Normal is almost pathetically easy

>Normal is almost pathetically easy
>Hard is ballbustingly difficult

Necrodancer, if normal is Cadence and hard is Aria.

>more than 3 difficulties

>game has difficulties

>have to finish hard difficulty to unlock even harder difficulty

>Hello, Star Ocean

>level scaling

git gud

>you unlock the hardest difficulty by beating the game
>the game has no replayability

>game is actually easy

>game is actually broken

NieR Automata

>made for faggots that just want the main story parts and beat the game
>Made for learning the more complex game mechanics and finding more plot
>Full game experience everything is available the game is much more difficult and longer with tons of content easy and normal left out

>made for faggots that just want the main story parts and beat the game
>Made for learning the more complex game mechanics and finding more plot
>Full game experience everything is available the game is much more difficult and longer with tons of content easy and normal left out

Is there a game like this Sup Forums?

>normal mode is piss baby shit easy
>expert mode is equally piss baby shit easy
>have to beat entire game on expert mode to unlock harder difficulties

Wish i could refund the garbage that is diablo 3


playing games on a harder difficulty was a mistake
years ago i brainlessly enjoyed everything on easy mode, the story really drew me in
now i have to play on the hardest difficulty the game affords that isnt ironman (or things that delete your save) because the only enjoyment i get out of the game is destroying the enemies as hard and utterly as possible

>easy is actually the hardest
>hard is actually the easiest

>you take 10 hits before you die
>enemies drop 10x of something
>you take 1 hit before you die
>enemies drop 1x of something

What is persona 5. Having harder difficulty levels for ng+ is just a waste of time for someone that doesn't want to be bored to death first play through.
>playing it for the waifus

>Game has intro level
>Game adjusts difficulty according to your performance.

>hard is written in an edgy font

>thanks to mistranslation easy is normal, normal is hard and hard is very hard

>Struggle with a segment
>"Do you want to sett the difficulty to easy?"


>Second to the Highest difficulty is the most difficult one

>put game on the most easy difficulty setting
>have fun and trigger Sup Forums at the same time

none of my friends and none if the people I've watched look to be having a good time on the hardest difficulty

i mean back in the day rooster teeth made the rage quit series because of it

>Normal mode allows you to tank all sorts of damage effectively bypassing half the game mechanics

>Difficulty setting goes absolutely CUHRAYZEE

>Normal has enemies take turns fighting you
>Hard and above makes them attack you all at once

Best difficulty settings ever.

>game has 5 different difficulty levels
>they all use the same settings as the easiest level

Looking at you, X-Com UFO Defence.

>did you take off the mask?

>three difficulty settings
>on easy the AI constantly makes dumb mistakes and fucks itself over
>on hard the AI simply takes no risks ever and accomplishes nothing
>medium is actually the hardest difficulty because the AI strikes a good balance between taking risks and weighing its actions
>it's still piss easy as long as you know what you're doing

Fuck Blood Bowl. At least the multiplayer is fun.


What is Shadow of Chernobyl

>even easy mode is ridiculously hard

>radiant dawn
That game's normal used a way broader definition of normal than what should be allowed.
Came when I finished it though.

>Realize the game is too easy
>Have to restart the game to switch difficulty

>its a platforming segment in a nonplatforming game

>switching to easy doesnt solve the platforming difficulty

>hardest difficulty isn't actually the hardest

>its a stealth segment in a nonstealth game

>Beginner is called Normal
>Very Easy is called Hard
>Easy is called Very Hard
>Normal and everything above that is called random stupid shit

Sounds terrible. Reminds me of path of neo. Most retarded shit ever.
>oh you did poorly in the fight with swat teams and agents because your dumb ass doesn't even know the controls yet, off to easy mode with you.

nier automata

normal is too easy for platinum standards
hard is nothing but one shot mechanics until you manage to scrape together enough health upgrades

Gunstar Superheros.

>they advertised it as a survival horror game but it's a stealth game

Critical mode on KH2 was so easy.
(Roxas fucked me up a few times tho)

>bosses have less health on higher difficulty