It's up sorta

It's up sorta


Friendly reminder.

Scum of the Internet

Why the fuck are DSP and Boogie2988 "acceptable" e-celebs? DSP is shit at video games, and all Boogie2988 does is scream and look like the World'a Fattest Man.

check his extra channel

Fuck him

So why did Matt put up a video where he backtracks about saying Dark Souls is his favorite game by bashing it for not being Demon Souls?

how about none of em

Please answer this.

Dark Souls isn't sufficiently hip anymore.

No one cares about your opinion reddit.

>2 hours of answering ask fm questions
>not even playing vidya in the background

did he actually think people would want this?

>liking markiplier, boogie, or that fat fuck who reviews drive thru shit in his car

>not liking based review brah

Sup Forums is shit at videogames too. Thats why they need the opinions of nerds like OP to follow blindly.

consider the only people who care about this robot are also robotic virginal, anal losers yes I imagine he thought ti did.

>he says as he blindly following the hivemind of Sup Forums

>gay asian reddit guy.
>Fat obnoxious paul blart wannabe guy that -60 IQ americans shit theirselves laughing at.
>Some dumb boob bimbo.
>Another fat guy.
>Another ugly ayy lmao boob bimbo.
>More literally whos

The only one up there who is good is reviewbrah. He is a true and and insightful feller.


>Not freeman's mind or a new game dungeon
>Just some random cancerous e-celeb
Don't care.

literally who?

>freemans mind
I forgot about that. Did he ever finish the game?

He did, he's working on 2 right now. Pretty gud.

Ross is a cancerous random eceleb

>he backtracks about saying Dark Souls is his favorite game
He didn't do that though.

Go to bed, Matthew.

Call me when he does a Dark Souls 3 critique.

>he said "nigger" again
He's the hero games criticism needs

You know I'm right though.

i keep hoping he's going to go back to making fun, long-form reviews again like his original stuff (portal 2, catherine, etc), but ever since the dmc playthrough its only been shorter, super-serious business videos mostly on irrelevant memegames

the only thing good he still does are his streams, and he only does those like twice a year. kind of depressing, he used to be my favorite youtuber and now i don't even consider him a good youtuber, let alone my favorite.

Go to bed.

what does he do that makes him an e-celeb, he literally only makes content.

It's not even that late in Ireland

what exactly do you think an e celeb is...?

You know I'm right though.

Dear Moot from Japan
Please make an e-celeb board because these retards post this shit hear on propose. If we can have a separate board for generals, pokemon and retro why not an e-celeb/video game personality board?
Please, Hiro save us from this torment.

What makes other content creators ecelebs then

Matthew if you're in this thread can you upload it to soundcloud or something? I don't wanna watch a 2 hour video.

>dear gookmoot
>Sup Forums has not been divided enough through /vg/,/vr/,/vop/
>I need it to become more divided
>please make this board r/gaming


All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?


Why don't you just listen to it

You know that "Neo" means oldfag right?

Because I could listen to it at work.

You do realize this is the only thread on this topic right. You don't even talk about video games regardless

>a bona fide and admitted Sup Forumsirgin
>canonized saint
>highest quality OC Sup Forums has produced

Holy shit, that's some ego stroking & shilling on all ends.

Just because they take unnecessary amounts of time to do, doesn't mean they're worth the wait. Also, by definition he's an e-celeb unfortunately.

Listen to it at work from the video?

I only got my phone and would rather not waste data on a 2 hour video.

He's no different to other content creators.

Download as MP3 and throw it on your phone?

He's not that well known, I'll give you that.

Nope, he doesn't rely on controversial humor or click bait esq. strategies to garner views for his channel. He's relatively open and communicative with his fan base and releases consistent content on a timely basis. Plus he works ungodly amounts of time just to keep his promises to his fans.

There are plenty of actual criticisms you could actually come up that contain real substance in order to judge his work, but "cancerous" isn't one of them.

That's an extra step that isn't needed. Just upload it somewhere Matthew.

But user my videos wont get views if I upload them as mp3's as somewhere else. I need my views user.

Take the hit

m8, stop being a lazy cunt

You have a patreon and could easily get a job to make more money on the side. Stop being such a greedy cunt.

C'mon Matthew.

As opposed to other people who do the same thing?

Boogie is pretty fucking fat but he's based so he's cool

From what I've heard from his fans "Matthew" rarely releases content ever since he put up his "give me money" page.

Also, that doesn't bolster your argument as to how he's cancerous. You just switched around what I said to "realle mak u think." Just because I shat on Matthew doesn't mean I think every single e-celeb is cancerous, get your head out of your ass.

DSP is /our guy/
Always has been. Only autists who get offended by him and stalk him day and night (SoK spergs) hate him.

Neo Sup Forums here, can vouch for this image.
Let's be honest, we have the better taste. Oldfags are getting senile and should just leave, this is a new world, this is a new board, oldfags are not welcome

>podcast but it's a youtube video
Stop doing these things.

Not video games. Even if it was, it's clearly Matthew advertising his videos here again and that's against the rules.

At this point "e-celeb" basically means "an identifiable person who uses any website besides Sup Forums".

They should really just make a board for e-celeb discussion so this shit is banned on sight.

It means popular through forms of media, you sperg. So even if your following is just a few thousand people, you're famous in that regard.

Fuck off ManlyTears you autistic manlet

Youtubers are lazy they will do anything that doesn't require actual effort, not to mention podcasts' length is perfect for maximum Youtube money

It's not that Ross is bad it's that random cancerous eceleb can be applied to anyone since its a non argument.

>not including the only one that matters

He's not very well known, and I think his whole deal is cancerous, especially because idiots on here flaunt him around like he's the next messiah even though they never specify "why" he just "is" because he uses this website and says "nigger" and acts like a contrarian just like the rest of the cynics on here. Really? That's all it takes to be famous on this shit hole of a board?

And I've seen at least 2-4 over the past few weeks threads where people complain about how lazy he's gotten in terms of content output and I have yet to see anyone actually refute those arguments. If that's all people have to show why he's so worth while in terms of his content, I'm not interested.

Is this guy board culture?

Your mom is board culture

Some fag who shils his own videos here, kiddies love him because the way he talks about their electronic toys sounds smart.


>sounding smart

Games criticism should be allowed on this board, considering that threads discussing criticism are perfectly fine on boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. I think the main reason it gets deleted is because the younger and less mature demographic of this board spergs out about it so much.

>more spaces

It's not game criticism though, people rarely even discuss the opinions said in the videos. They just talk about the e-celeb in question, it's not even proper discussion at that point.

>I still hate B:I for not saying nigger, and not treating niggers the way they should be treated.
>I want games to say nigger
what did he mean by this?

>Some fag who shils his own videos here
Reminder that this meme was literally started by ManlyTears, and it's probably still him forcing it now all these years later.

I've typed this way since 2007
I ain't gonna stop because nu-male is triggered by grammar

>It's not game criticism though, people rarely even discuss the opinions said in the videos
Because the threads instantly get derailed by autists screaming about "e-celebs". The actions of those people should not dictate board policy.

He has always said dark souls was his favorite and never changed his stance.

His newest souls video was not "everything after demons souls was bad", it's "they should have learned more from demons souls when making sequels to it"

The asshole of your mom should not dictate the arousal of my dick but it does.

When Matthew made the Demon's Souls video recently the threads about it were 90% game discussion dealing with the points raised in the video.

The other 10% were people screaming DELETE THIS REEEEEEEE E-CELEBS


Okay? There wasn't a single shred of video game discussion in this thread, just e-celeb bantering. That's all these threads are anymore. The OP topic doesn't stimulate video game discussion either, it's just a vague statement that is anyone's guess.

Gaming criticism is fine, but it needs to be actual criticism and not just orbiting / e-celeb discussion. If you want to use said person's points in your debate, that's fine, but having them be the center of your conversation isn't in line with Sup Forums.

>90% game discussion dealing with the points raised in the video.
lmao no. people discussed the game, the actual video content took a backseat.
take your e-celeb """discussions""" to the youtube comment sections where they belong

It's not worth the 10 other shitty e-celeb threads with people either bitching about it or supporting it. Just make a fucking separate board for it already. Gaming culture has gotten so gigantic that the board would be absolutely fine. It'd be pleasantly slow at first too, which is perfect for these kinds of content creators.

You're trying way too hard dumbass, maybe it's time to stop



>what is Ulysses

Try following a conversation properly.

Saying "valid threads should be deleted because the userbase of the board can't be trusted to not derail them" is a terrible attitude.

>laying down the facts
>trying way too hard
yeah sure boyo. all I hear is the sound of you slurping e-celeb cock.
>oha whats this?another video in which someone states things everyone with an iq above 70 would know already?better make a thread on Sup Forums!
this is you. and you are not welcome

A load of shit

Has Matt ever played or talked about the Kiseki series? Seems weird he's a fan of stuff like SMT and Zero Escape yet Kiseki has slipped under his radar.

Fuck off ManlyTears, everyone hates you, you are a total laughing stock