So, uhh, have you made that game you want yet?

So, uhh, have you made that game you want yet?

no because the guy im working on it with is fucking overseas. Hope he doesnt get muzzied.

Uhh, okay then. Have anything else to say regarding your game, user?

Let me tell you about the best indie game to hit Steam in recent memory. Awesome multiplayer, unforgiving death mechanics, intense grafix. You should buy it today.

its kinda gonna be like the early zelda games in terms of gp but with a 16bit art style

Sounds like a shit game. Just like Nene.

Uhh, not being a fag or anything, but that's a pretty generic concept.

Nene must be pretty happy, since the new girls in the manga are so fucking shit that even she looks good in comparison.

Not yet, though I want to do something very simple. Where should I start? If it helps any, I have some experience in drawing and animating simple stuff.

I'm more of an ideas guy

Doesnt matter if its generic. i know a bunch of fags will eat the shit up. Its not really special but it's enough for my first game. Besides less time on the graphics means i get more time to put on the story

>ideas guy
I bet you took up game design like a fag

No, because I'm a code monkey who knows how to program but has zero imagination.

And no, I don't want to realize your "amazing" video game concept for free.

Working on it. Though so far making it has turned out to be enough to satisfy my needs.

I'm working on it you cunt.

I did and over 8 million players are playing it right now.


>working on it
Then why are you in this thread?


will people freak out if I make my character white in my japan set game?

>Wh-what is this?

I'm working on a procedurally generated Dark Souls dungeon crawler.