How many video games do you buy a year?

How many video games do you buy a year?

Depends on how many there are that I want

I do game share on my console so...maybe 4-5 depending what's up, more when stuff gets on sale


About 20-30.

>Mfw my cousin buys 1 game per year and plays on his ps4 all day


Stupid thread.

1 or 2.

>there are people who haven't pirated everything their entire lives
you gotta learn to adapt somehow when your parents don't buy you games

less than a dozen. used to be more but I only play a fraction of my library so I only buy games I absolutely know I'll play the shit out of.

How many different dicks does she suck on a weekly basis?

1-2, maybe 0. I've got a big backlog and older games just interest me more. No need to buy a new game unless it's something I absolutely must have.

Usually just buy the. Est game with loads to do so you don't need that much.

hundreds, im a scalper

I bought over 10 this year.

What games does he buy that he can play for a year?

You have to be 18 to post here

Ot: 20-30

The last game I bought was Persona 5 when it came out in the US. It's also the only game in the last few years I bought at full price. I have no regrets since I have over 100 hours or so and enjoyed it.

Fucking neet faggot.

Go outside and get a real hobby.

I finish about 30 a year, never paid attention to incoming.

3 or 4.

>tfw according to amazon I've bought 19 games in the last 6 months

I also have 16 gameas preordered

>The yearly Fifa

Such as?

Idk I do photography with my friends, I DJ and ride my bike daily. If I can you can.

Sounds like ur addicted to games m8

I was thinking cod, though fifa works.

Normies, man

I'm addicted to your mom's coin tasting pussy

This year I've bought:
>Tekken 7
>Crash N'sane Trilogy

Planning to buy this year:
>Dragon Quest XI (Going to be my first DQ game, hopefully I'll like it)
>COD:WWII (hopefully it will be as good as the first one)

I'm also planning to buy Nier Automata, Yakuza 0 and Persona 5, but right now they're in my backlog.

none. i pirate games on the pc

Sounds weird nowadays, but back in the SNES or PS1 days not having many games and playing them for months was pretty normal. Or renting games nonstop

Up to 30, usually around 10 - 11.

I play them all to 100% as well.

>buying games