Can we talk about Nintendo d-pads lately? They've been pretty shit unless you count the Pokken controller

Can we talk about Nintendo d-pads lately? They've been pretty shit unless you count the Pokken controller.
Classic Pro - I see people talk about this one a lot as the best d-pad for its compatible systems bet eh, really? I hate how the d-pad curves, and its also not soft enough. Original classic was flat and had the right amount of mushiness/clickiness in my opinion.
Wii U Pro - Fucking unusable for 2D platformers. It LOOKS good. It LOOKS like it would be good, but holy fuck, its so fucking stiff and CLICKY. It like clicks into place when you press a direction, its hard to explain but its not good.
Switch Pro - About on par with Classic Pro but again, its so fucking weirdly clicky. It feels like a mildly less stiff version of the Wii U Pro's
These are fine d-pads if theyre not your primary movement buttons, but theyre pretty uncomfortable compared to say a DS4, Pokken, or SNES controller which I think are some of the best controllers for 2D platformers.
Then again, I think d-pads are probably the most subjective parts of a controller. Tons of people on Sup Forums seem to prefer the old school sega-style d-oads that has the circle/eight direction thing and I just find that awkward as hell.


Nintendo has been cheaping out on all of their products lately. I don't know what's happened to them

what are you talking about, I can't speak of the Switch pro controller, but those other 2 have excellent dpads.

please do not talk like that in my threads

Nice blog. Also ive had no problems with the U pro or switch pro dpads. Kys faggot.

hello phoneposter

Classic Pro and Switch Pro are alright but I hate the Wii U Pro's d-pad. Had to whip out the Wiimote + Classic for a lot of the 2D Wii U games

Hello. nice movement of thy goalposts


U Pro controller is my favourite controller with a mayflash adapter.

Really? I thought it was better than PS n xbox controller. It's really hard to tell if you're trying to troll or not. Sup Forums has been buttblasted since botw came out.

>switchpro alright
>the one who fucking can't recognize up and right/left if you are too fast

How retarded are you?

I wasn't aware that we were playing football

this has to be a joke, the wiimote dpad is atrocious, whilst the wii u pro controller dpad is excellent

You don't move goalposts in football retard.

You know how easy it is to tell that these retarded threads are made by ass hurt sony niggers? They bring up a joke of a controller like the DS4.
I've got a DS4, it's just as shit as all of the other sony controllers. We've had countless polls and the DS4 always comes dead last because nobody fucking likes it. It's an uncomfortable piece of shit with an awful d-pad, mushy face buttons and straight up trash triggers.

I still use mine a lot, the xinput switch is convenient as hell

you could move them if you wanted to though. don't even try to imply it's not possible

Nigger what the fuck I have a god damn Switch. I'm also playing through Crash N Sane right now on my brother's PS4 and I always use the d-pad for the 2D section and it feels great.
Ergonomically too, better than every PS controller before it.

But i am only human. Not bulldozer.

>Nigger what the fuck I have a god damn Switch.
So? I have a PS4 and yet I'm still not a fan of sony trash, and that's while I don't own a Switch yet. You can still be bias towards a certain company while owning both of their systems.
The DS4 is easily the worst controller of this generation, the same as every other playstation controller.

>people keep talking how important a good D-Pad is and shit
>mfw I just use the Joycons' four buttons "D-Pad" and I don't give a fuck

They're all good, never had problem for tight platforming.
The only one I can't talk about is the Switch controller.

Also, you forgot the WiiU gamepad, which d-pad was better than the pro controller.

>not being strong enough to move a giant metal goal post
I bet you're a manlet as well.

The Wii and WiiU pro pad d-pads are pretty great so basically you're gay.

>nintendo shitpad
that's your mistake, the best d-pad is on the saturn. Nintendo cross shit was just a stepping stone towards the ultimate d-pad
pic unrelated

So we are all in agreement that the OG DS D-pad was their best, right?
