Is this MMO any good? Also MMO thread

Is this MMO any good? Also MMO thread.


Play jedi knight and Battlefront II

The expansions are significantly better. It's clear that an entirely different team worked on them.

PVP was fun
general chat was always amusing
Star Wars Expanded Universe is interesting

There is an emphasis on your character's personal story, plenty of cutscenes and voice acting which I enjoyed if for no other reason to roleplay as a dick ass Sith through dialogue options
I played it longer than any other MMO I've played before.
Would recommend.


What are the good class stories? Only reason I'd want to play it. Also, is it worth playing F2P or are all the restrictions too debilitating?

Does someone have the webm of the poorly animated cutscenes? This is the appropriate time to use it

Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, Bounty hunter and Smuggler are the best I think
I found Jedi to be boring

>clones WOW of all games

Trooper is shit, smuggler and consular are a bit weak, the rest are good. Agent is generally regarded as the best.

I got the outlander shit for free from having Prime, should I reinstall this. I played til like mid level as a trooper and was annoyed at how shit the resource management was for the class.

Do any of the classes feel similar to DK or Rogue in wow, i.e spend one resource to get more of another in order to get more of your first?

I hate just pressing my abilities as they come off cool down and then filling the rest of the rotation with trash while I wait. Could never get into Warrior for the same reason.

Bump for this


lol the fuck is this

Imperial agent, inquisitor and Jedi guardian for a real Kotor 3

Fucking how

no, and the business model is one of the jewiest ive ever seen
they were charging 75 usd for a cosmetic item on the in game store a while back while the game is falling apart
from jewiest to not so jewey we have(ones ive played) :
>planetside 2
>marvel heroes

Is this the only MMO where you can experience the cerebral pleasure of having your romanced companion stolen by a superior black man while you're frozen in carbonite?

If you are the kind of guy who does a lot of solo content then SWTOR is the best MMO on the market for you

>Faux sith is his waifu

You deserved it

>charging 75 usd for a cosmetic item
what was it?

>wow is the less jew
Really makes you think

BDO easily tops the list on the MMO jewomitier

>Auctionhouse completely controlled by devs. You are NOT allowed to make a profit
>Progression consists of a 5% chance of upgrading your weapon for 80 mcguffins
>You are not allowed to trade with other players. Period.
>Energy system so you aren't allowed to acquire TOO MANY resources goyim


best mmo



how are the waifus in Tortanic?

Sith warrior is only good if you go light side, otherwise it's pretty straight forward generic enforcer stuff.

Sith Warrior was easily my favorite thing in the game

>Force neck snapping people
>Force choking every imperaial you come across
>Option to either murder all of your enemies or bend them to your will
>Meditation story line where you speak with the last time bit of goodness inside of you and murder it.
>have your own slave you can shock every time she gets out of line.
>Use the force to brush a mom out of the way and murder her son just to send a message to a rival sith lord.
>Pub soldiers offer your their service in exchange for mercy. Kill them anyway

Haven't had this kind of power fantasy since Wolf Among Us

> Playing this garbage when FFXIV exists.
Best story, best combat, best community, best waifus, best raids. FFXIV is the single best mmo ever, makes me so fucking happy it exists.

Thing is that FFXIV really does nothing to separate itself from any other MMO. it's just WoW with a weeb coat of paint. Even worse is the asinine main quest line the game forces you to do in order to open major game mechanics to you

As far as theme park MMOs, WoW is still the king of the genre.

the first two cutscenes had 90% of the work put into them and then it's back to the same old shit. you can tell they spent their entire $250 million budget on trailers

kys weeb


Agent has the best story. The game is shit. Don't waste your time on it.