Gaming Redpills

>turn based games are really just card games with a pretty presentation

MOBAs are dumbed down RTS for normalfags and literal underage kids

The moment you finished your first fight in a fighting game or a gunfight in a FPS, you have experienced all that genre has to offer, and additional play is you refusing to let that first moment die.

Characters are just functions

This hardly makes any sense, and I'm having a hard time actually believing someone would think this. Also, why is this limited to only fighting games or FPS?

All first games in a series are the best. There are literally no exceptions.

Crash 1 > Crash 2 & 3
Spyro 1 > Spyro 2 & 3
R&C1 > GC & UYA
Uncharted 1 > 2 3 & 4
Jak 1 > 2 & 3
Halo 1 > 2 & 3
Sonic 1 > 2 & 3k

It might be hard to believe but once you realize it you will be blown away.

New Lara is actually an ok woman. It's ok to like her.

You can use this argument for virtually any experience

I mean if you want every genre I can go on. Though it'd just be "also X and X and X and X and..."

The only one this is not true for is Sonic. Sonic 3&K is the epitome of sonic.


That actually makes them seem even more fun, thanks OP!

HD Remasters are just a way to make you pay twice for a game you already own.

Super Mario Bros 3 ?

How well optimized is rise of the tomb raider?

Told you it's hard to believe. One day you will learn and understand.

Like ass

If you're comparing it to that ass it must be really good then.

That's a lie. Cards are usually way prettier.

O i get it, that's clever.

But seriously, it's very well optimized. I can almost play it on max with 60 fps. Putting everything on high gives me 70fps on my GTX 970


>Roguelikes are over-glorified card games
>Card games are roguelike games

you clearly havent played any SMT

>FPS requires STRATEGY
>RTS provides the sense of ADVENTURE
>Adventure games relies mostly on PUZZLE
>Puzzle games are often in FIRST PERSON

And then the cycle continues indefinitely.

>bejeweled is a roguelike

>Card game where you start with a team
>Long list of abilities per card.
>Abilities also aren't luck based to use
The only real luck are in things like damage and healing rolls.
Almost like a tabletop game.

Survival Horror games are actually just Escape The Room games. Any game that isn't focused finding keys and solving puzzles don't really qualify as survival horror.

The combat of Resident Evil itself was a pretty genius design, because it's a puzzle as well. Furthermore it expanded upon the genre(ETR) by adding 2 resources to manage, health and ammo. What you did with your weapons was less important than where you did it. Ammo was very scarce so the only enemies worth killing were the ones that were blocking your path to rooms that possibly have keys or puzzles within them.

As such Resident Evil 2 cannot really be considered a proper sequel to Resident Evil, at least not in gameplay. In Resident Evil 2 you can blast literally everything that moves to death and still have ammo to spare. Your only incentive not to is to save time in order to get a better rank. The true sequel to Resident Evil is Dino Crisis.

Devil May Cry 1 is an interesting game because it brings up the question of where the line should be drawn between survival horror and non-survival horror. While the game doesn't have much in the way of puzzles the entire game is literally a key hunt, however keys themselves are not reserved solely for survival horror. Doom is also a key hunt. As is Tomb Raider, which is also full of puzzles. Same for Onimusha. We can safely say that none of these games are survival horror games, although for all I know Onimusha devs might believe otherwise, but it makes it a bit unclear if survival horror actually qualifies as its own genre. The only way to set its definition in stone is to say that the puzzle-like combat of Resident Evil is a necessary component of the genre which will, mostly, separate the genre from other genres. However that also limits the number of games that actually qualify to an extremely low number.

>white male gamers are biggest fragile autist crybabies who get triggered each time they're reminded women and minorities exist

>crash 1 better than 3
>r&c not getting progressively better up to deadlocked

If niggers are so good, why can't they make their own videogames featuring blacks?

it's all 1's and 0's

Gamers are self-obsessed, incompetent, megalomanic people who, due to their inability to realize their freakish fantasies, resort to the alternate reality provided by various mind-numbing, pocket-emptying, IQ-draining, and insignificant games as an attempt to fulfill the need of their bloated egos and to mask the pimples, freckles, and pock-marks which crater their pale, sunlight-deprived faces, resulting to the non-existence of their social lives.

Video games are used by people with no girlfriend, job, or life as a substitute for their lame IRL. Games are a way to get girls and parents to stop bothering you with pesky human contact, while losing brain cells and gaining weight. Girls that play video games are not interested in boys. Video games are a good way to distract losers from the fact that they will never get laid. Not by a human anyway.

Anyone that makes post like doesn't actually believe what they're saying, otherwise they wouldn't be posting on the videogames board.

I'd play that card game...

Megaman would like to have a word with you.

No matter how good every other element is, a certain degree of difficulty is required to fully enjoy any game.

A game that offers no frustration or resistance will soon get boring no matter what.

More than half the games on that list would like to have a word with him.

What about Kirby?

>put the cards on a grid and make them able to attack at different ranges and angles, kind of like chess
>suddenly you have a TRPG that on the surface at least, makes other physical card games look like snakes and ladders in comparison to Go
>rake in the profits

Not really, no.

t. tcg afficionado

Kirby's easy but it offers some resistance.
Enemies trying to stop you, bosses, linear progression, these are all challenges to be met, even if they are easily defeated challenges in kirby.

The way that guy is talking, it sounds like he means walking simulators with near nothing in the way of victory.

Never ever

The enemy in walking simulators is usually the agenda of whichever sjw produced it

Your entire argument falls apart in the face of three words.

This isn't escapism, I'm not some loser praising a game for its atmosphere or worldbuilding. All I'm truly concerned with are shit like numbers, frame data, responsive controls, complex relationships between various mechanics. Nothing wrong with nice art and cute girls and all that but it's not even necessary. I've played games in wireframe and still enjoyed them plenty. I've played one game that was made entirely with lazy ass MSpaint graphics and it was probably one of the best indie platformers ever made. The main character was literally a white circle with a black outline, and it wasn't even all that round. It looked more like a pebble.

Super Smash Bros. 64 is not the best game in it's series and it's not even close

What game is that you are talkin about?

>exclusives are only reason to buy console
>you accepted that
>now your only choice is to pay for online features and hd remasters

The crash trilogy were all equally great.
Same goes for spyro.
And R&C but gladiator was trash.
No one gives a shit about uncharted
Jak 3 was better.
I'll agree on halo.
Sonic 3&K was the best.

>RTS games are literally rock paper scissor games with nice graphics

>Card games are really just turn based games with a boring presentation

that's the most retarded post I've ever seen on this board, congratulations

Overwatch is checkers.
Every other older FPS is chess.

games literally make you smarter though.

>RTS games are literally rock paper scissor games with nice graphics
This opinion is pure autism. There is no random element to most RTS games other than the skill of the players themselves. It sounds like you got raped in StarCraft and are trying to justify it by acting like the game is a matter of "rock, paper scissors", when in reality you're just shit at the game and don't know to effectively utilize the advantages of each faction.

Video games are expensive toys made for children

Building a PC for gaming is pathetic

>"video games are for children"
>most adults find it both socially acceptable and entertaining to watch white balls moving through the air for 2 hours at a time

Classical Fighting games despite their 3D graphics are actually 1D. You cannot flank and there is no terrrain to exploit you can only move towards or away from the enemy, jumping can be treated as a finite number of attack modifiers and doesnt warrant a whole extra dimension.
in the same sense - Super Smash Bros and stuff like Naruto Ninja Storm are 2D

Was this being disputed by anyone? This is common sense.

>Posting that on Sup Forums
sasuga user-san, you may have wrote the single most retarded comment on this board

That's like saying real football is Fifa for kiddies because you only control 1 character in real life.

Holy shit that's fucking hilarious

>comparing real life to quality gameplay
How retarded of you user. You must be a degenerate league player or something. MOBAs are indeed a dumbed-down version of classic RTS games as the other user stated. Playign something like LoL or HotS doesn't even compare in finesse or skill. MOBAs are complete trash and are single-handedly responsible for the decline of the real RTS genre.

Joke's on you because I didn't but the game the first time around.


I am not that user, but when people say "rock paper scisors", they don't mean random elements, they mean 'there's one play meant to defeat this other play, and that play has a play that defeats it"

For instance, you can think of megaman bosses as an 8 part rock paper scissor round.

In starcraft, things definitely work this way, many things have a hard counter strategy, which is why scouting is so important, if you know what your opponent is lining up to do, you can quickly get into position to block it.

>video games are really just numbers going up and down with a pretty presentation

It's the teambased part that makes it good you nignog. People who play moba's solo are masochists.

>Games are a way to get girls and parents to stop bothering you with pesky human contact
If only it was that easy.

>In starcraft, things definitely work this way, many things have a hard counter strategy, which is why scouting is so important, if you know what your opponent is lining up to do, you can quickly get into position to block it.
What you're describing is the meta. Every game has a meta. It doesn't matter if you're playing an RTS, and FPS, an ARPG, anything -- there is always going to be some kind of strategy or combination of abilities, items or skills which will be more effective than others. That's just called being good at the game. You are never going to play a game that doesn't have a meta, but that doesn't mean the game doesn't have strategy or skill involved in playing it. The finesse of the game comes from knowing how to adapt to various tactics and situations on the fly, regardless of whatever "set" methods there are for countering said tactics.

>irl is just atoms going up and down with a pretty presentation

>It's the teambased part that makes it good you nignog. People who play moba's solo are masochists.
Uh, yeah, that has nothing to do with the point. The point is that MOBAs are shit, regardless of whether or not they are played multi or solo. It's like playing a game of WC3 in a very tiny map and with nothing but hero units. It's fucking retarded. It takes 1/10th the amount of skill and appeals to retards who aren't intelligent enough to form their own strategies, thereby relying on the support of team mates and the proposed incompetence of the enemy. RTS games about forging an empire, effectivel collecting and disturbing resources, and asserting domination over the opposing force. MOBAs are about sucking cock. End of story.

t. persian douche

>t. persian douche
What exactly did I say that you disagree with, and what exactly about those statements gave your autistic mind the idea that I'm "persian"?


Logically that makes sense

I am guessing from your post that you don't have much of an opinion of rock paper scissors. you seem to react as if a game being related to this is somehow cheapened for being so.

Rock paper scissors can be just as much of a predictive mindgame as anything else. You can read your opponent, or guess what they might do, especially after multiple rounds, you can gauge if they are a risk taker, a safe player, or a tricky sort, and react accordingly. Of course, this would be the 'meta' of rock paper scissors.

That said, it seems you agree that RTS games, or all games in general, at high level, boil down to glorified rock paper scissors matches. And there's nothing wrong with that. It can be fun for the players and is fun to watch, but at the end of the day, there's a definite chart of plays that beat other plays directly, which are then beaten by other plays.

Google ''persian douche''

>"I have 1st grade reading ability and can't handle anything longer than two sentences"

I have a gf, I've had many in fact, and I've been laid numerous times. So your argument doesn't hold up.

yeah man thats totally why i play mobas
my favourite multiplayer online battle arena is quake :^)

Fps games won't let you run in one direction and shoot in another. One game 'Trespasser' did but it was a nightmare to run and quietly fell of the radar.

>Move left and right
>Therefore moving vertically
Nice 1 dimension there, bro.

Rts are for loser virgins while Mobas are for chads. If mobas are so easy, hit challenger then ;)

You aren't very bright

This logic is retarded. You are asserting that an entire game filled with dozens of units, structure, abilities, resources and various tactics is the same thing as randomly guessing which of three "strategies" your opponent is going to use. You are boiling down an incredibly complex set of strategies and skills into an oversimplified definition.

The crucial flaw in your reasoning is that the ONLY strategy in a game like "rock, paper, scissors" is based purely off of your ability to judge your opponent's personality and prior habits, whereas in most RTS games you will often face someone you've never met before, who can employ dozens of different tactics. Therefore, RTS games are not as simple as you claim.

>Crash 1 > Crash 2 & 3
>Sonic 1 > 2 & 3

Remember sc2 pro scarlet switching to dota 2? "I'll be 5k in a week"? She didn't make it out of 2k.

You had a point until
>Jak 1 > 2 & 3
>Sonic 1 > 2 & 3
Your opinions (and shitty ones at that) aren't fact, kill yourself.

I have a job, and I'm a 3.5 student in a high-ROI major. Otherwise, true, though. Not settling for what's still available to me.

>Remember sc2 pro scarlet switching to dota 2? "I'll be 5k in a week"? She didn't make it out of 2k.
No I don't remember that because I don't watch autistic e-sports and I actually play the games. I have no idea what this has to do with anything but MOBAs are still gay as shit.

It means the 2 genres are literally uncomparable skillwise. Your salt because RTS is dying has nothing to do with moba's

>1985: "LOL look at this nerd and his video games!"

>It means the 2 genres are literally uncomparable skillwise
This is like saying that cooking a good cheeseburger is equal to rocket science just because they require "different skills". No, MOBAs are easy as fuck, just because you not be naturally as good at MOBAs versus RTS does not mean MOBAs aren't dumbed down to appeal to a larger, more retarded audience.

>Your salt because RTS is dying has nothing to do with moba's
There is no salt here. I couldn't give less of a fuck whether or not RTS is dead, I'll still enjoy it anyway. I'm simply stating the fact that MOBAs are vastly less engrossing, interesting and skillful than traditional RTS games, and have certainly contributed to their decline.

>It's the teamba...
Wow, it's like you can play 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4 on RTS, who would've thought.
Still applies. MOBA is a dumbed down RTS genre.

Yakuza can only get better as time goes on

> I haven't played Xcom, nor Jagged Alliance, nor ttoee, nor wizardry 8, nor Divinity Original sin, nor age of wonders multiplayer nor...

The only thing rts and moba have in common is the camera angle.

I guess chess is a card game but with little figures then

Bethesda was always shit and mass effect was never good

>card games = turn based, therefore turn based = card game

this kind of assumed correlation should show you the average intelligence of someone who uses the word "redpill".