Cities: Skylines

Does Sup Forums like stacked highways?
What's your favorite interchange?
For me, it's the turbine and the diverging diamond interchange!

>----Essential mods-------Good to have mods-----Gameplay Mods---Cosmetic mods-

Doesn't work very well since cars will crash when changing lanes

>being this retarded

It doesn't work, if the car on the most right lane wants to turn left to go north they'll crash
If you mess with the lane selector then they clog the entry point instead

I'm having problems with water

I only have one river and so I need to use water pumps but I've reached the point where adding any more will dry out the river

I haven't tried it yet, but to me it seems the Metro above ground mod should be awesome. Makes it so much more realistic

you can fix it by moving exit road to other side

oh shit I just realized it's 2 lane road and it doesn't work

Are there any mods for normal along-the-street kind of powerlines that you see in most cities? Attached to the lights maybe? Or how about mixed zoning?

It's a f**king DLC, not a mod.

Water tower or put the pump slightly further

People on the left lane will crash when turning then.

Won't work with 3 either because of lane turning unless you have a long stretch where they can change lanes earlier. In real life, it wouldn't work well if it's your first time driving through.

What is this retardation? Why don't you just use the most optimal interchange?

/n/ and Sup Forums says they're bad

always have an exit before an entrance. number 1 rule.

fix it then we can talk

Yeah well what the fuck do they know.

I like loopy cloverleafs
compact without the straight paths

Maybe in USA, where people make right turns from third lane.

The cars that enter the road enter before the cars that leave leave. That means the cars that want to join the traffic have to cross paths with the cars that want to leave. That makes them inefficient and creates queue, and possibly dangerous.

To be fair, they may work in real life, but not with the AI of CS

what about "inverse" lotus design?

build it like this

much better free flow

looks like shit

is this game shit without mods?

it'll be too big to build in real life or in game

might work but takes up too much space

This is like every highway in Minnesota

the cars wanting off and the cars wanting off clash. bad design.

Anything that has entrance before exit prevents you from making a u-turn.

i thought those support structures were pedestrian walkways from the thumbnail and i was so confused for a moment as to what the purpose was

They werk if you use lane connectors properly

2 lane road to 3 lane bridge
Don't wanna spend 10 minutes loading so game so here
2 lane roaders go to left 2 load

this, all our major highway interchanges around here use this system and the patch of road between the off/on ramps is a fucking godforsaken nightmare in the winter

I love DDIs, they're fun to watch.
I still don't know how to setup timed traffic lights though.

I dropped this game when one of my neighborhoods got sick and the medical center and hospital that were right fucking there weren't doing shit

and thats good

There usually is an extra lane for people who merge into and out.

You're probably sucking up polluted water

they still have to change road fast in a short distance. you can make due with it sometimes but the more traffic you have, the more will it congest.

in real life it can also be dangerous.

Sir, I seriously hope you're not building grid?

catch me if you can
*beats red light leaving you 200m behind and 4 intersections *

New York/10

In real life it is not a problem, since you can judge the situation and slow down or speed up accordingly. I've driven through it many times during peak hours, and never had or seen problems with it.

Aesthetic or practicality?

He never did show how bad the traffic was, did he?

Would you use this? Is it practical? It's a flyover but you get to zoom pass the traffic lights.

Toll boothes: A creative way to pretend that traffic is a feature

What's the mod to stack highways?

I wish they at least fixed the traffic lights.
Why do I have to manually created timed traffic lights just to prevent having collisions when it's supposed to be red?

No pillars (use this select the pillar skin) + Road Anarchy + Network Skin Pillars

looks great

>dropping from 200 km/h back down to 30 to make a 90° turn

Walking along the beach at night

Going to Burger King, you guys want anything?

gated residences

tripple whopper pls
im a big guy

my view

your view

get out manlet

i'll have
>two #9s
>a #9 large
>a #6 with extra dip
>a #7
>two number #45s, one with cheese
>a large soda

How do I get mods in the version I borrowed from the internet?

Is there any way at all?


I'm moving you to the time out neighbourhood

your view


how did you make those walls?

>buy this game on sale
>spend about 4 hours on it before I realize all I've ever wanted to be was an engineer or architect building buildings for people

it's a video game
real life architects or civil engineers don't design builders, you help some cuck cuck you and get their designed published thinking "i could do this better" but unlike video games you can't even go indie


>not just making massive roundabouts

How do you turn left?

Or maybe they can just keep going forward instead of changing lanes for no reason?

What about a roundabout interchange? You need 3 levels, but you put one lane under, one over and the roundabout at ground level, no lights, nobody going straight has to slow down, no cars merging in before other cars leaving.

Turns out Krasnoyarsk is a very fun map.

Also, how does Sup Forums lay out their public transit networks?

>start new game
>start plotting out roads
>city starts getting populated
>realize traffic is perpetually fucked and no amount of silly looking roundabouts will save it
>give up

Why am I so bad at this ;_;

>you don't get a full refund for demolishing unused roads while paused

Pretty sure half my income goes on making roads neat. Damn you autism.

I take a road like that every mornings
it is a battleground but I am a veteran now

just turn on infinite money

Is this still a screenshot game, or have they added meaningful game mechanics to it?

Did they ever fix the problem of having too much education leaves no one working in factories because they're too smart? I stopped playing when this happened to me and my industry tanked. I know I can just not add as many schools, but I'd prefer to not have slums in my utopia.

My God that is a beautiful island

They will still work in the factories if you have enough people. They will just prefer to work elsewhere, so every other job will be filled before they work in factories. Just build more houses.
I think.
That's what I believe I've read, anyway.

It's no more difficult than it was, but maybe some mods will make it more difficult.

Build just offices instead

>playing a watered down, graphix updated, SJW city painter when simcity 4 exists
user wtf is your problem

Cities Skylines has better traffic. I hate how walking is irrelevant in Simcity 4. In Skylines you can actually plan around the people walking.

if there are more than 15 cats in line waiting on the traffic lights, it will block off the whole road and will make the line long as hell

good luck trying to merge lanes like that with the shitty road system in this game

You can with mods, but it's a bitch

Is game good on ps4?

Why would you do that

i know, mods make it easier but fuck me does it take a lot of time to merge roads AND make them look okay. i just spent 30min trying to make a decent looking interchange and it still didn't come out right.


You must realize some sacrifices must be made for the greater good

To do comfy city building in the living room

>Start new town
>Constantly sperg over homes
>Have to turn the game off

>not hooking your pc up to TV with hdmi and putting the keyboard and mouse on your coffee table

Is it possible to sustain a small, comfy town or do you have to expand?

Hard to do, since there aren't proper farms

yea why not?

As long as you have positive money, I don't see why not. People will still be begging you to make the city bigger though

It's difficcult to make a city or village look organic becuase game progress is slaved to population count rather than time/research.

don't have a gaming computer