How the FUCK am I supposed to beat Mavis "Artificial Difficulty" Beacon? And no "git gud xD" bullshit either

How the FUCK am I supposed to beat Mavis "Artificial Difficulty" Beacon? And no "git gud xD" bullshit either.

Horrifying twist ending- Mavis Beacon isn't a real person

This was a casual filter, both figuratively and literally.

I was legit autistic growing up after learning how to touchtype. Every word I said or thought of I'd imagine typing on a keyboard in my head. I remember being like 12 or 13 or some shit and breaking 120WPM on this fucking thing and all I could use it for was helping my grandmother write pamphlets n shit for local funerals/church. Didn't apply it towards gaming until 16 and I discovered Brood War


Fuck me dude, you could be a stenographer.

I looked into but it seemed like too much work for something os serious. I served jury duty once and I almost died laughing after the lawyer of a girl who got molested start imitating the voice her father would use when he asked if it was okay to touch and rub her inner thighs. It was fucked up but that shit was hilarious and I had to hold my hand around my mouth to hide my grin. It wouldn't be the right place to work.

I unable to serve jury duty because I know about jury nullification.

Still, funny story there user.

by realizing the real challenge lies in programming an AI that can beat it, this is also how you beat computers at Chess.

>had some shitty speed typing game at school
>later levels wouldn't automatically not register typos supposedly to make it harder
>instead you could just hold down the spacebar and get like 300 WPM and 0% accuracy

Nigga spoiler that shit, Jesus Christ.

I liked Broderbund Software. I spent hours as a kid going through Discover Space.

Man Mavis got pretty cute as the years went on. She looked like the chief from Carmen Sandiego when I was a kid.

Blast from the past.

>my face when I realized this terrible fact

Should I play this? WIll it teach me to touch type?
Is learning to touch type even that helpful? How long would it take? Am I too old to learn this my fingers feel old.

this looks aesthetic af, familia

she's got that dot from reboot haircut

teach me how to type you nigger

>Can't find a real african amerikan that can type good
>have to make up some fictional black character

Mavis Beacon taught me to type fast a shit back in middle school.

But not particularly well.

type well*

>type good
Sasuga frogposter.