Which Souls Game?

I've literally never played a souls game or watched more than 10 minutes of footage of one.

Recently I've been intrigued since I always hear that they're ''''''difficult'''''' and want to play one. Which is the best all around? I don't necessarily want to play all of them, just the OOT and/or Majora's Mask of the series.

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If you have a PS4 then Bloodborne. If not then Dark Souls.

why are there always dark souls threads 24/7 on this board just admit its the best series ever already

but to answer your question i was recently in the same boat. Started with dark souls 1.

Are you playing with mouse and keyboard or controller?

Dark Souls.

Whatever you do, make sure it's one of these three.

if you plan to play more than one then play bloodborne then dark souls 1 then 3

>owning a ps4
>not staying loyal to America and buying an Xbox

I don't care for any reason you have to counter this. I only buy American. Bitch.

I'll play with either. If it requires combos and stuff I'll use the controller.

Worth playing:
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls

Mouse and Keyboard is much better when you use mods which you need to cause Dark Souls on pc without mods is unplayable.

Controller is terrible. Mouse and Keyboard lets you bind to keys certain abilities which otherwise require dumb " press both buttons " at the same time which is not reliable.

Example, if you want to leap attack you need to gently move forward and press heavy attack at same time- on mouse and keyboard you can instead just bind this to Shift or whatever you want. Clear PC superiority.

That's just one example.

Do not under any circumstances listen to this retard. Dark Souls should be played with a controller.

Which mods? Is it just badly ported and buggy?

The only thing you need is DSfix.

Demon's or Dark souls, and play them offline. After that the series really gained momentum and got ruined by casualization and too much focus on pvp

Very terribly ported. One of the worst I've seen. Didn't even bother to switch the tutorial from xbox controller instructions to pc.
The mouse stays on screen at all times. All times.
Many more issues- but easily fixed with 2 mods.

Just search on Nexus mods for the dsfix mod which is the most downloaded mod for the game- and then look for the " Dark Souls Input Customizer " mod.
These 2 mods will fix all the issues and also let you keybind anything to any key/mouse button you want.

Controller cucks don't realize how inferior they are when they are trying to do kicks or leap attacks because the limitation of the amount of buttons on a controller- meanwhile we just press 1 key to do them.


can i sue fromsoftware if i physically harmed myself because of this game

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are all masterclasses in video game design, any one of those is a good entry point because they are each entirely standalone

bloodborn ps4 exlusive is reason enough for another nagasaki

BB > DeS > DaS2 > DaS > DaS3

Lords of the Fallen

Holy shit is BB really THAT good? I've only beaten DeS and am stuck on Capra Demon with these fucking dogs in DaS

>capra demon


Terrible souls game, goat arpg, overall decent


Good souls game, awful arpg, goat game


Goat souls game, great arpg, overall average

it is. but DS1 is better, has a lot more replayability.

Yes, I know. The guy himself is fucking easy but the dogs keep fucking me up. And I need to backtrack to the Blacksmith because my sword is nearly broken. I'm too lazy to play

>backtrack to the Blacksmith
What bonfire are you at?

The one before the bridge with a dragon. Solaire is also on the other side.

>Which Souls Game?
BB is not a Souls game.

...also it has 4cucks which is pretty much a shitsmear on a cake.

what are you using? Just two hand virtually any sword and kill the dogs nigh on instantly, ignore capra he's slow as fuck. Or you can just run up the stairs


DS1 > BB > DS2 > DS3 > DeS

stay away from the ones that enable "mlg muh meta so hardcore gesture spamming too-cool-for-esports" faggotry

there is nothing worse for a new player than going through the game, getting immersed into this grim experience only to be invaded by some 16yo halfnaked twitching fuckboy from /dsg/ and lagstabbed to death so he can then post a "rek'ing em noobz" webm of his glorious skill on aforementioned board for get sweet (you)s

das1 and das2 had it but all the cool kids have moved on to das3, which is now a pure cancer to play without going offline

Have you opened the shortcut to Firelink from the Lower Undead Burg?

Play any of these But imo it's best to play them on release sequence. So just start with DeS and follow you image.

BB or DaSIII, DaS is unfinished and bugged to hell with unintended gimmick fights. DeS is frustrating to play and looks like shit and DaS2 is dogshit. BB and DaSIII have decent controls, less bugs and aren't frusdtrating and also have the best boss fights in the series.

I beat capra demon on the first try

>terrible souls game
what does that even mean

Whatever you do, do NOT play BB first. It will wreck the rest of the games for you because the gameplay, weapons, atmosphere, narrative, music, enemies, and arguably the bosses and overall quality of the games shits on the rest of the series. That's what I did and I regretted it.

I only buy Japanese. Guess we offset each other. Sorry that your purchasing philosophy no longer affects the world.

BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2 > DaS

Demons Souls -> Dark Souls -> Bloodborne


chronological order. Don't bother with DaS3 unless you want to see how it fell so hard

I found the gameplay so utterly abyssmal that I couldn't replay it.

This one

DS1 or DS2

I haven't played Demon's Souls enough to have an opinion, and BB and DS3 are bad

You have to enter the fight correctly. I think it's something like you go through the portal, run up the stairs, and then jump off when the boss closes in. All the meanwhile hit the dogs whenever you can.

Dark Souls is tedious and grindy.
Demon's Souls is the best place to start.

i killed the blacksmith by mistake and now the only blacksmith i have is the skeleton blacksmith so everytime i need to repair i have to go all the way through the undercombs and shit

made me grin

Throw firebombs over the fog gate

found the pcbro
you will NEVER, EVER get Demon's Souls OR Bloodborne you pathetic whelp

>so everytime i need to repair
get the motherfucking repair box, yeesh


>b-but m-muh emulation will encapsulate the authentic experience!
get out kid

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and regretted it, but thankfully some actual good games came out for it and now I don't regret it. And recently I got a PS3 for various older games I missed, including Demon's Souls, just haven't had time to play it much.

>Dark Souls is tedious and grindy.
>gives you shortcuts and more than 1 bonfire per area also restocking heals at bonfires to a limit

>Demon's Souls is the best place to start.
>game where you can farm or buy 99 of each type of grass and just hit your head against a boss and beat it just because you had overwhelming amounts of heals

Demon's Souls is best played as a curiosity and perspective museum piece after you've finished the rest of the series.

Same here, and on the second try on my second playthrough. I literally can't understand what's everyone's problem with him, just quickly tun to the stairs, kill the doggos before he reaches you and just do "up the stairs, jump down, back to the entrance, up the stairs again" circles while poking him. Literally the second easiest boss in the game, even Taurus and Asylum demon are harder.

>mfw the only boss I died against after capra demon was seath

>emulation will encapsulate the authentic experience

I hope not, I don't want it to be limited to 720p 15 FPS.

King's Field 1 (two)

But Seath is the easiest boss in the game. He can't even attack if you're to the side of him.

>No bloodstains.
>No invasions.
>No co-op.
>No shifting WT.
>No apparitions.
Literally unplayable.

Isn't DeS online community pretty much dead anyway? Haven't they even closed the servers or something? I'm actually asking, I don't really know

Got a bit too careless and ended up cursed on the first try

only NA.

DeS online is garbage

Definitely morrowind: youtu.be/C-SsMQMFq8c

Bloodborne. It's got some great unorthodox gameplay and it's the only one with a story that 's worth a damn other than DeS but DeS online is DeD.

Honestly, I could never understand this picture
From tried only with 3 soulsborne games: des, das2, bloodborne with das2 not ending up very good. So it should be either des/das2/borne or des/borne

But you have to die to him to progress.

It's actually great. You can and will be invaded anywhere and the combat is much better than Dark Souls 1. Also, bloodstains, apparitions, messages, co-op are all grrat. Finally, the game is a mutilated experience without PvP Monk.

All are good to be honest, just play any. I liked BB most I guess, but even DS2 who people shit on is 8/10 game imo.

how do so many people have trouble with 4kings

it's a mechanically trivial fight

>getting the seath tail cut

It's strange, I beat them without problems on first try on my second playthrough, but now I'm having trouble with them. Probably because I'm running a sorcerer build this time and while everything other have been trivial so far(sorceries really are OP in DS1), I just don't have enough dps for 4 kangz

capra starts 2 steps outside of leap range from the fog gate

I don't think you are remembering the fight

If you're american yeah, sure.

So you killed Snorlax and Pikachu on first try?

Just barely