Is the franchise dead forever?

Is the franchise dead forever?

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Andromeda sold like shit and the franchise is "on ice". Mass Effect might not be completely dead because I assume there will be still comics and books, but in terms of games: yes, pretty much dead.

It's in tough spot now. Andromeda was a disaster and now they try everything to make it sell, removing Denuvo and even releasing a 10 hours demo.
This is what you get from pandering to SJWs and filling your dev team with "diverse" cast.
Good riddance i'd say.

The series hinged on its protagonist, who was cool.
In ME3 they turned him into a faggot, so it was poorly reviewed.
In ME4 he's no longer there, so the game is irrelevant and already forgotten.

This is not a difficult concept to understand.
People want strong, assertive, successful straight male protagonists. Anything else is not of interest, hence it does not sell.
The problems arise when ultra-pampered, out-of-touch, wealthy video game developers from California try to match their illogical worldview with what the actual rest of the world thinks. There is no alignment.
This is also why Eastern European devs are having a renaissance.

A lot of people like female Shepard because she can be hot and actually good character.

Maybe we'll get a reboot in X years, but for now I would pretty much say that yes, it is. On one hand it definitely deserved it after 3 and especially Andromeda, but on the other, damn I liked ME 1 and 2. Shame it had to end like this.

Everyone who bragged about playing femShep on social media actually played the game as regular Shepard.

Jennifer Hale >>>>>>>>> Mark Meer

Almost nobody played female Shepard. Before ME3 Bioware showed a Statistic, only, iirc, 8-12% played female Shepard.

Another reboot in 10 years.


I actually played female Shep only after finishing my first ME Trilogy run, but god damn is she great. In renegade she is a total bitch, there is this one renegade only mission in ME1 where Shepard has to dialogue with a guy, the guy implies that Shepard got the commander rank by sucking cock just as he sees that she is a woman, Shep gets mad and shoots the living crap out of him.

I also love how she toys with men, I got both Garrus and Jacob to get a really awkward boner to end up fucking Liara again. I had a good experience with her.

Only hope for the franchise is to be given to a new studio with fresh ideas after Bioware is done. Earliest in 5 years.

By the way, is it even possible to make a renegade playthrough without being a dumb jerk? I'm starting to feel like making a second run through the trilogy and would like to try that, but I've always understood the Renegade option as being a Han Solo-like rogue, a good guy at heart, but reluctant to authority and willing to do whatever has to be done at the moment, with any means necessary. However from what I've seen most actual Renegade options are either plainly retarded or make a complete uncaring asshole out of Shephard.

Andromeda sold like shit because it was a bad game with a disastrous development done by a newbie team, not your retarded culture war

i hope so.

It should have stayed dead after ME3

Yes, but it being filled with SJW crap and bombing is like a cherry on the top

Tyrone is forever my nigga.


Maybe in ME1.
They were more or less equal in 2, and Meer blew her out the water in 3, where it was clear she didn't give a shit

The agenda-pushing is still one of the bad things about the game. No culture war just plain old retardation.

There's always a lot of edge, but you can mix some renegade with paragon to get renegade options but still not fuck up your alliances for the future. I ended up having more war assets with Renegade than with Paragon.

If you honestly think the negative press spread around the internet by people who didn't like the blatant SJW-pandering didn't hurt the game's sales, you're wrong. I know several people who didn't buy the game specifically for this reason. Was it the biggest reason that this game flopped? No. But was the "culture war" it a contributing factor? Yes.

>is it even possible to make a renegade playthrough without being a dumb jerk?
>Renegade choices make an uncaring asshole out of Shephard

you sound like a pussy

Literally only Sup Forums cares about that shit
>muh anecdotes

>you need to relinquish your weapons before we can let you through
>I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?


>64% did not get to meet Wrex in ME3

what the fuck

Cora in Andromeda was hot desu senpai

Literally wrong. I know many people in real life, both in my various circles of friends and co-workers that care about stuff like this. And I'm willing to bet that I don't just happen to know the only 6-7 people in the entire world besides Sup Forumsposters that care about this kind of thing.
>muh greentext maymays

>This store discriminates against the poor

It's just like real life :D

>muh anecdotes

I agree, but 10 seconds of SFM porn are not worth the run.

>tfw liked Mass Effect 1 the most out of the whole series

It's going straight to mobiles and tablets.
ME port to iOS/Android soon and a F2P game as well.

>their every video has comments shitting on them for it that invariably get highly rated
>I-it's just a small minority of haters u guise!!!
I guess those mind control powers are coming in

>he thinks that Sup Forums is still le sekrit club

I think that's the general opinion here m8

That's correct though.

It's gonna take a looong break till players miss the series

I'm not going to explain to you how what you're calling an anecdote in le funny greentext is simply a sample size of a larger population. If you truly care about understanding what I'm saying, go read a Wikipedia article on statistics and sample sizes. But you don't, you just want to pick apart my arguments for memes and ignore the points I'm trying to get across.

Too bad Sup Forums has a fucking huge population numbering in the millions, huh?


So what's the feeling towards ME3 now that Andromeda sucks harder? Is it less hated in retrospect now, like how MGS2 was shit for years then everyone suddenly loves it because it's not the worst anymore?

>he thinks Sup Forums makes a point to hunt down and upvote all anti SJW comments on YouTube
I dread to think what paranoid fantasy land you live in

Just like Halo, it should have stopped at "3".

I miss good ME games already though. It's just that we won't get another one since Bioware holds the franchise.

ME3 directly caused Andromeda by being so shit.

All ME3 had was better combat than the previous games;Andromeda does it better (at least for the few hours I played it)

I never completely hated ME3, even when I first played through it, but I think there are lots of things in it that they've utterly fucked up. And my opinion on this subject haven't really changed.

I fucking hope so.

I've seen more people claim that ME2 is the better game though.

Yes. It's getting replaced by rebooted KOTOR just like ME replaced KOTOR after 2005.
I welcome the change, at least I can then combine my bitching about shitty gay games with my bitching about Neo Star Wars, saves me some time.

until the 4k optimized Mass Effect HD Collection is announced at the PSX

There are so many of these

Not just gamers. Even normies.

Andromeda KILLED the franchise

I liked a lot of the squad interactions ME3 had...Citadel especially had some good ones if that's what you're into.

Opinions on 2 are very mixed, it's personally my favourite one, but I think that almost everyone on Sup Forums consider ME1 to be the best one and with good reasons

apparently it's easy for him to die in ME1, never had that happen though

ME2 would probably be my favourite if it wasn't for the shitty waves of enemies.


There is a moment in ME1 when he questions your orders on Virmire and from what I remember even pulls a gun on you. You can either kill him then or try to calm him down and persuade to stay with you.

Since no game other than the first is worth playing...let's hope so.

killed by SJWs
we warned you Sup Forums
you didnt listen

yeah i know the bit, never even crossed my mind to shoot him though because he's such a good squadmate


3 > 2 > 1


1 > 2 > 3

Level design

2 > 1 > 3


1 > 2 > 3

Mostly true. I just really liked how 2 was focused on your squadmates and developing your relations with them, since this is one of my favourite parts of the series.

We always liked ME2.

Andromeda is still better than ME3, even if it's a bad game.

>cover based shooting is better than actually crouching and aiming at a non-waved amount of enemies on some map

yeah nah

>rebooted KOTOR trailer released
>black screen
>iconic star wars music starts playing
>a sentence appears
>cue huge battleship explosions
Just let KOTOR die in peace.

It's been dead to me since 3
Kind of happy Andromeda was a massive flaccid turd

They will reintroduce the KOTOR era due to bitching about it being non canon now anyway. It's not like there is an option.

>most used single-player class is Soldier
>second most used is Infiltrator
It's as if people hate fun

> we want the CoD audience


Abusing the AI with cloak was fun though

>trying to finish ME2 on insanity with an infiltrator


I don't think it's dead, but that is the last time Montreal is going to be heading game development. The other studios have their own shit going on, so I doubt a ME game is going to even be started for ~5 years.

It's a shame because after the ME3 ending, it was really the only option. That being said, MEA had made wrong turns at every stage. The only good things about the game were the combat and environmental graphics; the things Frostbite is good at.

manguard is the only way. even as femshep.

>it was really the only option
Only if you operate on Bethesda-tier retardation where every game in a series MUST be set chronologically after the last

I reject the notion the combat was good. It was fiddly and wierd. They completly ditched the cover based grounded system for muh open world jetpacks

This, they're only chance of making ME good again is to either keep on making prequels(which wouldn't carry them for long, especially considering for how short humans are members of the galactic civilizations) or just rebooting the whole trilogy and I personally hope on this one. And obviously hiring competent devs and good writers this time, but this goes without saying.


I am going with the assumption that community college tier Bioware studio isn't going to be able to retcon the ME3 ending. So, being able to reconcile everyone have glowing green eyes and that plants have circuits on their leaves as well as the 'destroy' ending also being valid, just leaving the milky way galaxy is the easiest, if contrived, option.

>dat feel when they re-hired Casey Hudson

>only one half decent game among 4 releases and more than a decade

I sure hope so. If I hear another person tell me mass effect is "how I grew to love sci-fi", I'm going to kill myself.

I think you're an idiot if you didn't read that post as "just make a prequel"

the had a game not long ago, wasn't nearly as bad as the hate suggested.

You basically need to cap your paragon to be able to spare him.

Andromeda is actually a pretty solid game.
What killed them is bad press.

Or just do his sidequest to get his family armour back

most players use the shitty casual Soldier class

ME3 was pretty good, better than the shit show that was ME2.

>Andromeda is actually a pretty solid game.
Hahahahahaha fuck off EA

He's dead by default if you start from ME3. Which most if not all on those statistics did.


They could work in MEA but it's going to have to be decades, at minimum, after MEA.

The asinine 'Galaxy' map from Andromeda was only for a part of the Galaxy. Give it time for the human population to be more than ~30,000 spread over 5 planets is rather fucking thin.

Andromeda ruined Mass Effect so much for me (even more than ME3) that I don't feel even like replaying the trilogy
I used to do it every summer.
Fuck I hate bioware so fucking much

I like RPGs, it's more of an RPG than the casual TPS shit you must like.

>every summer
this board is for adults that work all year long.