It's okay when japan does grrrl power!

>it's okay when japan does grrrl power!

Other urls found in this thread:

Because, unlike the west, they're strong and not ashamed of their cuteness.


>make likeable characters
>be surprised when people like them

>Has sex appeal
>Isn't pushing an SJW agenda
You're damn right it's okay.

it's fine if they are not ugly

they are all hot so we don't care.



Not one person complained about Chloe in Uncharted 2 or her limited appearance in 3. She was setup to be a pretty reasonable partner for Cutter too.

Nadine is a joke. No person, man or woman, would be able to take 2x Drake's on and come out ahead. It's just retarded SJW shit.

If Lost Legacy was Charlie Cutter+Chloe I'd be all over that shit. Charlie was the best UC character.

>japan makes a powerful female characters that are sexy and are aware of it
>everyone else makes a powerful female and it must be ugly as fuck at all cost and castrates everyone who even dares to call them sexy

Theres nothing wrong with having an "ugly" female. It's fine.

The problem is the personalities the west push are all the same bullshit. Strong independent woman who don't need no man.

At least Kat and Raven have confidence issues, and are flawed.

character first, girl second > girl first, character second

hell yeah

>western muh empowerment females can't have any flaws except for their butt-ugly faces
>eastern female protagonists can and often are feminine, but are none the weaker for it; in fact characters like Bayonetta are all the more powerful because they're women and embrace their femininity

If the new Tomb Raider games had decent writing Lara would be standing shoulder to shoulder with those japanese characters, because she at least doesn't behave like she's compensating for her vagina by trying her hardest to look and act like she doesn't have one.

>the same thread with the same image

Unfortunately for some reason the western definition of "grrrl power" means being a fat butch dyke who dont need no man

In Japan it does not mean this, women have exceptional creative control and opportunities in their industries their

>Japan even does lesbianism better



Explain this meme to me.

What does "slay" mean?

they need to keep feminist off the radar once in awhile

Because they are not forcing it.

And the girls are actually cute and not a bunch of fat dykes with dyed hair

Why has Chloe become an old gypsy woman?

Plus they are not afraid of love nor need to hate the men to be strong

>Always wanted a spin off with Chloe
>Have to deal with Nadine
Won't buy, who the fuck asked for Nadine?

god you people are fucking pathetic

Because japanese women like beauty and they work in their own fanservice instead of complain like the western women

Indeed. Japan > America


The technical term is yuri

>Japan female empowerment
>they're all cute as hell
>I'd fuck every one of them
>some of them even have crushes on boys

>Western female empowerment
>ugly manjaws everywhere
>annoying sense of moral superiority
>every male wants to rape them for whatever reason
>always lesbian or completely asexual

you now remember ava punching tripp

How can the japanese women be empowered, if they are still made to appeal to you instead of women?

When Japan does Girl power.

I think they say gl over there now.

Because in OP's example, the girls kick ass throughout the whole game. Also who says girls don't also like seeing cute girls?

You are aware of jap games with shirtless badasses as the main protags appeal to women, right?




Except they're waifu material and fiercely loyal to their love interest.

You could simply not enter said thread?

>>it's okay when japan does grrrl power!
Actually yes.
Japanese devs usually have better sensibilities than western devs and they never have to virtue signal. They just make the shit that they genuinely enjoy.

Reminder Japan has been infiltrated by the Jews and it's only a matter of time before they start mirroring Western ideologies, the process is has already started.

Magical girls have nothing to do with modern feminism. It's just cute girls being beautiful, heart warming, and magical, and I want more of this in my life.

yeah that's right. japan knows how to do it desu

Does anyone have a version of the happy merchant pic but with slanty eyes?

Can someone give me examples of how western girl look like



nice meme


Because its understood in Japan that people masturbate to vidya.

They don't look bad if that is what you are asking

The eastern method of "empowering" girls is to revel in femininity and actually glorify girls, it is built around confidence.

The western method is to tear down femininity and vilify men and attractive women, it is built around insecurity.

>femininity and vilify men and attractive women
name the games that do this

It's 1 thread out of 100. Just hide it and move on with your life, there's 99 other threads for you to browse. Or better yet, you can just create your own thread to talk about what you want.

>>it's okay when japan does grrrl power!

Damn straight!

>unzips pants

There are quite a few boner inducing and boner killing girls on both sides

In Japan females have been involved in games, anime and manga since the 90s. Most of the doujin circles and game companies had female founding members, lead artist or project directors for a long time now. This leads to stories of female power fantasies which are also entertaining for men. A lot of the female staff in western game development joined the industry after 2007. They tend to create stories and characters with the intent to spite "traditional minded" men.

Best I've got.

and they are interesting, even "trope" weeb characters have more depth to them then stronk womyn they have been pushing lately.

That's not really how it works though, the Jews are going to ruin Japan with "diversity" like they did the United States. It's already been started.

Name an eastern country other than Japan where girls aren't considered worthless. I think the connection has more to do with uncesncored porn being the top illegal good in Japan; they are starved sexualized media- and they understand that their target market is young males.


>it's okay when Japan does grrrl power

Gravity Rush is not "grrrl power". Gravity Rush is about a superhero that happens to be a girl, and never makes a point to mention it or call attention to it, and it has no impact on the story.

If it were "grrrl power", then Kat would stop and say "girls can kick ass too!" or some stupid shit every 10 seconds

>Theres nothing wrong with having an "ugly" female


But that's how they do it. Convince people not to reproduce, then tell them the only way to save their country is to flood it with immigrants. It's the perfect plan to replace a countries host population.

Not an argument

yes it is


Would you say the problem is:
1. Westerns have no respect at that the medium is suppose to be fun
2. A immature medium means that creators do not understand indirect appeal, so they don't want to create something of good quality(i.e W.I.T.C.H.)

Did you even read my post? Also this is legitemately not an argument. What are you even trying to say?

>That 'female empowerment'

Japanese female characters are made with fun in mind western female characters have an ideological chip on their shoulder

>wo-women can be just as strong as men!

i guess it boils down to Japanese characters being aware they are make believe whereas western devs refuse to fully look this in the eye preferring to focus on the idea that somehow delusion will make the world a better place

>AC Catwoman

Someone needs to remake this shitty bait image.

Not him but I'm going with A.




so if a game came out right now of a girl wanting to fuck every man she can its sjw shit

Japanese female devs got involved in the industry when game devs were not e-celebs or players concerned themselves with real social issues. So there is a culture of "create a fun and commercially successful game" in jap female devs. Like most other things western females only concerned themselves with games when it got mainstream and could create fame for the devs.

What's the webm from?


>western game
>it's strong independent womyn being strong and independent

>japanese game
>it's cute girls being cute

It's because they know otakus will buy anything if it has cute girls in it, you're right too but it's a bit of both.



feels like around 2006 western games were fine with openly sexualizing a select few, then it just died with social media

>japan actually has far more successful and influential women working in various entertainment industries like games and anime than the west
>there are more genuinely competent, skilled and strong female characters in japanese media than the west
>but the west doesn't give a shit and accuses japan of being sexist purely on the basis that most of the female characters are also cute and attractive

Western feminism is entirely based around women being insecure and not able to stand anything more attractive than them being show on a screen.

>naked women are male sexual fantasies, naked men are male power fantasies, feminism requires ugly characters
On the contrary, what I see most often when girls play games that give the player any kind of autonomy regarding the character, is that they choose or create an attractive female one

I mean you bring up interesting points. Female developers have understood from the beginning that the medium could be a vehicle for pornography and were already making their lively-hoods of porn, they are just moving from 2D to 3D. I think it comes down to western women rejecting that for a woman to be seen as powerful she has to be sexually appealing, where as Japaneses women embracing that part of what gives a woman power, especially over men, is sexuality.

so you retards just like talking out of your ass

At least Japan has more than two generic character achetypes for females.
There's like, six. All westerners have is the sad art girl or the "I'm badass because I scowl a lot" manjaw wench.

then buy tomb raider. game might be bad but lara is cute

>At least Japan has more than two generic character achetypes for females

why do you guys never get a in game shot of this game

social media killed the internet

Gravity rush also had evil white men in cloaks that are evil that Sup Forums loves to gloss over.

I was surprised to find that most of my favorite h-manga artists were female. Plus I see a good deal of female media personalities, artists and such posting positive tweets about characters that would be considered "objectified, over-sexualized, pedophilia and misogynistic" in the west. Japan as a country is more sexist than most western countries but they are more welcoming of sexual themes or characters in entertainment.

Like any sane person I believe that Japan trumps the west but your comment is just blatantly untrue.

That generic villain archetype has been used for ages.