excitebike and Clu Clu Land after about 60 seconds of swiping the same cards over and over because they never read the first time.

I would have liked to see the word processor attachment.


Did the game seriously just come with a basketball?

And is still being made and sold.
And they are the only ones who had the documentation for N64 outside nintendo.
For chinks im amazed this never got leaked.

>The Sega Graphic Board is a peripheral for the SG-1000, acting as a basic tablet. It was released in 1985 for a Japanese audience.

>The Satellaview (Japanese: サテラビュー Hepburn: Saterabyū) is a satellite modem peripheral for Nintendo's Super Famicom system that was released in Japan in 1995.

I remember Cosmo somehow got his hands on one of these (back before he got fucked by John Numbers), so that he could speedrun the official chinese version of Ocarina of Time.
Why? Because due to the way the chinese alphabet works, it simply had faster text scrolling than any other version. Consequently, Cosmo held all the OoT speed records for some time, for no reason other than the fact that he had a rare version of the game.