Lets settle this - which one is better?




Better art style & -directing, better OST, more satisfying weapons, more enemies on screen at once.


If its just these two games, then Quake
But if we're judging them both as series, Doom

Quake 2 is quite good but quake one is slippery not that good for single player

SP Doom
MP Quake

>2 different games
>"lets settle this"
doom for pve content
quake for pvp content

>better art style
nice try

Quake in every way I can think of.

You seriously think that literal brown&grey blocky shit looks better than the sculpted, photo-scanned and hand-drawn 256-color sprites of DooM?

If so, don't even try to get to get into artschools.


Doom single player
Quake multi


As long as we can agree that both are superior to Doom 2.

colors don't matter if the art direction of a game looks good, and I can't really think of a doom level I'd want as my wallpaper, but quake has so much wallpaper potential

There any mods that modernize the graphics?

Quake in literally every way

just stop talking please.

Doom, by being the finished game.


Doom is better overall but Quake has the GOAT movement tech.

Doom's maps got really obnoxious after a while
Quake's lighting and ability to use verticality made maps super interesting
otherwise they feel pretty much the same when shooting guys
the grenade launcher is more fun than any of dooms weapons though


doom 1 is honestly the most boring single player by far out of all the classics. of course it was interesting at release and is the most influential of them all but fuck me it's a boring game to play in current year. doom 2 was much better, plutonia is when things started getting really interesting and the fan community has blown the formula out of the park.

quake sp is by far superior to doom 1 sp, it's not even a contest.

Doom is actually fun, Quake is for speedrun memers.

I'd say Quake. It felt like logical advancement to what id did with Doom.
What I didn't like is that enemies, especially on harder difficulties, turn into massive bullet-sponges.